       This part of the deck is the wands deck. Said to symbolize the clergy, the Church, they symbolize love, relationships, and challenges and obstables concerning them that one might encounter along the way. In some decks, when you say cups, you mean chalices and goblets. But here, the appropriate ones are tea cups (because tea cups are the ones the word "cups" refer). As they symbolize love, the cup cards were handed down to our modern deck of playing cards as, appropriately, the suit of hearts.
       Please explore this part of the deck. Point to a pair of cards on the picture below and find out which anime personalities is on that pair. AAT1 Cards are depicted as Sakura Cards, while AAT2 Cards are Clow Cards as their pages have been merged. Click on the card to know more about it. But be careful; the cards are randomly placed here.
The Cup Cards
Card Name: of Cups
AAT1: Anime: Characters:
AAT2: Anime: Characters:
Ace of Cups Two of Cups Three of Cups Four of Cups Five of Cups Six of Cups Seven of Cups Eight of Cups Nine of Cups Ten of Cups Page of Cups Knight of Cups Queen of Cups King of Cups [Tarot History] [Assorted Anime Tarot History] [FAQ]
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