"Voyager Spam"

By:  Kailinn
email: kailinn at mindspring dot com

Disclaimers:  Star Trek, Star Trek:Voyager and all thingies and characters associated with the show belong to the devil, better known as Paramount, and will be no worse for wear when I put them back on the shelf. Monty Python and the Spam sketch belong to the Python boys themselves...John Cleese is God. 


Scene: The mess hall. One table is occupied by a group of ensigns with
horned helmets on. Chakotay and the Captain enter. 

Chakotay: You sit here, Captain. 

Janeway: All right. 

Chakotay (to Neelix): Morning! 

Neelix: Morning, Mr. Commander! 

Chakotay: Well, what've you got? 

Neelix: Well, there's Eskarian egg and Brill cheese; Eskarian egg,
schplict and Brill cheese; Eskarian egg and leola-root; Eskarian egg,
Brill cheese and leola-root; Eskarian egg, Brill cheese, schplict and
leola-root; leola-root, Brill cheese, schplict and leola-root;
leola-root, Eskarian egg, leola-root, leola-root, Brill cheese and
leola-root; leola-root, schplict, leola-root, leola-root, Brill
cheese, leola-root, Talaxian tomato and leola-root... 

Ensigns (starting to chant): leola-root, leola-root, leola-root,

Neelix: ...leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, Eskarian egg and
leola-root; leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root,
leola-root, leola-root, Oblissian cabbage, leola-root, leola-root,

Ensigns (singing): leola-root! Lovely leola-root! Lovely leola-root! 

Neelix: ...or Lobster Thermidor a Crevette with a mornay sauce
served in a Provencale manner with shallots and aubergines
garnished with truffle pate, brandy, with a fried Eskarian egg on top
and leola-root. 

Janeway: Have you got anything without leola-root? 

Neelix: Well, there's leola-root, Eskarian egg, schplict and
leola-root, that's not got much leola-root in it. 

Janeway: I don't want ANY leola-root! 

Chakotay: Why can't she have Eskarian egg, Brill cheese, leola-root
and schplict? 

Janeway: THAT'S got leola-root in it! 

Chakotay: Hasn't got as much leola-root in it as leola-root, Eskarian
egg, schplict and leola-root, has it? 

Ensigns: leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root... (crescendo
through next few lines) 

Janeway: Could you do the Eskarian egg, Brill cheese, leola-root and
schplict without the leola-root then? 

Neelix: Urgghh!! 

Janeway: What do you mean 'Urgghh'? I don't like leola-root! 

Ensigns: Lovely leola-root! Wonderful leola-root! 

Neelix: Please stop! 

Ensigns: Lovely leola-root! Wonderful leola-root! 

Neelix: Shhhhhhh! (Ensigns stop) Darn ensigns! You can't have Eskarian
egg, Brill cheese, leola-root and schplict without the leola-root. 

Janeway (shrieks): I don't like leola-root! 

Chakotay: Sshh, Captain, don't cause a fuss. I'll have your
leola-root. I love it. I'm having leola-root, leola-root, leola-root,
leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, Oblissian cabbages,
leola-root, leola-root, leola-root and leola-root! 

Ensigns (singing): leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root.
Lovely leola-root! Wonderful leola-root! 

Neelix: Shut up!! Oblissian cabbages are off. 

Chakotay: Well could I have her leola-root instead of the Oblissian
cabbage then? 

Neelix: You mean leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root,
leola-root, leola-root... 

Ensigns (singing): leola-root, leola-root, leola-root, leola-root.
Lovely leola-root! Wonderful leola-root! leola-root 
leeeeooollllaaa-rroooot, leola-root, leeeeooollllaaa-roooot,
leola-root. Lovely leola-root! Lovely leola-root! Lovely leola-root!
Lovely leola-root! Lovely leola-root! leola-root leola-root leola-root


    Source: geocities.com/televisioncity/network/6011

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