Jealous, Much?

By: Jaide

Disclaimer: I own Jackie, Roland, Christian, and Crista (actually, they’re 4 of my best friends, so I don’t OWN them, but, you know) and the idea is mine. Every thing else belongs to Joss Whedon at Mutant Enemy. Oh, and Karen is my creation, too.

Rating: PG

Principal Snyder eyed the 6 students with mild interest. "I expect you children to behave and act appropriate in my school. I’ve read over your files, and as far as I’m concerned you all are nothing but venemous little snakes."

Pike shook his head. How’d he get stuck in this crowd. He knew coming back to school was a terrible idea. He was surrounded by idiots. Tyler, who thought he was so cool, and his lap dog, Roland (sorry Roland!) Of course there were bimbos, also. Jackie and Crista. (I swear, I don’t mean it!) At least Christian was ok. She was smart, pretty, and tough.

"Is there something you would like to share, Mr. Jameson?" Snyder asked. He already was getting hounded on, and he’d been in this school for 5 minutes.

"No, sir."

Snyder nodded. "Good. Now get out of my office, all of you."

"What a prick," Crista said, chewing her gum.

"Nazi, more like," Jackie answered, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow.

Christian stayed silent. "So, what are we supposed to do in a no-mans town like this?" Roland asked, bored to death already.

"Make fun," Tyler told him, hinting trouble. "We can.." he stopped suddenly as he noticed something, or rather someone, across the hall.

Everyone looked in his direction. Pike was dumbfounded. Buffy was here! Christian hadn’t really been friends with Buffy. Buffy had been more like Jackie and Crista, while Christian was level headed and down to earth. Tyler put a hand on Crista’s shoulder when she started to move towards her old friend.

"No no no. Let’s surprise her later. I heard about the hot spot in this town. The Bronze. Knowing Buff, she’ll be there. Until then, stay out of sight. "You, too, Poke," Tyler said.

"It’s Pike," he corrected through gritted teeth.


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