Season 4 Episode 81 "Chandler In a Box"-
Ross: A, you know Mon, if things work out between you and Richard's son, you'll be able to tell your kids that you slept with their grandfather.
Monica:  Fine, judge all you want to, but married a lesbian, left a man at the alter, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl's wooden leg in the fire, lives in a box!
Season 2 Episode 25 "Ross's New Girlfriend"
The Tailor :  How long do you want the cuffs?
Chandler ;  At least as long as I own the pants.
Season 3 Episode 60 "All the Jealousy"
Rachel:  Does everyone hate these shoes?
Chandler :  Oh yeah, but I don't think anyone's gonna focus on that as long as you're wearing that towel dress!
Season 4 Episode 79 "The Dirty Girl"  (Many funny quotes in this one!)
Joey:  So next time take her to your place.
Ross:  I tried that but she said it had a weird smell.
Joey:  What kind of smell?
Ross:  I don't know soap?!
Same episode
Joey:  Man, it is so hard to shop for girls.
Chandler :  Yes it is, at Office Max!
Same episode
Cheryl(Rebecca Romaijn):  Guess Who!
Ross:  Department of Sanitation?
Same episode
Chandler (to Kathy):  Happy Birthday, I'm sorry!
Same episode