En Français
In French
       Listed here are names of the cards of the Major Arcana in French, considering correct spelling and grammar, and also its literal translation. Traditional names are also included for reference.
Card Captor Sakura EnglishFrench
The FoolLe Idiot
(Le Mat)
The MagicianLe Magicien
(Le Bataleur)
The High PriestessLa Prêtresse
(La Papesse)
The EmpressLa Impératrice
The EmperorL'Empereur
The HierophantLe Grand-Prêtre
(Le Pape)
The LoversLes Amoureux
The ChariotLe Chariot
StrengthLa Force
The HermitL'Ermite
The Wheel of FortuneLa Roue de la Fortune
JusticeLa Justice
The Hanged ManLe Pendu
DeathLa Mort
TemperanceLa Tempérance
The DevilLe Diable
The TowerLa Tour
(La Maison-Dieu)
The StarLa Étoile
The MoonLa Lune
The SunLe Soleil
JudgementLe Jugement
The WorldLe Monde
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