Team Cherokee

Part Two

After being given a recap of team Cherokee part one, we come to see the scene of the ambulances and EMT crews trying to get the fired and Brian out of his race car. After Brian has been braced, the emergency crew carefully removes Brian from the car and into a stretcher.

At Las Colinas Med. Center, Rachel comes running into Brian's hospital room, surprised at the sight before her. All Brian says as she enters is, "Hi honey," and hugs his wife. Brian tells her that the doctor said he will be fine, but she remarks "this time," implying that next time he won't be so lucky. Brian says that he knows Rachel is going through a lot with him being injured (he just doesn't get it), but when he tells her that racing is his life, Rachel asks then where is her place. He begs for to not make him choose between racing and her, then he asks why she suddenly wants him to stop racing. After pausing and saying that it's no longer about them but more, she finally tells Brian she's pregnant (now he gets it).

With a smile and a hug, Brian happily takes in the moment of him becoming a father, then Rachel hits him with the idea of Brian almost being killed and having a child without a father. Brian tells her that this would never happen, but Rachel tells him that he doesn't get it and runs off from the hospital room.

Outside the room is Alex, Trivette, Walker and the rest of Team Cherokee. Alex sees Rachel taking of and goes after her to see what's wrong and how to help Rachel. Walker, Trivette and Team Cherokee enter the room to check on Brian and Brian tells the group that he's going to be a daddy. They all share in the moment of celebration and then get down to business of the team car destruction and that they don't have the funds to get another car since they don't have a driver. Brian insists they have a driver and that they will be able to race this time not next year. Red Cloud thinks Brian is talking about him racing, but Brian says Walker should race (meanwhile in the background Joe is pissed since he wasn't considered to drive).

Walker and Trivette do that same little eye wander as Brian suggests this and Walker tries to tell Brian that it's been ages since he's last raced. Walker thinks this over as Trivette is enjoying the moment of watching Walker squirm. Walker finally agrees (Joe looks really ticked in the background), then he and Trivette leave the room as Trivette asks how long it's been since Walker raced.

We move to outside of the hospital where Alex is talking with Rachel. Rachel is sitting there sniffing and telling Alex that nothing is wrong, then everything is wrong. She then tells Alex that she's pregnant and Alex is over joyed at the news. Then Rachel continues saying that this isn't, but is a blessing and that she doesn't want Brian to race for the sake of their child.

Alex finally realizes what Rachel wants of Brian and understands the problem, and tells Rachel that she must remember that Brian did this before marriage and that this is his life. Brian can either do what he loves and be with whom he loves in happiness, or leave racing and be with his love only miserable and possibly destroy what bond they have now.

At C.D.'s, CD has the TV on to the race. The announcer is talking about team Forbes and then an update on Brian's condition (broken leg, bruises). C.D. is relieved to hear the news as the ventriloquist guy comes up with a dummy doll instead of dog. The dummy is fighting with C.D. asking for a drink and C.D. insults it by saying that he could use some toothpicks (not very funny).

Back at Ranger HQ, Trivette is heard saying the race holders have a clean record, but the Forbes (of team Forbes) has quite a sheet on race violations. Walker thinks that this is Forbes doing and Trivette points out that if so, then he's in it for attempted murder.

On the highway, Carlos is calling Alex and telling her that they (Trent and Carlos) have the evidence and are on their way. Carlos comments with the evidence, Barnett will go away for a long time. Then Carlos begins to talk to Trent that they make a good team (Oh Baby!) and tries to get Trent to forget about the gun incident as kids and get him on the force ("use the force"). Trent declines and talks about how he likes the idea of being his own boss (you da man!).

Carlos then spots a "damsel in distress" (don't go there it will start wars) and tells Trent to pull over. Trent says he doesn't want to be politically correct, but then calls Carlos sexist (please don't go there guys) and Carlos objects. Then Trent states that it seems that Carlos only stopped cause she's a good looking lady, he continues to object saying that's a major reason, but not the only one (well then Mr. Smooth, what are the other reasons?).

The two get out and go over to the woman as she says thank you and Trent asks what the problem was (did he leave his keys in the car?). Trent looks under the hood while the woman is telling him she suddenly had problems and Carlos begins to flirt (someone mind icing this one down?).

Two guys in a BMW drive up and one climbs out while the car is moving and runs to Trent's 'vette, while Trent is still looking under the hood and Carlos is asking the woman about what she thinks if he called her a damsel in distress. She says that depends if Carlos is going to be her white knight and the two continue to flirt while Trent looks up with this "oh brother" look on his face. Trent then says everything looks fine as the 'vette is now stolen.

The two guys yell (like that's going to stop the driver) and chase after, just as the woman gets into her car and takes off too (the guys were just set up).


At Ranger HQ, Trent is saying how when they took his car, they took the evidence against Barnett. Walker then suggests that there has been a rash of car thefts in the area and tells Trivette to pull it up. As Trivette does this, Carlos asks if Walker thinks that these guys that took Trent's car are a part of it. Walker thinks it's a possibility and Trivette tells the bunch there that these perpetrators are professionals and that there has been 4 deaths linked to this. Trent says all he wants is those negatives right now, and Alex tells him the they have 48 hours (movie anyone?). The boys then leave the central area.

At the courts building, Barnett is talking to his lawyer to get him out of jail and fast. The lawyer says calm down as Barnett explains that some of the guys know his marking (that he's into child porno). The lawyer says relax cause they DA has nothing on him to actually nail him with, and guarantees that Barnett will be free.

Back at HQ, the boys are in the hallway about to put on their leather jackets (yes MaryK leather) as Trent talks about what they've done to find the car thieves, when Carlos remembers that the woman touched him (ding, ding, ding, and show our contestant what he's won). Trent thinks Carlos is thinking with the wrong brain again, when Carlos tells Trent no that the woman actually touched him--as in left prints on the jacket. Trent catches on and they go to their friend in forensics for a print. The guy gets a nice print off the jacket and tells the guys to call this lady "the titanic, cause she's goin down." Carlos passes the enhancement glasses to Trent as the group shares a good moment.

They pull up a name and her sheet, where Trent comments "some damsel" as Carlos is drinking coffee and nods (this is a cutie scene).

Over to the race way, the teams are getting ready for the race and Forbes is celebrating the end of the Team Cherokee running. Just then a new Team Cherokee car comes in and Mr. Forbes with Junior are not too happy about this (haha morons!)

We the switch to the track where Walker is doing a practice run. Red Cloud and Walker are discussing the finer points as another Team member and Forbes are timing Walker's run. The time comes out great and Red Cloud calls ready for business.

We then focus on Trent and Carlos (looking very fine) coming from a house for their lead on the pictures. Lois' neighbor asks the guys, as they're getting into Carlos' grey police car, if they're lookin for her and Trent tells her yes. She then asks if they're officers and Carlos shows her his badge. She wants to know if they'll arrest her and is disappointed when Carlos says no, they just want to talk to her. She tells them to go to a bar in Deep Ellum and that they should arrest her for the lack of her keeping up the house, Carlos just raises his brow and gets into the car as Trent looks about ready to burst into laughter while getting into the car.

At the Bar Lois (the damsel in distress) and her partner Barnes are talking about doing the jobs and the 4 dead on their rap sheets. Carlos says some encouraging words about the bar outside (looks like Hell's Belles from the Halloween ep) as Lois is telling Barnes to get out the kitchen if her can't stand the heat.

Carlos interjects at this point and Lois pulls a "do I know you" moment. Carlos introduces himself as her white knight and Trent says that he's the guy who's car they stole, just as a biker like guy comes off of Trent's left shoulder. He asks Lois if they boys are bothering her and she says yes, for him (Jojo) to get rid of them for her. Just as Jojo swings at Trent, Trent ducks/Carlos pulls back and hits Jojo in the stomach then the two hit Jojo on his back as Jojo had doubled over from being socked. While Trent and Carlos continue to dispose of Jojo, and other ticked off bar guys now, Lois and Barnes jet the scene. A car chase ensues until Barnes turns to avoid hitting an 18 wheeler. Carlos slides in close and draws his gun while Trent pulls Barnes out of the car.

At the race way, Forbes is pacing waiting for Joe to come and explain what the hell happened and to finish the job. Forbes wants Joe to take care of Walker or die (Joe is pissed).

At a warehouse a man is telling his boys to move the cars out since word up was Lois and Barnes were picked up. They move out and we pull in to Trent's car with the manila envelope (nice beige leather seats).

At the station, Walker knocks on the interrogation room and Carlos comes out with Barnes still in the room. Carlos tells Walker he's been at both Barnes and Lois all night but they won't give. So Walker gives Carlos the idea of they can join the fun and games (what evil minds).

Walker and Carlos then enter the interrogation room, Walker flips a coin and tells Carlos to call it. Carlos calls head and it's tails. Walker tells Carlos to take Barnes and that whomever gets their suspect to talk first gets a hundred bucks. Walker walks out and Carlos puts up the scene.

Carlos runs it about Lois talkin first and Barnes won't buy it, meanwhile in the other room Walker is workin on getting Lois to crack.

We go back to Barnes and Carlos, as Barnes still won't budge and Walker comes in saying he got Lois to give it up (get your minds out the gutter). Barnes panics and tells Carlos that he was ready to tell, and to tell Walker that he was ready first, besides he knew more than Lois (he was the thief). Walker is like "aw man" and closes the door as Carlos tells Barnes it was a good call.

At the warehouse, the men are trying to move the cars--just as Walker careens into the place with his truck. The men grab their guns and the police all move out into a gun fight (don't hit Trent's car you'll put holes in it!!)

In the midst of all the firing, an unarmed and unvested Trent moves towards his car to get the negatives (better hope no one hits your gas tank buddy), not before joining Walker in a little hand to hand fight (not between the two, with the bad guys).

At the courts building, Barnett is being let into a room where his lawyer waits. Only Barnett is badly bruised (yes!!!!!) and holding his arm. His lawyer is shocked and asked what happened, as Barnett replies that he told them, they'd find out and get him for his title as child pornographer. Barnett says that if he goes back to jail they'll kill him. The lawyer says there won't be a next time and that in ten minutes Barnett will be free.

Just then Carlos and Trent come in with the evidence. The lawyer is not happy on their just coming in and Carlos says he knows and feels bad for intruding, but the lawyer will just love this. The lawyer (Devlin) sees the pictures and is shocked. Barnett is beginning to cry as Trent tells the lawyer (pretty calm and collectively) where they found the negatives. Trent tells the lawyer that he'll see him in court and Carlos also says (happily) that there will be no plea bargaining, Alex will prosecute. Then Carlos leans to Barnett and whispers "you're paying for this one, for a very long time" as Barnett cries, they leave (wahooooooo!!!!! ::sings:: Bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for you?)

In the hospital where Tracy is, Trent and Tracy's mom's voices can be heard talking about Barnes being put away. Just then Tracy opens her eyes and calls for her mom, Trent and Tracy's mom look at her as Tracy says she wants to go home.

Tracy's mom introduces Trent to Tracy as one who helped her and she says hi to him. Trent also says hi and tells her that someone wanted her to have something, then gives her the paper flower that the man from part one made for her.

At the reservation where Rachel and Brian live, Brian is being brought home by a friend and Rachel is outside. On crutches, Brian hugs Rachel and Rachel asks why he didn't tell her he was coming out. Brian then tells Rachel that he's been thinking about the racing and that if she wants him to quit he will. Rachel pulls a 180 on him and says she doesn't want him to quit and that she and Alex had a long talk, reminding her of what is really important--their happiness. The two kiss and make up.

Back at the race track, Red Cloud and Walker talk about the race occurring the next day. Walker seems to have left the track for home as Joe and the Forbes people take out the guard and destroy the Cherokee car engine.


Walker comes back, just in time to see the disaster and to kick these guys' butts. Walker takes down the Forbes guys and Red Cloud does a stare down with Joe.

After the police have taken Joe away and cleared the scene, team Cherokee assess the damage and try to rebuild this thing in four hours. Red Cloud asks the team if they can do it and they go up for the challenge. The team and Walker begin working and other various racing teams give Team Cherokee their extra parts to help them get up for the race.

As repairs are almost done, Red Cloud runs in telling Walker that if the car isn't in the line up in five they will be disqualified. Walker tells them they're almost ready and the car gets up new tires and is set. The team moves out the car as the position call is made.

Forbes and Junior stand, in shock, looking at Team Cherokee bring out the car. Forbes says it doesn't matter how they did this, they won't win. In the line up Walker is strapping in and Alex is standing by him nervous (when isn't she nervous) as Brian tells Walker to take his time and wait for the moment.

The race then begins with Alex, Trivette, Carlos, Trent and Rachel in the stands. We watch for a while as Walker pulls up in the race and the team leaders observe from the box their racers.

A quick switch to C.D.'s where he has the TV on and all there are watching the race.

Continuing on an accident occurs on the track, Forbes and Walker slide right through it and Red Cloud tells Walker that when Coltrain (of Forbes) comes in so should he.

As the race gets down to the wire, Forbes and Cherokee get off and tires changed. Trivette then gets a call and leaves the stands as Walker sees his car heating up into the red. Walker tries to find his moment as Junior is encouraging Coltrain to up the power.

On the final lap we wait as Walker finds his window and just edges out team Forbes. Everyone, everywhere is cheering as Mr. Forbes is ticked and Trivette comes up behind him to arrest him.

In the winner's circle Alex hugs Walker and the team celebrates.

*****The End*****

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