Eclipse of the Heart

By: Jaide

Disclaimer: We own only the idea, nothing else.

Rating: PG, deals with pregnancy, a few harsh moments.

Description: The now evil Angel has a change of heart when Buffy finds out she's pregnant. Note: This story was started by & finished by

"Here vampires, vampires." said Buffy Summers.

As usual she was in the cemetery, on patrol again. This time feeling really funky. She was sick for about two weeks now. She had a really bad stomach virus, throwing up everyday.

All of a sudden she heard a twig snap, she slowly walked toward the sound. As she was turning the corner of a a headstone, stake in hand ready to attack.

Suddenly Xander Harris jumped up from behind her.

"Xander!" cried Buffy "Don't ever do that to me ever again, I could have killed you."

"Sorry Buffy, but what are you doing here?"asked a voice behind Xander.

Buffy turned to see her friends Willow Rosenburg and Cordelia Chase.

"Buffy your sick, you shouldn't be here, that's why we're here." said Xander.

"I appreciate you guys wanting to help, but I'm the Slayer." said Buffy "I'm the one to kill vampires and just in case..."

Buffy couldn't finish her sentence, just the thought of his name brought shivers down her spine, the pain and tears starting up again.

"In case Angel comes" Xander finished.

"You guys were expecting me?" said a voice behind Buffy "Now that's not fair, I just can't have fun killing you, Thanks a lot you guys."

Buffy turned to find herself face to face with the cause of her pain and torment for the past two weeks.

"Buffy, I hear your not feeling good, well then what I'm going to do to you now isn't gonna be any better." as Angel said this he leapt to kick Buffy, who luckily jumped out of the way just in time.

"Listen Angel I'm so not in the mood for this okay, let's just get this over with."

"Now, that wouldn't be fun now would it, lover?" replied Angel.

How he mocked with that word "lover". He uses it any chance he had. Always making her remember that night.

"Hey, over bite!" yelled Xander.

Angel turned as Willow and Cordelia covered Angel's head with a sheet. Xander came to their side punching Angel in the face till Angel got up and ran away.

"I guys..home" Buffy said this as she fainted and fell to the ground.

"Buffy!" cried Willow.

Xander picked her up and they all started to run to the hospital.

When they reached the hospital, they rushed to the emergency room.

"Please help, she fainted!" cried Xander.

Hospital nurses came and they laid her on a bed and started checking her pulse and blood pressure, they quickly rolled her to a room.

"I'm sorry but you can't come any further." said a nurse. "Cordelia, call Buffy's mom, tell her what happened, but not all of it." instructed Willow.

"And Xander I'm going to call Giles and let him know what's going on."

Willow and Cordelia ran to make phone calls, Xander slowly walked to a chair in the waiting room, putting his head in his hands.

About thirty minutes later, Giles arrived.

"What happened?" asked Giles.

"Buffy was patrolling and we met up with her, when Angel came and started beating Buffy, we were able to stop him, but then she collapsed." explained Willow.

"Have you phoned her mother?" asked Giles.

"Yeah" Xander said quietly.

"Where is she now?" said Giles.

"A doctor's checking her out now." replied Willow.

All of a sudden the elevator door opened and Buffy's mom came rushing in.

"Where is she? What happened?" she cried.

"She's with the doctor, and she fainted." explained Giles.

The doctor treating Buffy entered the waiting room. "Is Mrs. Summers here?"

"Yes, right here" Buffy's mom said.

"Well, I have good news and I've got bad news" she said "I hate having to put it that way, but I have no other options."

"Well tell me the good news" said Buffy's mom

"Your daughter is doing good, she's resting and she can probably go home tomorrow."

"What's the bad news?"

"Your daughter is pregnant."

"What? How?" she exclaimed.

Willow, Xander and Giles all looked at each other in shock.

"But that's not possible, she just had the stomach flu...." her voice trailed on.

"I'm sorry but it's true your daughter has been pregnant for two weeks now, I'm sorry."

"Can I see her?"

"Of course, follow me"

Mrs. Summers followed the doctor leaving Xander, Willow, Giles and Cordelia in the waiting room.

"I can't believe it, Buffy's pregnant" said Willow in amazement.

"This is incredible, I never knew vampires could impregnate humans." said Cordelia.

Giles looked at her, "But of course, Angel had his soul, which makes him half human, why didn't I think about this before?" thought Giles out loud.

"You mean you knew that Buffy slept with Angel, and you never said anything?"yelled Xander "I'm going to kill him"

"Xander, it was a private matter, I don't really like to make it public" said Giles, "And please lower your voice your in a hospital, for the love of God!"

"Both of you just calm down, we have to stop blaming other people or accusing or whatever, our friend needs help, now you either just shut up or you both can leave." cried Willow.

Everyone stared at her in astonishment. Cordelia started laughing.

"What's so funny?" demanded Willow.

"I was thinking how fat she's gonna get, no more short skirts for Buffy, I hear that you get thunder thighs, lord help her."

They all just stared at her puzzled.

"What? Like you guys weren't thinking the same thing." said Cordelia.

Everyone turned to Giles.

"The most important thing is to protect Buffy from Angel, who knows what he might do to her." said Xander.

"That's true, he might attack her, plus this is a public building." said Willow.

Buffy was asleep in her hospital room bed, her mother at her side. Slowly her eyes opened.

"Mom, where am I?" she asked.

"You're in the hospital Sweetie, Xander brought you, you fainted." her mother replied.

"Oh, yeah, I remember." said Buffy

"Honey there's something we need to talk about." said her mother cautiously.

"What about?" she asked.

"Honey, you're...god help me.....pregnant."said her mom.

"What? I just had the stomach flu, but..oh, God Angel." she cried.

"You mean that boy that was helping with your homework, he got you pregnant? Did he rape you?"her mom questioned.

"No, mom, I'm sorry he didn't, I, we, it was my decision." she replied.

At that moment Giles, Willow and Cordelia entered the room.

"Uh, Buffy how are you feeling?" asked Giles.

"Good, just pregnant" she said, "I can't believe it, I just thought that it was impossible."

"Well it's always possible if you don't use protection." said Cordelia.

"Thank you Cordelia I never knew that, you know I mean after 3 years of Sex Ed. They never taught us that." Buffy said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Cordelia, have you never heard of tact?" asked Giles.

"Tact, is just saying things that aren't true" she replied.

"Mom, I want to go home, please" Buffy sounded like a three year old kid, and she knew it. Right now she wished that she was so that she wouldn't be in this predicament.

"Okay, I'll talk to the doctor." Buffy mom left the room.

"Giles I thought that vampires couldn't have kids." said Buffy.

"Well, Angel was part human, he had his soul, so it was possible, I'm very sorry." he said.

Xander was still in the waiting room, watching out for Angel. He stood up, and at that very moment Angel showed up.

"You can't go in there Angel." Xander said trying to hold onto whatever he had left of his patience.

"This is a public building, I can enter if I want to." said Angel.

" Man, just go away, you're nothing but trouble." yelled Xander.

Angel moved closer to Xander, causing Xander to tense up.

"This is all about the fact that I got to Buffy before you, isn't? You still love her, how pathetic." Angel chuckled.

"Angel, you got her pregnant, I think you qualify for Mr. Pathetic of the Year." Xander said staring in Angel's eyes.

"What? That's impossible, I .....don't believe you." said Angel

"Would I lie about something that important." questioned Xander.

Angel couldn't believe it, Buffy pregnant. A baby. A piece of him and Buffy. Angel slowly walked to the door of the room.

"Angel," said Xander.

"Please, Xander I have to see her." said Angel.

He pushed open the door and walked in, there laid Buffy, with her mother, Giles, Willow and Cordelia.

"Buffy." said Angel quietly.

"You!" cried Buffy's mom, "You did this, how could you ruin my daughter life!"

"Mom, it's not his fault, please just take me home." Buffy started to cry.

Angel could only watch, he wanted to hold her and kiss her. But then he remembered she's the Slayer and I'm no loner Angel, I'm Angelus. He ran out the door, pass Xander out the door into the night.

Later at Buffy's house. Buffy went to take a bath. She stepped into the warm water and laid down. Her hands smoothing the water over her body. Her hand landed on her stomach.

"What am I gonna do?" Buffy whispered to herself.

From the window, Angel watched closely as Buffy washed herself and stood to get out of the bath tub.

He watched as she put on her robe and walked to her room, he moved in closer. She stood before the mirror and looking from her side, smoothed down her robe and looked at her stomach. As she did this Angel fell in love with her all over again.

She could sense him she looked out her window and there he was.

"Angel, what do you want?" she demanded

"I wanted to see how you were doing," he said.

"As you can see I'm fine, now please leave." she turned around.

"Buffy stop acting like you don't have feelings for me cause I know you do, listen, yes I'm evil, I'll admit it, I'm the first to admit it, but I know that when I had my soul, I did love you."

"Key word did, Angel what do you want from me?" she asked, "Do you want me to forgive you? Let you try and kill me, I'm sorry but that's not how it goes. As far as I know this baby doesn't have a father, now get the hell out of my room."

Angel just stared at her, he was about to say something then changed his mind, he turned around and started out the window, he stopped.

"Just let me do one thing." he asked.

"What?" she questioned.

He walked over to her and rested his hand on her stomach. Then he knelt down and whispered:

"I'll always love you, you're a piece of me, that will always be in my heart."

Buffy turned away, trying to hide the tears that were falling down her face. If only he would say that to me, she thought.

Angel got up and slipped out the window, Buffy fell to the floor and the pain that was inside her exploded.

The next day Buffy went to the library to meet up with her friends. As she opened the door to the library, she took a deep breath and walked in. The whole group turned to look at her.

"Hi"she said meekly.

"Buffy hi, how are you feeling?" asked Willow with a smile.

"A little shocked, but other than that a mess." Buffy noticed that Xander was ignoring her, I better be on alert, this doesn't look god, she thought.

"Xander, hi"she said.

Xander looked up at her and said nothing.

"How's the mother-to-be? Feeling nauseous? If so, good, you deserve it, how could you sleep with him? He's a vampire you're a human, besides he didn't love you, he..." he yelled.

"Now wait just a minute this has nothing to do with Angel does it? You're just made because I didn't wait for you, face it Xander, I don't love you, yes you're my friend, nothing more. I can not believe that you are going to be shallow and a jerk because of a mistake I did. I thought you were my friend." she ran out of the library sobbing.

"How could you be such a jerk?" cried Willow.

"Right now I'm ashamed to be your girlfriend." said Cordelia.

In Angel's apartment......

He couldn't stop thinking of her. She carrying my child, could I be in love with her? No impossible, I left all those feelings when I became Angelus. But he couldn't stop thinking, her hair, her eyes, the way she looked when she was standing in front of the mirror.

"Ahh, I've got to get her out of my mind." he said out loud.

There was a knock on the door. Angel got up to answer it. There stood Buffy.

"Excuse me Sir, would you be interested in buying this wonderful product?" she asked.

"What product might that be?" he asked.

"A young, sweet, 17 year old, pregnant high school student, on the verge of a nervous break-down, vampire slayer." she said.

""How much?"

"Well today there's a special introductory price of nothing, while supplies last."

She looked up at him, her face pleading, Please Angel don't turn me down, she thought.

"Sure, why not I could always use a new vampire slayer," he said his voice became serious, "What happened, why of all places you came here?"

"I can't handle it anymore, I feel like I've disappointed everyone, Angel I know we hate each other and I want to kill you and you want to kill me but please I have no where else to go." she started crying.

"Buffy, I don't know what to tell ya, but you can't stay here, it's not safe I could possible kill, and that's not a good thing."

"But you said I minute ago I could come in, you didn't try and kill me then, what difference would one day make?"

"Fine, stay, I'll be back later." he said as he walked out the door.

Buffy could have sworn that Angel was back and then gone again. I have to call Giles.

"Hello?" asked Giles

"Giles, listen, I think that Angel might becoming back, I don't know, I came to his place and.." Giles cut her off. "Buffy, what do you mean you went to his place, Buffy he wants to kill you."

"Giles that's what I'm talking about, he didn't then he said that I could stay here and then he changed again, what does that mean."

There was silence a minute.

"He's feeling human feelings, towards you or..."

"To the baby."

"Yas, that could be it, it's making him want to become human, and ...Buffy this could be the way to restore Angel, continue to make him have feelings."

"Giles, I love you, you're the best! Bye," she hung up the phone.

When Angel came home he found Buffy sleeping in his bed, his bed, that brought back some memories, he thought, what hadn't they done in his bed.

He laid down beside her and rested his hand on her stomach, then laid his head too. Buffy felt this and she looked down and started to stroke his hair, he tensed up and looked up at Buffy, then changed his mind and laid back down, she smiled, I'm going to make you human again, if it's the last thing I do.

Jaide continues the story:

Buffy awoke with a sense of warmth and peace. Angel still had a hand on her belly and one propped up under his head. She gently looked up to find him sleeping contentedly. Hopefuly, he was feeling human emotions. Angel was such a sound sleeper that it wasn't terribly hard for her to leave without waking him up.

It was nearly 10 when she arrived home. Her mother was pacing the hallway furious at her daughter for skipping school. She looked up when Buffy entered the house.

"Where the Hell have you been young lady?" she asked angrily.

"I was just....around," Buffy sighed. In spite of having slept half the day she suddenly felt tired.

"You were out with that boy, Angel, weren't you?" Joyce demanded.

Buffy was sick of lying. "Yeah, I was."

"You are forbidden to see him. In fact, you're grounded. You are only to leave your room for meals, school, and bathroom!" she practically screamed.

Buffy remained silent as she slowly made her way upstairs. She didn't care. It didn't matter anymore. She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Angel groggily woke up. He reached out for Buffy who'd been beside him but felt only the coolness of his sheets. He sat up quickly, looking around. She had left. He glanced at the clock across the room. 10:30. He had hours until sunrise. In minutes he was out the door on his way to Buffy's house.

He jumped up onto the roof by her window. He found it open and leaped inside, silently. The room was dark, but he could see her small form sleeping on the bed. She was still dressed and was lying on top of the covers.

Angel sat down beside her and watched her sleep. She looked innocent, young, and fragile. Beautiful. She always smelled so good, like peaches. Carefully, so as not to disturb her, he pulled her body against his.

Buffy wasn't that sound of a sleeper, and was awake instantly. She almost screamed.

"Shhhh, Lover. I'm not here to kill," he said, grinning.

"Oh, what a relief," she said sarcastically. She lowered her voice when she remembered her mom was downstairs. "I'm in allot of trouble. My mom knows I was with you."

Angel shrugged. "I don't care about your mom. She shouldn't be able to control you like that."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "She's only my mother, the person who gave birth to me, carried me around for 9 months, and raised me."

Angel lowered his eyes to her stomach, wondering just how large it would grow. "Soon you'll experience that."

"Yeah. I wonder how it'll feel," she said, half to herself.

Angel laughed. "Probably big." She threw a pillow at him.

"If pregnancy is anything like the morning sickness part..." she shuddered. That was a horrible experience.

"Don't worry, I'll be here."

She looked at him. "You're evil. We hate each other, want to kill each other. Why are you here?"

"I don't hate you. I don't want to kill you. I want to be here," he looked up to the ceiling. "I'm a soulless demon and, God help me, I still love you."

"You're becoming more human," Buffy murmurred.

6 weeks later

Buffy stood in front of her mirror, shirt lifted partially up to reveal her stomach. It was growing pretty fast. Too fast, she thought. It had been 2 months, and the signs were clear. Her clothes were getting tight. She pulled her shirt down and headed downstairs.

Cordelia soon arrived and drove her to the doctors office. It was time for a check-up.

"So, Buffy, those thighs enlarging yet?" Cordelia asked.

Buffy glared at her. "No, Cordy, they aren't."

"Sheesh, just a question. It's your own fault you got knocked up. At least Xander and I use pro..." she realized what she had just said.

Buffy stared at her and she turned bright red. She expected Buffy to blow up. "Well, I'm surprised, but I'm glad you use protection," was all she said.

"Umm, Buffy? Please don't tell anyone. Especially Willow. I know I've been mean and this is just the kind of black mailing thing you can use, but...."

"I swear. I won't tell a soul. Or a vampire."

Cordelia smiled. "I was kidding about the thigh thing. You are pretty cool."

Cordelia and Buffy were becoming better friends each day.

Cordy waited in the lounge while Buffy went in for the check up. They did a small ultra sound. It was too early to tell whether it was a boy or girl, but not too early to determin something else.

"Miss Summers, I have some news," Dr. Jameson told her, writing something in her folder.

"Good or bad?" Buffy asked worriedly.

"It depends. Are twins good or bad?" Buffy felt like she was going to pass out.

"Twins? Are you sure?" the doctor nodded.

Buffy told Cordelia the verdict on the way back. Cordelia was excited. Buffy was a little weary. She still had to tell her friends, her mom, and Angel.

She told Cordelia to tell Xander and Giles. She called Willow herself, and talked to her mom in person.

Willow was also excited, and promised to spread the word to Oz. Her mom managed a smile. Xander had called Buffy, apologizing for the other day in the library. Giles also called, wishing her the best of luck. Now, she had to face Angel.

Angel had been staying in his old apartment, instead of at the wearhouse. He saw Buffy all the time, and they had gotten along together. He knew he still loved her. He wasn't surprised to see her outside his door.

"Hey Buffy," he noticed her worried expression. "What's wrong?"

She walked in the house. "Oh, you're gonna get a kick out of this."

He faced her. "What is it? Something about the baby?"

"Oh yeah, but now you'll have to mention it plural, as in babies."

Angel grabbed the wall for support. "Oh my God, what are you saying?"

"I'm having twins," Buffy watched, half worried, half amused as Angel fainted to the floor.

"Oooohhhhhh," Spike looked up as Drusilla doubled over. She was having a vision.

"What is it, Baby?" Spike asked.

"Baby," she repeated. "Yes, a baby. No, two babies."

"What? Who's having two babies?" Spike asked confused.

Drusilla smiled. "The slayer. And her Angel. Angel..." Dru frowned. "But he's my daddy, not theirs!"

Spike couldn't believe it. Angel had knocked up the slayer?? And they were having two babies? Dru was mad. Angel was her 'daddy', her sire. Now he was playing with his slayer.

"Angel? Are you ok?" Buffy asked as he woke up.

"Oh, just fine," he remembered why he'd passed out. "And I thought I couldn't even have children...but twins?" he asked her, staring into her eyes. Buffy nodded.

Angel noticed her stomach. It was rounder, and it carried his two children. Buffy took his hand and pressed it against her stomach. He was a vampire, so he strained his ears, listening for their heart beats. He could hear them. Small, but steady. He smiled.

"Giles! Giles!" Willow ran into the library frantically waving a yellow disk in the air.

He came out of his office. "What is it, Willow?"

"I found this! It belonged to Ms. Calendar, and it contains..." she paused, catching her breath. "A way to restore Angel's soul."

Giles took of his glasses. "Restoration."

"Not just that!" Willow said excitedly. "It does it so that the spell can never be broken, and, it tells how to make a mortal immortal!"

Giles looked at her. "Why would we need that?"

"We could make Angel good, and Buffy and the babies immortal, so they could live together forever!" she said happily.

Giles nodded. "Willow, that just might work..."

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