From Thu Mar 11 12:50:32 1999
TITLE:  The Monster in the Mirror
AUTHOR: Laura Taylor (
SERIES: DS9, SesameTrek
SUMMARY: Is Sisko scared of Gul Dukat? Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo...

DISCLAIMER: Paramount owns Star Trek, yadda yadda yadda....Nods to the
Children's Television Workshop for the "Sesame Street" angle (and the
original song).

This may be added to the ASC archive; Marlissa, if you want it, you're
welcome to it. Anyone else, please ask first!

I suppose I could explain how I got this idea...but I'd rather let you
wonder. Those of you on the Hawk & Serpent list may be able to guess :-D


Saw Gul Dukat on the Promenade when I woke up today
Gul Dukat in my office! But I did not run away
I did not call for Odo or hide beneath my bed
Though Gul Dukat looked at me and this is what he said:

He said, "Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo,
"Wubba wubba wubba and a Bajoran, too."
He sang, "Wubba wubba wubba," so I sang it too
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you
Do not wubba me or I will wubba you.

Of Gul Dukat in my quarters, no I am not scared
Then I smiled at him and thanked him for the song that we had shared
While Gul Dukat thanked me too he smiled right back and then
Gul Dukat in my nightmares sang this song again:

He went, "Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo
"Wubba wubba wubba and a Bajoran, too."
He went, "Wubba wubba wubba," and I sang along
'Cause wubba wubba wubba is a Cardassian song.
Wubba wubba wubba is a Cardassian song.

If your station has Gul Dukat on it do not shout
This kind of situation does not call for freaking out
And do nothing you would not like to see him do
Cause Gul Dukat in the mirror--he just might be you!

He said, "Wubba wubba wubba wubba woo woo woo,
"Wubba wubba wubba and a Bajoran, too."
Wubba wubba wubba you can join in too
Yes, if you wubba me then I will wubba you
If you wubba me then I will wubba you.

Going, "Wubba wubba wubba" is the thing to do
Every time you wubba I will wubba you. 

"Ever since I was first read to, then started reading to myself, there
has never been a line read that I didn't *hear*. As my eyes followed the
sentence, a voice was saying it silently to me. It isn't my mother's
voice, or the voice of any person I can identify, certainly not my own.
It is human, but inward, and it is inwardly that I listen to it. It is
to me the voice of the story or the poem itself. The cadence, whatever
it is that asks you to believe, the feeling that resides in the printed
word, reaches me through the reader-voice."

	Eudora Welty


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