Title: The Boy Who Cried Borg
Author: Sasscat Bu-to-y
Series: Voyager Fairy Tales
Rating: G
Codes: W for Weird

Summary:  Paris finds a new way to get dates, but is it as
foolproof as it seems?

Disclaimer: Paramount owns Voyager, Hans Christian Anderson
(or was it Brothers' Grimm?  or...) owns the original fairy

Author's note:  Thanx to our dear friend Garak for the first
moral, to Zeborah for the second, and to Bovidino Sep for
annoying me so much I had to go away and write before I
transported someone into space on wide dispersal.

Posted to A.S.C. and A.S.C.A. fourteenth December, 1997

The Boy Who Cried Borg
     (c) Sasscat Bu-to-y 1997

One day on Voyager, Tom Paris was really bored. He'd been driving
the ship for three and a half hours and nothing had happened. 
The rest of the bridge crew were beginning to doze off, but poor
little Tom Paris had to watch his console.

//Hmm,// thought Tom Paris.  //I wonder what I can do now.//

So he thought and he thought, until his twisted little mind came
up with a plan.

"Help, help," he cried.  "There's a Borg ship off our port bow!"

The bridge crew woke with a start.

"Huh?  Wha?  Borg?  Where?" the Captain yelped.

Tom Paris hadn't thought this far yet.  "Um, well, er, I...
outmanoeuvred them," he said.  "They're gone now."

"Oh, wow, Tom, you're so brave," Kes enthused. "Wanna have dinner
with me tonight?"

//Yes!// Tom Paris thought to himself.  "Sure, Kes," he said.


Around the same time the next day Tom Paris was bored again.  //I
wonder if they'll fall for it a second time?// he wondered.

"Help, help," he cried.  "There's a borg ship off our port bow!"

The bridge crew woke with a start.

"Huh?  Wha?  Borg?  Again?" the Captain yelped. "Quick,
outmanoeuvre them!"

"Okey dokey," said Tom Paris, and drew 'Borg suck' with their ion

Harry picked himself up off the floor and looked at his console.
"I'm not reading any borg ships," he said.  "You did it again,

"What a guy," B'Elanna whispered to Harry.  "Say, Tom, wanna have
dinner with me tonight?"

//Thank you, God,// Tom Paris thought to himself. "Sure,
B'Elanna," he said.


The next day Tom Paris was very excited.  //Maybe if I do it
again, I'll get to have dinner with the *Captain*,// he thought

As everyone began to doze off, he was about to put his plan into
action when he saw a light flashing on his console.

"Aaargh!  Help, help," he cried.  "There's a Borg ship off our
port bow!"

The bridge crew woke with a start.

"Huh?  Wha?  Borg?  *Again*?!" the Captain yelped.  "Oh.  Well,
you can outmanoeuvre them."  And she went back to sleep.

//Uh oh,// Tom Paris thought, and ran to the first officer.
"Chakotay, Chakotay," he cried. "There's a borg ship off our port

The first officer opened one eye.  "So outmanoeuvre it," he said.
And he went back to sleep.

//This is *not* good,// Tom Paris thought, and ran to Harry.
"Harry, Harry, Harry," he cried. "There's a borg ship off our port

Harry lifted a corner of his sleeping mask. "Okay, you're a
wonderful pilot," he said.  "Now go outmanoeuvre the cube, will
ya?"  And he went back to sleep.

//Oh dear,// Tom Paris thought.  //Well, maybe I *should* try to
outmanoeuvre it.//

But he had barely spelt 'Oops' with their ion trail when the borg
blew up Voyager.


Moral of the story:  Never tell the same lie twice.

Zeborah's addition:  At least, not to stupid Voyager crewmen
gullible enough to believe you...


    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/network/6011

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