Princess Joan, a.k.a. Holy-up

The Cartoon Network Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage

Page hits from January 31, 1999 to June 28, 2003: 16201
                 December 1998. That's when this Akazukin Cha Cha fan page came into being out of devotion for Akazukin Cha Cha. It had the tag of Cartoon Netwrok because Cartoon Network Asia broadcasted this anime for its viewers in Asia to see since April of that year.
                 Since having a hiatus from February 1999 to April 1999, then airing last episode of Akazukin Cha Cha in early 2000, things have changed for both Cartoon Network and myself.
                 Cartoon Network Asia had split its feeds into Cartoon Network Philippines, Cartoon Network Mandarin, Cartoon Network Thailand, and Cartoon Netwrok SE Asia/New Zealand. All of these feeds have been airing 24 hours a day (16 used to be CN's magic number), airing more of its own cartoons, like Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory, I Am Weasel, and the ever popular Powerpuff Girls.
                 As for myself, I was just a graduating high school student having a major passion for Sailormoon and some devotion for some anime airing at the time when I started this site. But since building the Assorted Anime Tarot and seeing more anime titles (including those shown on AXN SE Asia), especially Card Captor Sakura, my devotion for Akazukin Cha Cha fell to the wayside. Furthermore, I'm now a graduating college student taking up a journalism degree. I now have a viewpoint on anime which is different from my viewpoint at that time.
                 The story you have just read, I you decided to read that on, is a cryptic story which reveals some things about the new me, different from the one who built CNACCH. Leeja represents Akazukin Cha Cha. The other anime characters I mentioned represent other anime that I now like (even Gensomaden Saiyuki which the winner Son Goku represents), most of which I became a fan. The Survivor concept of the story came from my recent liking for reality shows, such as Survivor and The Amazing Race, to name a few. Shireneko Island represents this whole online space, and Leeja's loss to Son Goku represents this piece you're reading right now.
                 Ever since I made the Assorted Anime Tarot site the main site of this space, I decided to maintain the site, although I did not update the site anymore. But some of the visitors to AAT were using it as a gateway to CNACCH. I let it be. But sometime later, I discovered that some sites about Akazukin Cha Cha are now down, including the first one I visited, Chung Hyun's Akazukin Cha Cha World. Even Kayin's ACC site became a part-ACC, part-anime links site, with focus on You're Under Arrest, Ranma ˝, and Fushigi Yuugi.
                 In this note, I was torn between giving CNACCH up or maintain it as CNACCH is one of the few sites still operating. But I decided after four years of operating the site, I decided to close the site. Yet, I decided retain the character info, the picture gallery, and the somehow badly done music page. However, majority of CNACCH is now kaput. And this ain't a joke.
                 My point at this is my partial loss of devotion to Cha Cha. Even though ACC is not shown at Cartoon Network anymore, there are two anime being aired at Cartoon Network right now: Zoids: Chaotic Century and Beyblade. Even though I still like ACC, You're Under Arrest, Card Captor Sakura, Oh! My Goddess, Gensomaden Saiyuki, and even Galaxy Angels have taken over my attention. Things have changed in four years.
                 So I asked myself, "Why am I maintaining an ACC site when I lost devotion to it?" One simple reason: the regular visitors. They might have dwindled in number, but they still kept coming. CNACCH's loss is their loss, but it is now irreversible. The only back up files I have are pics and music in my Yahoo Drive. I don't have other back-up files such as for the html files. My attention now is for the Assorted Anime Tarot site.
                 As I end this piece, I like to say thank you to some people. First, the people of Otaku World, the very first site that had a link to CNACCH. Then, the people of the Anime Turnpike; they both have links to CNACCH and AAT. Also, the people at Anime Cubed; their ACC image gallery has provided ten more pics to add to CNACCH's image gallery. Also to Kayin, whose site still retains its ACC charm, although now focused on other anime. And to the site's regular visitors; they have shown their loyalty to Cha Cha.
                 Let me take a cue from Survivor. As I snuff out the torch symbolizing the Cartoon Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage, I say, "I have spoken. It's time for you to go." Good night.
                 I leave you now with links to the remnants of CNACCH to see the glory that was the Cartoon Network Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage. They are found below. I hope you enjoy them as they are.
                 The Cartoon Network Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage is now signing off.
Webmistress, The Cartoon Network Akazukin Cha Cha Homepage
P.S. If you have reactions or if you like the Animé Survivor concept, please sign my guest book. Include your e-mail address so I can contact you.
About ACC Cha Cha and Leeja ACC Character Info
ACC Image Gallery ACC MIDI Gallery
About Me
(To be updated)


©1993 Min Ayahana/TV Tokyo/NAS. All rights reserved.