Welcome to my Guestbook!

Raymond Elliott - 11/28/00 20:17:08
My Email:relliott@accd.edu

Wonderful, Trek does need a bit of spice every once and a while. Thank you for your hard work! It is quite welcome in this literal world. Write if you get a chance! Thanks again and enjoy your holidays! Raymond

Seema - 07/03/00 19:03:32
My URL:http://seema.org
My Email:seemag1@yahoo.com

Hi Marlissa, Just dropping in to say "hello." I will have to spend some time here reading the Monty Python material - love "The Holy Grail" - but first I need to work my way through "Wormwood" since I haven't had a chance to read that one yet. Have a great day!

phillip - 06/06/00 07:07:35


GenieVB - 04/13/00 14:48:37
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/area51/comet/4051/index.html
My Email:genyah@hotmail.com

Finally! A Trek page that's not simply about the "stars", but stories and crossovers as well. Here's where I'll come when I get my old Trek stories scanned (if you're still tkaing submissions then). Genie 8-)

- 04/08/00 06:07:40


Dark Vortex - 04/06/00 21:28:39
My Email:chekov_leningrad@hotmail.com

Hullo! I am Dark Vortex. I am the worst die-hard Trekkie in the universe, unless you count my partner, Rogue Phoenix. We have, to date, almost twenty Star Trek TOS parodies, and may be sending them in, so look for ones by us! L ve Long, And Prosper!

Selar - 04/05/00 07:37:05
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/SunsetStrip/Villa/5949
My Email:selar@gmx.ch

Spamspamspamspamspamspamspam .... gaaaaawd I just LOVED your site! woohoo I say!!!! Keep up the good work! =) Albatross anybody?

John Bent - 04/01/00 16:39:26
My Email:jmhbent@btinternet.com

Yes it is my real name. B5's flying circus!!!! great, I'll be visiting this site more often, when my sense of reality needs an update. Thanks

Päivi - 03/31/00 15:49:34
My Email:dark_whirlpool@yahoo.com

Twisted humour and sick jokes. I LOVE this site!!

Borg 126 of 5984 - 03/30/00 23:32:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/bc2/borg
My Email:borg126 of 5984@aol.com

Hey, I like your website! It's funny

T. MITRO - 03/06/00 15:13:13


Tim - 03/02/00 05:48:16
My Email:ozzman31@messagez.com

loved the sight...I like star Trek but a bigger Python fan....I think he would have gotten a kick out of it...keep it up!

shawn - 02/19/00 04:30:28


Robin - 02/09/00 09:02:01
My Email:codpiece@my.crotch

Pretty cool place you got here.

DENNIS MITCHELL - 01/12/00 18:10:35
My Email:dp180@webtv.net

i would like to submit a story

Susan Tyndall - 01/11/00 05:46:39
My Email:ghostpine@cnnet.com

Just had to drop you a line to say that never in my wildest dreams did I ever contemplate melding Star Trek with Monty Python, even though I'm a huge fan of both. Just dropped into this website and had a good laugh. Thanks!

Kiera - 01/05/00 19:49:52
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/Aternyde3/pets.html
My Email:ds9er@hotmail.com

Great site! Who'dve thunk it? How bout: "Oh, I'm a holodoc and I'm okay. I talk alot but can't leave sick bay! I'm in the comp, I wear tight clothes, suspendees that aren't mine (uh-oh), I wish I'd been a girlie. Just like 7 of 9!!!!

S'Chin T'Gai Selak - 12/20/99 02:50:03
My Email:LtJG Selak@Aol.com


phil quinn - 10/21/99 10:16:31
My Email:www.q1299399@qub.uk


R.W.M. Laughlin - 10/07/99 14:56:00
My Email:cbaltzer@skycorp.net


christoph tateuas - 09/18/99 20:46:41

I like halibut, it makes my skin scaly.

Amaya Kundra - 08/24/99 18:53:23
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/pants/TNGPantsPage.html
My Email:mara_jade89@hotmail.com

Rob Morris is the funniest guy in the Universe!!! Anyone who can make Section 31 a joke is all right in my book.

Spijder - 07/21/99 23:31:25
My URL:http://www.spijder.com
My Email:spijder@spijder.com

Wonderfully hilarious page! keep up the good work :D

Jehnna - 06/21/99 13:00:43
My Email:Jelybeanj

Hey Brig it's Jehnna. This is really cool but the only thing is that I can't see what it says on the "All about me" part. I can't really see it because of the backround.

Tvamp - 06/19/99 03:10:18
My URL:http://www.oocities.org:80/TelevisionCity/Station/9240/index.html
My Email:Tvamp@webtv.net

Great web page. Keep up the good work. Thank you for signing my guestbook.

Qriley - 06/18/99 01:37:07
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/Area51/Stargate/7952
My Email:miriley@starfleetsupply.com

hi, your web site is really cool and very funny.....you have done a super job here...keep up the great job your doing.. when you get some free time, come by and check out my site..see ya--mike


kira-nerys - 03/26/99 18:50:44
My URL:http://www.kardasi.com
My Email:kardasi@kardasi.com

Ahhh.. nice, nice I'm going to have to browse through this very thoroughly. I am sure I will get a few laughs from this. keep up the good work!!

jim morrison - 03/09/99 20:27:09
My Email:jimbobmo@gate.net

hey - jim morrison is REALLY out of this world

little brother - 12/14/98 06:36:58
My URL:http://http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/loch_ki/ian1~1.htm
My Email:loch_ki@sprynet.com

Hi Sis, Neat site! I haven't checked out the links yet but what I've seen looks pretty cool. I noticed the disclaimer. That's probably a good idea. Paramount has shut down a number of Trek fan sites claiming copyright infringment. You'll have to show me some of web techniques, especially the video captures. Take care. Ian

Espressivo - 12/13/98 09:01:14
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~espressivo/
My Email:espressivo@yahoo.com

This web site was crying out to be made! Well done. I look forward to future updates. Please email me the moment you add arrows identifying the naughty bits of the site. ;-)

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