Subject: Humor - Delta Sloane (Voy/S31)
From: (Rob Morris)
Date: 1999/03/11
Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative

( We see Captain Janeway asleep in her quarters; Sitting in a chair in
front of her bed is the excrecable Agent Sloane; she sees him and starts

KJ : Who the hell are you, and what the hell are you doing in my

AS : Captain, I beamed here from the Alpha Quadrant to say your
government needs your help-and to tell you that you will give it. I'm
with Section 31. 

KJ : Can you get back?

AS : Yes, but it suits our long-term colonization purposes that you
remain here. Now, as to your mission...

KJ : ( Ignores him ) Janeway to Chakotay! We've got a spy who has a
long-range transport technology. What are you picking up?

AS : You'll find nothing, of course.

CH : ( Audio only ) Captain, they piggybacked the beam on the Alpha
Qudrant's 'Spitting Quasar'

AS : Ah, but how do we maintain so coherent a beam? Now, may I call you

Tuv: (AO) Captain, I believe they are using an existing energy field,
fading but artificial in nature.

AS : Captain! ( Throws up hands ) There must be thousands of such
phenemenon. Now, your mission is...

BT : (AO) Yeah, Captain? Its the residue from the relays that the Doctor
used to get back home.

KJ : Keep on it, Belanna. Sorry, Sloane, you were saying?

AS : Yes, we used the relays' residue. But, the means and methods are
encrypted to such a degree that no one...

SON : Seven here, Captain. I have broken the encryption code and
reinstalled new protocols.

AS : That's all well and good. But Section 31 keeps its own counsel, and
the amount of variables...

HK : Captain, its Ensign Kim. The zone of transport is pure void, no
matter at all. Its a clean shot, all the way home.

Neel: Hey, Captain, just for fun, I recalibrated the shields so that his
'soft underbelly' transport won't work anymore.

TP : Tom here, Captain. I can widen the beam enough to take the whole
ship in.


Naomi : Captain, can I suggest running the shuttlecrafts just outside
the ship, to cover the blind spots our sensors miss?

KJ : Superior suggestion, Naomi. Doctor, you have anything to add?

Doc: Nothing of import, Captain. But I did use Agent Sloane's beam to
download the entire database of Section 31. Whoa! Some very illegal
activities here, and the evidence to prove them all!

( Vanishes )

KJ : Damn. He never did tell me what our mission was. Couldn't have been
too important, though. People, how's that transport beam coming?

CH : Unusable, Captain. Anyone who uses it more than once will be
converted into a fruit-filled toaster pastry.

KJ : Oh. Well, then, Commander, I'm going back to sleep. G'night.

CH : Goodnight, Captain. Goodnight, Tom.

TP : Goodnight Captain. Goodnight, Commander. Goodnight, Belanna.

BT : Goodnight, Tom. Goodnight, Commander. Goodnight, Captain.
Goodnight, Neelix.

Ne: Goodnight, Belanna. Goodnight, Tom. Goodnight, Commander, Goodnight,
Captain. Goodnight, Harry.

HK : Goodnight, Neelix. Goodnight, Belanna. Goodnight, Tom. Goodnight,
Commander. Goodnight, Captain. Goodnight, Tuvok.

Tuv : Good night, Ensign Kim. Good night, Mr. Neelix. Goodnight,
Lieutanant Torres. Goodnight, Ensign Paris. Goodnight, Commander
Chakotay. Goodnight, Captain Janeway. Goodnight, Seven.

( Seven, Naomi, and The Doctor hide in sickbay )

Naomi : They scare me when they get like this.

KJ : Captain's Log : We all learned an important lesson that night. But
we were too damned tired to remember what it was, the next day.

ON DS9................

Bashir : Say, what's this on my chair? A Strawberry Pop-Tart? And I'm


AS : Where am I? What is this place?

Gul Dukat : Hello, Sloane. I've been expecting you.

AS : Dukat...but you're dead.

GD : I've been expecting you...and so has she....BWAAAAHHHAAAAA!!!!!!

Old Navy Woman : Why, Magic, Look! Its Agent Sloane!

AS : NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 And the cries of the damned continue..... 


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