News & Notes
This is the section of OverSight we like to call "News & Notes".
The most recent news concerning LFN will be posted here along the any Notes that we the staff of OverSight wish to pass along to you.

La Femme Nikita is wraping up its third seaon. With only 6 episodes left in this season, fans are sure to be in for a few surprises. The series has a steady cult following both in the States, Canada, and around the world. And the future success of the series is up to us. So we need to continue showing our support. LFN will be going through some production changes next season with Joel Surnow letting up on his tight control of the series. These changes are good for the fans. New faces with the series mean new and fresh ideas. I think we will be in for a treat.

In a recent interview with the Toronto Star, Alberta Watson gave a forboding proficy at the end of the interview. She starts filming the next season of Nikita in October. "I'm assuming this will be the last but who knows? I'm riding this success for all it's worth. If it takes being a dominatrix to get some attention, hey, I'm game."

Wow lets hope there a who know? Or else we could be counting down the epsidoes till no more La Femme Nikita.

Current Status of OverSight

We the staff of oversight must apologize for the lack of updates to our current pages. We are only a small staff. And at this moment most of our time is spent gathering new intel for future pages. But soon we should get back to updating. So in the mean time, we are looking for a few good men/women that would be interested in becoming part of the oversight staff/family. We need people who would be willing to gather current intel concerning LFN that would be posted on this page, a few more tasks would be site promotion and multimedia. If you are interested, E-mail us at


methos, jeanie, and Josephine
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