
We start with Walker and Trivette in the Dodge Ram, driving down Central Ave. And Trivette is trying to get Walker to join in another investment (Jimmy's investments usually go wrong) and Walker is refusing.

We then switch to see a young man come into an apartment and tell a girl (she looks younger than me and I'm 19), Carmen, that he was fired (for stealing, which he didn't do) and he will not be paid what is owed. She says that her uncle could help, but the man, Hector, refuses this idea and leave the place to go and get his back pay.

Next we see Hector requesting his pay and the auto shop owner making trouble, then sucker punching Hector. Hector picks up a bottle and cracks the shop owner on the head. The owner goes down and hits his head on the table he was standing near, and Hector takes $480 of back pay, telling the guys who saw this incident, that's the amount he took. The Hector speeds off in his blue Chevy Malibu (with broken tail light) going west on Central Ave.

The dispatch puts out the caller and Walker/Trivette do a boot leg on Central Ave. after seeing Hector's car. They chase Hector to a parking lot where Hector looks back to see where Walker's truck is and is about to hit a mother and her stroller. Hector sharply turns the car, missing the woman and child.

Walker and Trivette go to the car and Hector has severely injured his shoulder, and is rolling his eyes up in pain; meanwhile asking if the woman and the child are ok.


We come back to see Alex Cahill staring out of her office window. Walker comes in and says "A penny for your thoughts?" Alex tells him that she wants to open up a center to help the less fortunate get job placement, childcare, and legal advice. They kiss as Walker approves, but this doesn't mean that Alex is leaving the DA's office.

Carlos comes in (announced) and asks Alex for a favor to check on a Hector Lopez. Walker says that he arrested him and questions Carlos. Carlos tells Walker that Hector is his nephew and that's he's a good kid who would never do anything like this. Alex agrees to check on what the prosecutor is going for, while Walker and Carlos go to see his niece.

We then see Carlos and Walker in the apartment from before the intro and Carmen pouring them a glass of ice tea. She is fighting with Carlos that he does not approve of her marriage to Hector. Carlos defends himself by saying that he just didn't approve of their being so young (no kidding she looks like a HS freshman).

Carmen uses the "we are in love" speech and says that they could have had it easy. Walker questions this and she explains where Hector came from. Then she goes on to say that Hector wants to give his baby the things he couldn't have, not just the physical things; but love, attention and time. Everything Hector had done was for them. Carlos (very fine) gives one of those concerned looks as Carmen picks up her squirming baby girl and kisses her (the baby is sooo cute).


Next we see Carlos and Walker stepping out from the elevator of Ranger HQ and Alex calls to them in the hall. She says that the prosecutor called it a slam dunk case. Since Hector had used a gun and there were two witnesses to this, he would do hard time. Carlos is most certainly shocked as is Walker since there was never a gun involved.

So then Carlos and Walker go down to where Hector is being held. Hector is rude asking what the two wanted. Walker tells him that he wants to hear his side and Hector volleys back that he told Carlos. Walker says he wants to hear the truth and Hector says that the truth is whatever the shop owner wants it to be.

Walker then informs him that the owner said that Hector attacked him with a gun and Hector just about goes mental. Hector shoots out that Carlos knows he would never touch a gun and that even if he wanted to Carmen wouldn't let him. Then Hector tells Walker that he had no intention of stealing from the owner, he just wanted to get his back pay when the owner sucker punched him and he hit the owner with a bottle, falling to the ground and took the pay he was owed.

The next scene shows Hector in a prison bus and memories of his sentence by the judge and saying bye to a crying Carmen (Hector struggling with the guards that took him from Carmen). Then he's standing in front of the Captain of the prison, not too happy. The Captain (Katil, something like that) makes the comment that the judge gave Hector too light of a sentence (1 year) for armed robbery.


We come back seeing Hector looking at a picture of Carmen and the baby. Another inmate, Hector's new friend, asks if Walker is still trying to help get Hector out of jail. When Hector says yes, the inmate asks if Hector wouldn't mind telling Walker about the injustice (guards dealing drugs, abuse, running numbers, etc) going on. Hector wants no part of this for fear that he'd put his family in danger and walks away.

We then go to the shop owner that charged Hector with armed robbery, sucker punching another worker that he's just fired for "stealing." Walker observes this and challenges the owner (former pro boxer) to take one hit. The owner does so and is immediately deflected. In the end, the owner loses (after giving some tough talk).

We cut back to the prison where Hector's inmate friend is cleaning the floor and watching the prison guards run a drug tally. As the captain of the prison comes from meeting with his other two guards, the inmate "accidentally" mops the captain and picks his pocket. The captain unknowing leaves and the inmate looks at the little black book of numbers and deals.

We come to showing that ranger office where Carlos (doing a pimpin' walk) goes toward Walker and Trivette. They announce that the shop owner and his witnesses changed their stories and that Hector would be released that day. Carlos (clad in the character's staple stretch tops {golden beige} pair of bleach/white jeans and a 9mm {his own} instead of the usual revolver) happily leaves the office to pick up Hector.


We start in where Hector is coming out into the prison quad and a bakery truck is entering to deliver baked goods. Hector's inmate friend comes to hector and pleading, gets Hector to take the black book he stole, so that Hector could get it to Walker. Hector finally gives in and they depart.

As the inmate departs, the captain and his two flunkies grab the inmate, search and question him about the black book. The captain then runs him through-killing the inmate.

Hector witnesses this from afar and when he sees that the guards know he saw this, Hector takes off running in the quad to the delivery truck. Frantically driving the truck and ramming the prison gates (do not get into a car with Hector), Hector (for now) escapes the grasp of the rotten prison guards.

Next we see Carlos' car driving up to a small road that is blocked by the Bakery van, trailers with horses and the prison warden's car. Carlos asks to see the warden and the warden tells him that Hector killed an inmate and stole the truck.

Carlos is definitely confused and pissed, so he decides to tell the warden that he wants to help, that Hector will listen to him. The warden agrees and Carlos goes over to Carmen (just getting out of the car) and tells her to stay there and call Walker.


We come back to see Walker and Trivette fighting bank robbers and carrying on a conversation about Trivette's new great investment. Once again Walker refuses and the police come to take the robbers away. Trivette gets a call, Carmen, and Walker leaves Trivette to finish the robbery job.

Back to the road we see the warden walk Carlos (same shirt, now in casual cloth pants) over to the Captain of the prison and tell him he taking Det. Sandoval with him.

The Captain rudely objects, then says fine and for the other guard to get Carlos a horse. Then the captain snidely says, "You can ride a horse?" Carlos did not seem pleased with the captain, and is on a horse (and looks real fine on it) with the three prison guards that killed the inmate and want Hector dead.

They have blood hounds helping in the search and they spot Hector running. The guards raise their guns and Carlos just about goes off the edge to try and get them to put their guns down. The captain questions this and Carlos replies that his objective is to bring this one in alive.

Carlos, now on the horse in a full run (and still looking mighty fine) is calling out to a running Hector. Finally coming next to Hector, he jumps off and the two roll to the ground. Hector is now frantic saying they're going to kill him, and he spills his guts as to why he ran.

At this point the guards raise their guns again, and with the use of a scope (they're still a good distance from Carlos and Hector) hit Carlos in his mid section (a deadly hit). Hector goes to Carlos' side and turns him over. Carlos gasps and rushes up as we see he's been hit...but the butt of the gun caught the bullet (Carlos will only get one heck of a bruise from this). These two get up and haul assets to get out.


We come back to them running into a ravine. They stop and Hector shows Carlos why the guards are chasing him (the black book). They hear the dogs and begin to run again (what a work out).

The horses come by and then we switch back to Carlos and Hector stopping to catch their breath again (in the same exact spot of the ravine as the last, they must like this part). The two run again and are now on dry land.

Carlos skillfully hops over a log and takes a moment to have a heart to heart with Hector, saying that he knows he's been hard on him--Hector saying he needed it--and Carlos saying Hector's a good guy (group hug!!!!).

They hear the dogs again and they're off. We see the dogs, horses with guards coming around the tree Carlos and Hector had just left. We got back to those two running again. Hector trips, rolls, falls, and hits the ground...right in front of a wolf.


We come back to hear Walker's voice only telling Hector to not move. Walker then moves in front of the wolf and staring back at it. The two exchange a look and we flash through some Indian ritual like stuff (I have no real clue as to what that means) and the wolf goes off whimpering. {editors note -- I have not seen the episode, but know alot about Native American tradition. I would suspect that Walker's totem animal (protector -- can communicate on a telepathic/empathetic level) is either a wolf (and he got it to leave that way, by being buds with it) or, more likely, it is something a wolf fears (something more powerful) -- YES! More than any of you wanted to know but I control the pages here! HAHAHA!! (Patt's evil laugh echos) -- I now return you to your regularly schedualed reading} Hector gets up and says "I have seen it all," Carlos has that "I know" smile on his face (dreamy sighs).

Carlos finally comes down to where Hector is and gladly welcomes Walker. Carlos gives Walker the black book and Walker goes off for a second, coming back with some strong ragweed and lays it all over the ground to stop the dogs. Then Walker and Carlos tell Hector to get on the horse and get out fast. Hector does so and Walker sees that Carlos' gun looks a little funny.

Carlos says he's seen better days and Walker gives Carlos his gun. Carlos starts to ask what Walker is going to use, and says never mind (he realizes, "we're talkin about Walker here"). We then see the guards coming and Walker obviously coming down from a tree somewhere on the Captain. Carlos comes from behind a tree and tells that other two guards not to move. The guards raise their guns and Carlos shoots the gray haired guard. The other guard gallops off and Carlos chases after him.

Walker gets into the typical physical fight with the Captain, finally knocking him out with a choke hold.

We go back to Carlos who is now doing the "I'm on a hunt" stealth crouch, surveying all the land looking for the third guard. He finds the guard's horse, but no guard. The guard is waiting for Carlos to come into sight and aims when we hear, "Look out Carlos!" from Hector. Hector comes flying on his horse, knocking the third guard out cold. Carlos says thanks, we then see the two walking the horses back with the guard draped over one of the horses (Carlos has the guard's rifle in hand, and his gun in the side hold).

They find Walker and Carlos pulls Walker's gun from the back of his pants (somebody had a collection going on here), Walker holsters it and makes a comment of Hector not following orders. Carlos says that he's glad Hector didn't. Hector says that he wants to go home now and that he's hungry. Carlos with that adorable smile agrees.


We come back to see everyone at C.D.'s Bar and Grill. Carmen, Alex, Hector (with the baby) are sitting at a table near the bar; as Walker and Carlos (dressed in all black {Mr./Mysterious}).

Trivette and C.D. are at the bar saying that they've made a special homecoming meal for Hector of Emu burgers. Carlos with a wary look, asks what is an Emu and C.D. does something with his hands together and tells Carlos it's a big bird. C.D. talks about how they got in on the ground floor and Alex bursts their bubble by telling them that the Emu market peaked a few years past. Trivette, shocked at the news, asks Alex if she's sure and C.D. just whaps Trivette with his hat. everyone bursts into laughter as the camera shows them all and closes on Walker.

*****THE END*****

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