Sons of Thunder

Part Two

We're at the Malloy house, where we see Trent telling his little brother and sister to be in fighting stance, block and punch. The two little ones do as they're told, but Trent plays with them wondering where their kiyas were. Tandy giggles and the two do it again with the kiays (aw how cute).

Doing this move a few more times, we see Tommy come from the house and Trent calls over to him. Tommy declines Trent's offer to learn the techniques he's showing the little ones and Tyler yells to Tommy that he should. Trent calls to Tyler and gives him a look, then runs over to Tommy saying that Roscoe called him and told him what he did for Adam. Trent then says that he's proud of Tommy, and Tommy wants to know what for. Trent then says that he wants to help and while he can't teach Tommy everything, the martial arts is something that he can. Tommy looks over at his little brother and sister then caves in on Trent.

We then see Trent holding a kick/punch pad up for Tommy to kick and he's giving Tommy pointers to fine-tune his movement. We then see a marked police cruiser come up the Malloy driveway where all the Malloy children are practicing their moves. Carlos calls over his cruiser to the Malloys' and says that maybe he should take this up. Trent welcomes Carlos and comments that he's been telling Carlos that idea for 20 years (how old are these guys suppose to be?)

We see behind the two older men, the car of the mystery man and hear a call of a domestic disturbance from the dispatch. Carlos notes that it's just down the street and leaves his friend with the little ones to check up on the call.

Carlos checks out the disturbance and the mystery man begins to follow Carlos so that he can shoot him. But another car comes on the scene so the mystery man leaves; he'll get Carlos another time.

At Ranger HQ Walker and Trivette are trying to figure out some connection of the string of murdered cops. So far they're coming up goose eggs but they suspect that it's not random, the killer is actually stalking these officers.

Walker then decides to lay out the murder of the first officer that we saw. Stating that the woman he'd pulled over said another car pulled up behind. And that any good officer would have had their weapon up and ready. Trivette then says that Officer Williams should have unsnapped his gun's safety strap. Walker shows Trivette the picture of Williams side arm and they notice that it's not unclipped and that means Williams knew the killer.

At the mall, we see Carlos in plain clothes and Trent in uniform talking about attending a sporting event. Trent says that he's interested and Carlos asks how Tommy is doing. Trent replies that Tommy is doing well and then we flash over to Tommy's school and watch as he, once again gets his butt kicked.

At the Malloy house we see a soapy wet Moses running through the house with Tyler and Mrs. Malloy in tow trying to get Moses so they can finish bathing him. Trent is in the kitchen trying to work on the oven with Tandy as his little handy tool girl (aw how cute). {editor's note -- how can a guy look so cute fixing an oven? My oven needs fixing....} As she hands Trent the screwdriver, Tandy continues reading out loud to Trent.

Just then, Tommy walks into the house and Tandy sees his face bloody and bruised. Trent looks at Tommy after hearing Tandy's reaction and follows Tommy to the stairs where Tommy is trying to get to his room.

After being called twice, Tommy stops and looks at Trent, then he begins to explain that Scott and his two friends got at him again. He also says that they train at the Jake Lyons School and they know their stuff. Trent looks at Tommy and tells him that they don't know a thing and later that day Trent goes over to the Jake Lyons Karate school.

Lyons comes over to Trent and Trent wants to talk in private, but Lyons has a class to teach so Trent voices his concerns right there. The three that beat up Tommy are there and chuckle as Trent tells Lyons that the boys need to end this. Lyons suggests that maybe Tommy should sign up for lessons then and Trent says that Tommy doesn't need the kind of lesson that Lyons is teaching. Trent continues by telling Lyons that if his students go after Tommy again, he's going to come and wipe the floor with Lyons. As Trent turns to leave, Lyons gets upset and moves to leave the training ring, but Trent is on his motorcycle and has left the studio.

Over to Ranger HQ, Trivette is running through the murdered cops' arrest records, but it's slow since the cops were real good at their jobs.

Back at the Malloy house, we see Trent pull up in his motorcycle as Tommy is shooting hoops. Trent tells his brother that he's fixed the problem by talking with Lyons about leaving him alone. After hearing this Tommy gets upset and tells Trent to stop trying to help and that he'll never be like dad.

In an apartment in Dallas, we see the news line of Walker leading the investigation of the cop killer and as the paper is put down, we see a glass of alcohol and a revolver. We see a man take a sip from the glass, then switch to Ranger HQ where Trivette has answered the phone.

The man who was drinking is talking to Trivette and asking for Walker. Trivette says that Walker is out and the man identifies himself as Sergeant Michael Douglas DPD retired. He tells Trivette that he might have some info as to whom the killer is and that it's not safe to talk over the phone. Trivette gets an address from Douglas and heads out to the area.

Over to the First Christian Church, we see Trent get off his motorcycle and look at the sign that now has Roscoe Jones as the pastor instead of Thunder Malloy. Inside the church, Roscoe is doing some minor fix ups on one of the pews. Trent calls out for Roscoe and asks if he's got a minute. Roscoe says yes and tells Trent to take a seat.

Roscoe asks Trent how things are going and Trent replies fine. But Roscoe can see through it and Trent knows it so he fesses up that things are horrible. Trent says that he hates his job, Tommy thinks he's a major idiot and that when he was in the army he knew what to do and when to do it. But that now he has no clue and there's a part of him that wants to re-enlist in the army.

Roscoe takes all this in and the quotes Luke Chapter 12 to Trent and Trent pins the quote. Roscoe then comments on Trent being able to know the quote as having his father in him, then gets into how God has given Trent many gifts and some hardships.

As Trent takes in Roscoe's words, we go back to Trivette in a silver car going to meet Ret. Sgt. Douglas at his apartment for the info on the cop murders.

As Trivette knocks on Douglas' door and identifies himself, we see Douglas' revolver being pointed at the door and fire off two shots that go through the door and hit Trivette in the chest. As Trivette slides to the floor, struggling to breathe, he closes his eye and looks as if he's dead.


Coming back we see a patrol car with sirens coming on a scene and one officer leave the car, drawing his weapon. As the two officers move up a set of stairs and down the hall, we see a body in the hall and realize that the officers are in the hall where Trivette was shot.

One officer checks Trivette's pulse and can't find one, so he signals his partner to stand ready to move on the apartment where the shots came from. But as they enter the apartment and check the area, all they find is the body of retired cop Bill Douglas. And as one of the officers checks Douglas' vitals, he hears Trivette slightly gasp and yells to his partner that Trivette is still alive. The officer then calls it in for an officer down.

We then flash to the hospital where a nurse is just about run over as a paramedic comes rushing in with Trivette (hey when it's an officer down, you better get out of the way). We hear the medic give the stats on Trivette and hear the he's lost a lot of blood and has only 1 exit wound.

The doctor in charge finds that Trivette's breathing is shallow on the left side and that the exit wound is that of one bullet on the upper left. The doctor then calls in for a trauma unit, and we hear the doctor call for Trivette's blood type and call in for six units of O pos.

The nurse next to the doctor is giving the doctor his info and reports that Trivette is going down and flat lining. The doctor calls up for the defibrillator and after three tries Trivette's pulse finally comes up (360 charge, talk about waiting for the last minute).

As we drift into Trivette's face then heart rate and finally him in a hospital room, we widen to see Alex, Walker and CD at his bedside. The doctor is explaining to the three that Trivette lost a lot of blood and that both bullets missed his heart by less than a inch, one passing clean and the other removed in surgery.

Alex asks if Trivette will be ok in the end and CD tries to cheer her up and say yes, but the doctor cuts in and rains on their parade by telling them there's no way to tell, but that the next 48 hours are crucial (ever seen 48 hours?).

CD then begins to tell Walker that he and Alex will stay at the hospital in shifts just incase something happens. He then tells Walker to go and find the guy who shot Trivette and that if he doesn't bring him in alive that it's perfectly fine (during this time CD is starting to cry).

That night in the Malloy house, Trent is in Tommy's room apologizing to Tommy for going to the karate school and talking with the bullies instructor. During this time, Tommy is sitting at his desk doing his work not looking at his brother, as Trent continues by saying he knows he's not Thunder (once again not calling him dad).

Looking a bit flustered Trent walks up to Tommy's desk and tells him that everything happening now is new to everyone and that what they have will only work if everyone pulls together. He continues as Tommy looks up at him, saying he can't do this alone and that he needs Tommy's help. The two stare at each other for a moment and Tommy flips his pencil then looks down and up at his brother again, and smiles as he says that's for sure.

Outside the house, we see Tommy and Trent on mats with Tommy hitting and kicking as a large pad that Trent is bracing against. Looking out from a window is Tandy and Tyler as the two older brothers practice, just as mom (Katie) comes out from the kitchen and joins her two little onlookers.

At the hospital once again, we hear CD's voice talking to Trivette, apologizing for kidding him so much and that it was in fun and love. He continues that saying if he had a son, he'd like that son to be like Trivette and begins to cry saying for Jimmy not to die on him.

Over at Ranger HQ, Alex walks over to Walker's desk and asks if he's looking at Trivette's ballistic report. Walker nods his head and tells Alex that Trivette was shot with Bill Douglas' .38 handgun and Douglas was shot with the 9mm that their mystery cop killer was using.

At this point Alex doesn't understand why the killer would use a different gun on Jimmy than Douglas. Walker says he doesn't know why either, but that he's going to find out (Ok these two are dense. It's just too obvious why).

So Walker gets up and leaves for Sammy's Barb-B-Q (hey this place is familiar, especially if you've seen SOT eps) to speak to the new forensic psychologist. Interrupting the doctor's lunch, Walker sits and asks her about why the cop killer used a different gun to shoot Trivette. The good doctor tells Walker that makes perfect sense as to why he didn't use the same gun; Trivette wasn't one whom the killer had a grudge against. Actually Trivette just got in the way, and because of this the killer has lost his pattern, making it hard to know what he's capable of doing next.

Moving into the hide out with the killer, we see him enter quickly and grab some equipment off the table them smash it back down. Afterwards the mystery man moves to his picture board and crosses out the picture of Bill Douglas, and then grab a knife with a handmade wood handle and slams it into a picture of officer Carlos Sandoval (anybody know where you'll see that handmade knife next?).


Coming back and seeing a blonde woman grab a young girl by the arm, we hear the woman tell Trent that it's about time he got to her store. She then continues by showing him a scarf and saying that it's worth $300 and she found it in this girl's purse. The girl echoes the words $300 dollars and says that the woman has the nerve to call her a thief, which gets a small smile from Trent (can anyone recognize where we'll see this girl again? Check out a future synop. On the Border).

Continuing on we see the boots of our mystery man crossing black pavement and passing Carlos' patrol car #2184. We then watch Carlos enter the mall and see a dark figure behind him.

As Carlos moves on, he walks over to where Trent is with the girl who stole the scarf (nice crisp left turn). Carlos comes up to Trent and smiles saying "Ok, this better be good Malloy."

Trent looks hard beyond Carlos at the mystery man all in black (nice close up on Trent's blue/green? eyes). Carlos gets a look of 'what's wrong buddy?' and turns as the mystery man calls out his name, at the same time we here the mall clock strike the hour. And just as the mystery man shoots at Carlos, Trent grabs Carlos and hurls them both through a store window to avoid the flying bullets.

The girl that Trent had in custody flees the scene at this. As soon as the two quickly get to their feet, Trent and Carlos go out into the mall to get the mystery man. But this guy has left the scene (hey Carlos news flash, take a look at your gun. You can't shoot the thing like that!).

Over at Ranger HQ, Trent and Carlos move to sit in front of Walker's desk, as Walker asks Trent for a description on the mystery man in the mall. Trent tells Walker that the man was wearing a grey overcoat, black shirt, pants, boots with silver tips, 6'0, about 200lbs. and dark hair. {editor's note -- HellOOO! People can change thier clothes Trent, look at the person next time! That physical can fit half the Dallas population.}

But while Trent is saying this, Carlos has his fist covering the right half of his mouth and he looks lost in a deep trance. Walker sees this the entire time and calls officer Sandoval on it. Carlos looks up as Walker asks him to put a name to Trent's description. Carlos moves his hand and says that it couldn't be who he thinks it is, because that guy is still in prison. Trent asks who and Carlos tells Walker, Rod Barkley and that Barkley was a metro cop.

Walker then picks up his phone and makes a call to Alex to pull up Barkley's file. Walker then asks officer Sandoval to tell him what happened.

Carlos begins by saying that it was 3 years ago (fade into a flashback) and that he was on call. It was about 2 am and a high-speed chase was on 638, the officers on chase needed additional assistance. We watch the chase continue and see that several departments are involved. The police cars finally box in the driver and one calls him out of the car.

The kid driving is smart and makes it as nothing, but the cop who called him out moves to him with his weapon drawn and then bashes the kid's head on the roof of the car. He then hits the kid again and throws him to the ground, beating the boy with his baton. The officers around, Sandoval included, stand frozen in shock and then move to pull the frantic cop off the downed kid (the mystery man has a face. I liked it better when he was a mystery). We see that all the officers killed so far and Sandoval are at the scene holding Barkley back, then we hear Carlos continue that Barkley almost killed the kid and charges we brought up.

Walker pushes Carlos to continue and Carlos says that Barkley was going to fight the charges until he found out that the officers on the scene weren't going to back him up, so Barkley had gone for a plea bargain. He then adds that the deal was 6-10 for assault with a deadly weapon and time served in a federal prison in California.

At this time Alex walks in with the file and fills in the prison was at Lompoc. She continues that he was "cited with excessive force, citizen complaints, and the IAD have investigated him twice" she also tells the guys that Barkley was released on good behavior three months ago. Walker asks Alex for an address on Barkley and she give him the addy, Walker then asks her to get a warrant and Alex says that she's got it movin'.

Back at Barkley's hideout, we hear sirens and see numerous police cars come into view. While inside, Barkley is setting a bomb in the main room attached to the door, so that when it's kicked in the bomb would go off. As the officers enter the hideout, Barkley exits up on a catwalk above the officer's cars.

The police just outside the booby-trapped door, pound on it for Barkley to let them in, but they get no answer. Fade out to the beeping of the bomb.


Just as the officers are about to kick in the door, Walker hears the beeping of the bomb and pushes the officers from the door as it is kicked in. Walker gets up and enters the room, finding the picture wall with the knife in Sandoval's picture.

Walker runs out to his truck and calls dispatch to patch him through to Carlos' car, the dispatch says she can't that he's 10-7 (check the Dallas police codes page for meaning), but that he's at 118 Providence Way (The Malloy house).

At the Malloy house we see Carlos sitting with the Malloy family and saying that he needs to get back on duty. Trent says that he'll walk Carlos out and the rest of the family says bye.

Then Katie asks her kids who has homework as Tommy is stretching on the couch. The kids all reply no or done and then we see Trent and Carlos walking out as Carlos thanks Trent for saving him. Carlos then talks about how Trent has great abilities and that they shouldn't be wasted at the mall. Trent then tells his friend that he's been thinking about it and he thinks that he now knows what he wants to do with his life. Carlos' interest is peeked and he asks for Trent to tell, but Trent says he can't that there is someone else he promised to tell first. Carlos tells Trent that he better be the second then and the two share a special handshake and Carlos departs for his patrol car.

Just as Carlos rounds his car to get into the driver's seat we see an old grey car pull up and Barkley call Carlos' name. At the same time we hear the clock chime again as Trent and Carlos turn around to see who has called Carlos' name.

Just as we see Barkley raise his gun and the two young men stare at Barkley, Walker's truck rear ends Barkley's car and forces him to drop his gun. As Walker is still pushing Barkley's car, Trent yells let's go and hops into Carlos' patrol car. Carlos pulls a Uie (a u-turn) on the median and chases after Walker and Barkley.

We watch the pursuit of Barkley by Sandoval/Malloy and Walker. They all end up at an abandoned industrial building. Barkley runs up the stairs to the top with Walker close on his heels. As Officer Sandoval pulls up, he and Trent also take for the stairs as Barkley fires some shots.

Trent and Carlos also follow, but as they get to 3/4level, Carlos looks over the edge and freezes. HE calls out to Trent and says that he's sorry it's the height, Trent tries to steady Carlos and tells him it's all right, to stay where he is. Carlos nods and says OK then creeps against the rail of the stairs, beginning to hyperventilate with his acrophobia. {editor's note -- a true acrophobic would have gotten AWAY from that railing! FAST!!}

As Walker comes over to an open area, he doesn't hear climbing footsteps and slowly scans around for Barkley. As Walker comes around one corner, we see Barkley with another gun, pulled this one out of his boot, raised and he's following behind Walker ready to shoot. As Walker is about to turn, Barkley is lining up for a head shot, but Trent comes from above and hits Barkley's hand down. That causes Barkley's discharged bullet to lodge into Walker's left shoulder (hey at least he wasn't hit in the head, like intended).

We then watch Trent go after Barkley with a barrage of right inside and outside kicks. At this time both Barkley and Walker go down, but Barkley gets up and begins to get the upper hand with Trent. The two continue fighting until they're on a catwalk high above the ground. And just as Barkley is about to heave Trent over the fence to the ground, Trent knocks Barkley's grip and the two go at it again.

This time Barkley has a flashback to the night when he beat the boy and gets a surge of adrenaline that leaves him stronger than any force he could face right now. Rushing forward he take himself and Trent over the fence, but Walker grabs onto Trent's boot just in time (thank goodness Trent tightly laced his boots).

We watch as Barkley goes over the edge and plummets to the ground, while Walker uses his good arm to try and hold Trent up by his boot. We see Walker struggling to hold on to Trent and hear Trent telling Walker that he'll fall too if he doesn't let go. Walker continues to hold on as we hear Carlos call to Trent, then see him help Walker pull Trent back up over the catwalk fence. Carlos reaches for Trent's hand and Trent grabs on, as Carlos has both Trent's hands, he and Walker pull Trent up and over.

After getting Trent back over, the three sit leaning against the fence (Carlos is looking down again. Doesn't he ever learn not to look down?). Then after catching some much-needed breaths, Walker tells Carlos that it looks like he overcame his acrophobia. Carlos, also gasping for air, replies to Walker by saying, "who's afraid of heights?" then he looks down again (What part of the word don't look down don't you get?!) and says " Get me off this thing."

Carlos then hobbles up and grabs onto the railing as Trent helps gets Walker up. The three make their way off the catwalk and off to get looked at.

Over at St. Matthew's Hospital we see an awake Trivette looking toward a chair in his room with Alex and CD in it. Walker walks in and Trivette signals him to be quiet. Walker grabs Trivette's hand and tells him welcome back as Trivette tells Walker that he might need a couple of days off from work. Walker nods and we focus in on their clasped hands.

Over at the cemetery, we see Trent looking up at the sky talking to Thunder and telling him that he left Trent a lot of big responsibilities, but that it's probably the best thing Thunder could have left him (once again he doesn't call Thunder dad). Trent then tells Thunder that he knows what he wants to do and it's help people. He continues that he can't help people the way Thunder did, but in his own way. Then Trent calls Thunder dad and says, "I hope this doesn't come too late dad. I love you. And dad I know you love me too."

We see and hear Moses whimper, then drop Thunder's ball cap by the grave. Afterwards he lies by the grave and continues his whimpering as Trent looks down at Moses.

In a gym somewhere, we see Trent and Walker enter a ring and Trent asks Walker how his shoulder is. Walker replies with a swift punch to Trent's chin and Trent says that he's sorry to have asked.

The two do a little sparing for a while and as they do a cool down warm up, Walker begins to talk about Trent's future. Walker suggests a karate teacher and Trent goes for a private investigator. The two echoes the others words then contemplate what each has said.

We then see the two in an empty warehouse like building and Walker asks Trent his thought on the place. Trent thinks this might be the place and the two shake hands.

We then watch a flurry of activity as the Malloy family, Roscoe, Adam, Carlos, Walker, Alex, Jimmy and CD help Trent set up his karate studio. Trent and Carlos take an orange tarp and pull it playfully over Alex and Tandy, then do their special handshake. We then watch as CD is putting up a stretch bar and Trivette is holding the bar so that CD can't put it into the wall mounted bar holders. Walker paints Alex's face and Alex later swats Walker on the butt.

We then see Carlos run up the stairs to Trent's open, over looking office and hear him tell Trent that it's great Walker gave him a hand in sharing his martial arts with others. And Trent tells Carlos that it's not all they need and then holds up the Holy Bible.

As Trent puts the Bible down, Tommy comes up and Trent tells Tommy to take out the trash. Tommy asks why him and Trent tells him that it would be a great question to asks a brother, but a bad one to ask of a sensei. Carlos just chuckles and Tommy says that there are going to be times that he's really going to hate this that looks at the two older men in front of him and grabs at the trash. Trent laughs and gets up, telling Carlos to join him in getting back to work.

As Tommy is outside dumping the trash, a red convertible holding Jake Lyons and the bullies comes up and one of the guys tells Tommy that he can't compete. Just as Tommy looks out, we see Trent's hand clasp his shoulder and Tommy replies "yeah I think we can." Tommy then comments on the sometimes he thinks he's really going to enjoy everything.

Back inside we see everyone lay out the mat. Then Walker says that there's one thing left to do and Trent unveils the Thunder Karate sign.

Flashing about we come to Trent teaching a full class and him fixing a students stance as his mother is answering the phones.

Just then the protection agency phone rings, his mother picks up and Trent comes up. Trent answers the phone as Tommy takes over. Trent takes this person's info and tells his mom that Tommy has the class and he's got to go, as he begins to take his gui off.

As he walks out of the Karate studio, Katie follows her son and tells him that she hopes he can help the woman he just got off the phone with and that for him to be careful. Trent puts on his leather jacket, helmet and smiles at his mother telling her that he always is. She smiles and Trent rides off.

We then see various flash/fades of Thunder and other scenes from this two-hour movie as Thunder reads off the Beatitudes. The closing fades are of Katie, Tandy and Trent. Then Thunder with his church imposed.

*****The End*****

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