Highlander Clone Line

The Ultimate Tee Set

Love to golf but hate having to join strangers to make a foursome? Now you can be the talk of the clubhouse with this deluxe golf clone set. Includes one Amanda, one Duncan and one Fitz clone, each with quaint retro golfing togs and clubs. Improve your game with their tips learned over decades of play. Note: Fitz tends to cheat but we like to think it just adds to his charm. After all, who's keeping score when you're having this much fun?

The ORIGINAL Duncan and Fitz Set

This is a special limited run edition of our first set of Duncan and Fitz clones. The original prototype, kindly tested by our Clan MacMoose Chieftain, still resides with her to this day. Here is what she has to say -- "I have never found it necessary to even consider getting another clone or trading these in for new ones. They are such an eager to please pair and are fun both separately and together. I will warn those who purchase this set that part of the charm they have includes some wild schemes on occasion. They do manage to escape my home once in a while and they create problems wherever they go -- mostly in that no one wants to send them back home. But they are loyal, they always come back. A pair well worth the investment!" Supplies are limited, so order soon. Starcrossed outfits come standard with this set, but can also be purchased separately for your other "regular" Fitz and Duncan clones.

Bronze Age Horsemen Set

Having trouble deciding between Death on a Horse and Pestilence in a Jar? Well now you don't have to choose, you can have both! Each comes dressed in full Bronze Age outfit as shown with extra blue and black face paint so they never loose their fresh look! Take them to parties, everyone will just love you if you do (or be made to). Keep whole crowds of Jr. High Schoolers in line (they make great crossing guards). Take them to that pesky IRS audit. Let them have a talk with that co-worker that is always on your case. Problems solved quickly with these two in your home. Your family will never fight over the TV remote or fuss about what's for dinner again!

Handymen Duncan and Methos Set

This is a combination package of our also seperately available Handyman Duncan and Handyman Methos clones. Save money by purchasing the set! And just think, with both these guys to paint your house, fix your pipes, tear out your ceilings -- you can have a whole new home without even moving. This pair comes with all the accessories of the individual clones as well as paint and paint brushes. Note: management STRONGLY recommends earthquake insurance for purchasers of this pair.

Methos and Byron Set

This is the only way to get a ready made Byron clone. And just think, you get a Methos clone with him! They come dressed in modern day costume, as shown, but a change of outfit for "The Shelly Years" comes standard. For a small extra fee, you can even get a Casper the Goat clone to make the picture complete and set the stage for those long nights in front of the fire with these two. Sorry, we don't make or sell Mary Shelly clones, but if you know where we can get some DNA, we will be happy to do a special order for you (no lightening or kites required).

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