OLTL Fan Luncheon 2000

Hi all,
  As promised, here is my take on the OLTL lunch.
(Bugface146) and I went together. While standing in line to get in, we ran into (Zanalexa).  I was not feeling too well, but all in all I had a TERRRIFIC time. 
  Carolyn and I ended up being interviewed by a reporter for SoapNet.  It was really fun and made the waiting time go quickly.  One of the things we discussed is how fans hate recasts and how a storyline which is completely out of character can make a long time viewer turn off the show.  For example,
Kevin Stapleton being replaced by Tim Gibbs and completely changing Kevin's character or Erica stealing Maria's baby on AMC.  Another thing she wanted to know was our reactions to the train crash.  I am much more interested in human relationship stories rather than special effects, but I liked the aftermath of the crash, thought it was realistic.
  We happened to be out in the hall when Bob Woods (Bo) and Gina Tignoni arrived.  Bob was gracious, posed quickly for a picture which Carolyn snapped on the run, Gina, on the other hand, put her head down and raced towards the room where the stars were going to eat, without saying hello, smiling or anything.  Bob had on this funky shirt, he looked really good.  Gina had on a sleeveless white top and kakhi capri pants.
  This year the stars ate separately from us "peons".  I didn't go to the luncheon in 1999, but I was there in 1998, so I can report on the differences.
  Here are the stars who attended:  Bo, Kelly, Blair, Rae, Nora, Lindsey, Melanie, Colin, Jared, Cristian, Jessica, Roseann, Skye, Joey, Antonio, Ben, Sam, John Sykes, Will
   We were in a larger room, which worked much better for the autographing, etc.  They had the usual "warm up" by Darlene (I think that's her name), the hairstylist and Alan Needleman.  They hinted that Roger Howarth would be returning.  Also that Nora wasn't dead, lol.  Hilary later said that "today she was alive."
  It was clear that Kale Brown (Sam) and Mark Derwin (Ben) really get a long well.  Kale stood up on his chair applauding when Mark was introduced.  Kale also was switching the nametags around so Will could sit next to him. 
  Needles and Darlene just talked to the actors a little rather than the usual question and answer period.  I much preferred this method since it moved quicker (more time to meet the stars) and everyone was pretty funny.
  I think I will refer to the stars by their character names from now on as it is easier.
  There was a large group of Ben/Blondie fans there and Ben acknowledged their presence and said how happy he was to be working with Blondie (Erika Slezak). Then he said, "Of course, she still won't appear in public with me......she's on vacation yet again."  This brought a big laugh from the audience since Erika never goes to the luncheons.  Ben also called Renee "Mom" a few times.
  When Rae was asked who she thought her daughter was, someone in the audience said, "Maybe it's Ben."  Rae immediately said, "Yes, Ben is really a girl."  Ben responded "Hi, Mom."
  Sam paid tribute to Jill Farren Phelps, as did many of the other stars like Blair, Nora, Bo, Ben, Rae, for getting him a storyline.  Nora credited JFP with getting her off the back burner and into a storyline with two gorgeous men, what more could she ask for? Nora's fans wore Tshirts with slogans to reunite Bo and Nora and they were probably the loudest group there, eating Cheetos (a favorite of Nora's) and whooping it up.
  So....I'll go on to the stars I actually met.  I wanted to go to Nora's line first since in years past it was the longest, so I went up there first.  It was a little confusing, but I ended up in the line where Jessica was.  She was very gracious, I told her I hoped she wins the Emmy and she smiled and thanked me. She kept saying, "Keep watching" to almost everyone.  She looked alittle ovewhelmed.  She wore a sleeveless blue top. Cristian was next to her, he wears glasses in real life.  He signed my book and I took a picture of them.  I think I was able to get some really good pictures - I waited until I was close to the stars.  Also got pictures of Sam, Ben, John Sykes, Rae, in addition to the stars I actually talked to.
  Then after much waiting, including being shoved aside by this incredibly rude woman who kept butting in line, I got to talk to Hillary.  She had on these funky earrings which I liked - ya know me and my jewelry - so she took them off and showed them to me.  I told her that the jewelry and wardrobe on the show had improved since JFP took over.
   Some of the stars who were not present were:  Kevin (Tim Gibbs), RJ (Tim Stickney), Hank (Nathan Purdee), Viki (of course), Max (Jim DiPaiva).  Hank wasn't supposed to be there, Viki never goes.  Max's daughter, Dreama, was visiting him that weekend and he had to take her to a birthday party.  Fan club staff was surprised that RJ was not there since he always goes.  No word about why Kevin did not show.
   Hillary spent quite a bit of time talking to her fans, so the line moved slowly, it was evident that they are very important to her, and she tried to make everyone feel as if they were special to her. 
  Catherine Hickland, who was wearing this knockout dress (see Soap Opera Update, May 23, 2000 issue, page 74), also spent a lot of time talking to her fans.  Although every star was supposed to sign only one item and take only one picture with the fans, Catherine signed an autograph, gave away a black & white 8x10 which she personally signed to every fan who wanted one, and she was selling her CD's for only $5.00 (versus about $16.99 at the record stores) and she would sign the cover of that if you wanted her to.  She also refused to be rushed, even when security tried to hustle the line along.  The security guy assigned to her looked really frustrated.
  I have a treat for you - Colin (Ty Treadway) will be shown on the show on Wednesday, and ladies, this guy is GORGEOUS and really nice.  Incidentally, Ty Treadway is his real name, he's from California.  He took pictures with everyone sitting on his lap, etc.  He's really great, and appreciative of all the attention he's getting.
  Melanie (Darlene Vogel) really does look like she could be Lindsey's sister.  She said there will be lots of stuff coming up about their relationship and they are going to be roommates.  She's very beautiful.
  Blair (Kassie dePaiva) has a new website (www.kassiedepaiva.com) she's excited about - her CD will be available in July (I think she said) and her website will have a link to a site where you can buy the CD.  She said she recorded it by request from the fans since she used to sing on Guiding Light.  I told her I was really looking forward to hearing her sing since I'd never heard her (I know she's sung on OLTL but I missed those episodes).  Kassie had on a sleeveless black velvet top with white touches, a wide silver chain and large silver earriings.  She looked incredibly beautiful.  Her parents were also at the luncheon, having driven all the way from Kentucky.
  The last line I stood in was Bo's.  I told him that he had flirted with me in 1998 and I havent' been the same since - what a nut I am - and I needed him to flirt with me again.  He smiled this big smile - love those dimples - and said, "well, Patti, how are you enjoying yourself today? Leering look.  Loved it.  Then we talked a little about the last luncheon and about Robin Strasser.  He said they don't hear from her, but he did see her when he was in California for the Soap Opera Digest awards and she looks well.
  I ran into (KirbsMum) about that time and we chatted for awhile.  I saw Davecable go by in a blur, but didn't get to talk to him - those constant standing on lines, ya know.
  Saw Skye (Robin Christopher) in the ladies room near the end.  She was actually talking  on a woman's cell phone to the woman's mother.  I couldn't believe she was actually doing this.  She is much thinner than she appears on TV.  She was wearing a white blouse, black slacks, nice jewelry.
  Jared came by our table and posed with my friends while I was chatting with KirbsMum.  See what I give up for you guys???  Judy wanted to meet Wobbetta  and I managed to locate both of them.
  Incidentally, Catherine Hickland has a line of skin care products called Renaitre which she will be hawking on QVC on May 27 at 1PM I think she said.  And Linda Dano will be on QVC all day I guess for Fashion Day.  Bob Woods said he felt left out because he didn't have a CD, a website or was selling anything on QVC.
  I didn't visit any more lines - I wanted to talk to Antonio, but the line was just too long and I was too tired.  I'd already gotten most of the other signatures at the previous luncheon anyway.
  Ohhh, I forgot, Lisa the policewoman (Christine Toy Johnson) was also there. Sorry, Lisa, for leaving you out.
                                It was a great time. 
      Hope more of you guys might be able to go next year!

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