Colors have the power to change living things: physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Each color can do something different to our bodies, here's a list of some of the ways colors can effect us:

Red Gives off energy; keep this in mind for your next all-nighter

Has the most power to change your body like:
It can quicken your pulse
It can raise your heart rate and release adrenaline into your bloodstream

This is the color of:
Enormous Power
Focused intent

It attracts:
A passionate, powerful, energetic man

Orange Makes you peppier, cheerleader-wannabes take note
Has a stimulating effect
Brightens spirits
Soothes animals and plants

A creative guy, like a musician or artist
Green Makes you like yourself more, a trick that comes in handy after a guilt trip
Gives off peace and serenity
Feels nurturing and relaxing; restful

A calm, environmentally minded peaceful guy, but beware; green can also attracts selfish, jealous, and lazy guys!

Purple Promotes:
Creativity & Superiority
Blue Makes you a more poised, persuasive speaker, good for oral exams
It’s peaceful, conjuring images of sky, sea, and heaven
Gives off peace and serenity
Feels nurturing and relaxing; restful

A truthful, and committed guy who’s looking for a long term relationship

Light Blue Brings out protective nature
Hot Pink Sensuality in a lady like way
Brightens spirits
Yellow Can keep your mind from wandering
Brightens spirits
Gives off happy vibes
Says you care about people

A spiritual and smart guy

Pale Yellow Promotes Clarity
Black Promotes Change
White Gets rid of stress


A laid-back guy who gets along with all types

Added extra:
Going on a date? Wear white; if your guy’s got any bad traits, they’ll be exposed

Lime Stimulating effect
Brightens spirits
Yellow of the sun wakes up a restful green, the result: the zing of lime
Brown Attracts:
A down-to-earth natural kind of guy but sometimes it can turn off the opposite sex
Scarlet or Fuchsia Need a jump? Plug into the energy of scarlet and Fuchsia.
Gold Indulgence
Pink Clear, bright pinks have a feminine youthful energy
Vivid Tones
(bright colors)
Stimulating effect
Brightens spirits

Extra Info:

It is a well known fact that color influences mood and feeling in common experience, however, the field of color psychology is still not well understood. Research on the psychological aspects of color is difficult for the mere reason that human emotions are not very stable and the psychic make-up of human beings varies from person to person. Nevertheless, there are a number of general and universal reactions to color which seem to be noted in most persons. According to fundamental psychology, Freudians relate hues back to bodily function-blood, faces, and so on-while Jungians tend towards a more liberal interpretation of hues, believing that the individual's response to color is too complex to allow a simple (sexual, for example) mode of interpretation. The purposes of this research are to (1) know the relation between color and personality (2) review the general and broad knowledge of color psychology (3) examine the several problems with color psychology and some possible solutions (4) predict the prospects of color psychology. As a matter of fact, many contradictions and ambiguities arose during the studies. Especially, in research of psychological effects of color because some studies tend to be subjective in their point of view rather than more scientific. This is because emotional reactions are not easy to measure. However, there are some commonalties which can be found from the resources. In broad way hues in the red area of the color wheel are called “warm,” while those in the blue and green range are referred to as “cool.” These terms are relative rather than absolute. Faber Birren defines this commonalty of the colors of the spectrum by associating each with two moods. The warm colors are active and exciting such as a red and its neighboring hues. The cool colors which are passive and calming are blue, violet and green. Likewise, light colors are active, while deep colors are likely to be passive. Modern researchers in Japan put their finger on this point precisely. For example, Choku Akashi (1986) demonstrates a number of his research results which imply that red is often felt to be active and may be connected in some circumstances with aggressive. In contrast to the warm colors, the cool colors are inactive or passive (see figure-2.) Faber Birren said “the rather strong observation is to be made that division of the spectrum into warm and cool colors holds very evident and simple meaning with reference to human personality.” Indeed, though the conclusion may be largely empirical, warmth and coolness in color are dynamic qualities, warmth signifying contact with environment, coolness signifying withdrawal into oneself. In conclusion, emotionally the red is exciting the blue is subduing. Physically and physiologically, the same sort of complementation exists. Red colors tend to increase bodily tension, to stimulate the autonomic nervous system, but green and blue colors release tension and have a lesser physiological effect. It is to be granted, of course, that direct connections exist between the brain and the body and that reactions take place independently of thought or deliberation. (Birren '55)

Links to related websites:

WebDesignClinic Color Series: This site has some lessons on color theory, and color moods, which help to build a better homepage

Peaceful Minds: Color Correspondence: Very New Age site that explains which color stones can help heal which sickness

Color at your fingertips: Feng Shui (which is a type of interior designing) color theory, a very helpful site

Color Therapy: This is an excellant site that has meanings of many different colors, color meditations, and pictures with different colors to try out how you respond to the pictures.

Hope This Helps With Your Furthur Research Into This Fascinating Topic... more of my new age sites coming soon... Until then Merry Part and may the goddess keep you safe

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