Highlander Clone Line

Michael Moore/Quentin Barnes

Looking for a great clone deal? How about a two-for-the-price-of-one model? Two distinct personalities housed in one clone. One is a caring, compassionate, attractive doctor Moore -- capable of deep loving emotions and the other is the psychotic murderer Quentin Barnes. Hours of fun! Never a dull moment as you wonder which one you'll be having dinner with tonight!

Connor the Thinker

This clone manages to be introspective despite the beautiful surroundings. With the same brooding nature of the original this clone need a lot of TLC.

Fashion Plate Connor

This MacLeod (same clan different vintage) has his own unique sense of style. Katana space is not a problem with this trenchcoat. Also included in this package are the white tennis shoes even though they are not pictured. This clone does not need his katana to chop things as he is equally adept with a kitchen knife.

Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez

Juan brings his own sense of style to the Clones R Us line. This is the man to teach you all about the game as well as how to dress with style and flair.

Psychiatrist Sean

Have your very own personal in house psychiatrist! Have you always wanted someone to psychoanalyze your every move? Then this clone is for you! Always ready to point out when a cigar is not a cigar and alert you when you make those pesky Freudian slips. Always ready with the advice you need and just full of helpful lines like "How long have you been feeling this way?" and "Why do YOU think you said that?" and "How does that make you feel?" and "I think what you're really saying is..." and "Tell me what you dreamed and I'll tell you what it meant." and "Who's afraid of thunder? It's just a lot of noise." This fun filled clone will find a psychological excuse for everything you do, no matter what it is!


In search of a spiritual overhaul? This model may provide the assistance you seek. A good deal of caution is advised in the selection of this clone; a genuine interest in your welfare is one of his hallmarks but that interest can manifest itself in particularly difficult and probing questions concerning the state of your life. Those not open to rather deep self-examination or greatly enamored of a militaristic lifestyle may wish to order a different model entirely. Owners of certain early model Duncans may want to remember that this clone can exert a marked influence on Mac's behavior.

Claude Devereux
aka "The French Guy"

Still hiding in the handbasket? Incapable of making it through a day without thinking about getting out the glue and a hair tie and finding Duncan MacLeod and taking matters into your own hands? Well this is the clone that can make you forget. Our Claude clone has hair capable of making an otherwise sane woman stop channel surfing and start drooling. This hair has the power to keep that same woman coming back again and again week after week to a TV show she's never seen before JUST on the off chance that hair might show up again. YES -- this clone's hair is capable of addicting a woman to a TV show before she knows what she's about. Always remember the power of the hair.

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