Christmas Eve

Written by: Sandra Bondelier

as performed by Celine Dion
Snow falling gently to the ground

Tis the night before....

Looking out over the railing of the terrace at the Penthouse, she remembered their afternoon of fun earlier in the day, sighing contentedly as she looked forward to more just like it. Marlena couldn't recall a happier time spent with the man she loved. Just as she was beginning to feel the slightest chill from the frosty air, the arms of that special man wrapped themselves around her slender body, surrounding her with a warmth and comfort she could receive from no other source. "Hey, pretty lady... all warmed up?" he said after a fashion, noticing her settle into his embrace.

Turning around to look into those sparkling blue eyes, she said, "I am now... how do you do that by the way?"

"Do what, Doc..." he asked innocently, snuggling closer to his love and wondering what she meant.

And in my heart there is no doubt

That this is gonna be

The brightest holiday........

"Oh... you seem to know just the right moment to come up and put your arms around me?"

"Prior knowledge and practical experience in the field..." he said with a teasing smile.

She chuckled at that one, "Prior knowledge... hmm... I see... well, I do so like your style... Care to share some more of that prior knowledge with me?" she asked, pointing up toward the door frame, where a nice sprig of mistletoe hung at the ready.

"Oh.. duty calls, doesn't it? Can't break the rules of engagement, now can we?" he said, a sly smile on his face.

She laughed... "Rules of engagement? Oh.. you mean the one that says no engaged couple shall stand under the mistletoe without kissing? No... that would bring bad luck and we definitely don't need any more of that..."

Now, that most of those bad times had come and gone, he could joke about it."Well, you know... sometimes I think if it weren't for the bad luck... we wouldn't have had any at all, Doc... " he said with a chuckle.

She laughed again, in spite of herself... "You may be right about that, John... it certainly did seem that way sometimes, didn't it?"

"Yea... but all kidding aside... those days are gone forever, Marlena..." he said, his hands caressing the creamy white softness of her cheeks. " Because this Christmas is going to be the start of only happy times for you and me and everybody we love. I can feel it, Doc," he said with growing enthusiasm. John loved Christmas and he found himself feeling better by the day. His boyish excitement was contagious and she was starting to feel it too. They stood there together recalling their first special day together in months, a day they would always treasure, enjoying the spirit of Christmas, the new Celine Dion CD playing cheerfully in the background.

Cause here you are with me

Baby, baby I can't wait........

The sense of youthful anticipation was building in both of them... This was going to be a very special Christmas indeed, their first one when they were able to be openly in love, their feelings and affection no longer something to be hidden. It was glorious and they both had some secret plans to make the season extra special for each other. Today was the first of many such wonderful holiday celebrations for John Black and Marlena Evans. It was early afternoon and they were walking along playfully in the new fallen snow, hand in hand, smiling and laughing like teenagers with a brand new love... What a wondrous sensation it was to be so in love after so many years had passed.

John wanted to make sure she knew just how much he loved and appreciated her. "Marlena... I know we've talked all this through, but I just have to say it again... I'm sorry that my focus has been other places lately... rather than on you and the kids... I want you to know... how happy you've made me... and how incredibly grateful I am to have you back. I promise... I'm going to do a better job, from now on... I love you with all my heart, Marlena Evans...."

"Oh, John... and I love you with all of mine... I'm so glad we've talked about all that... I hated the tension between us.. I just love you so... and I've been worried... I just don't want you to be hurt...."

To spend this special time of you with someone who

Makes me feel the special way that you do....

" I know... but I'm fine and you're fine... the kids are fine, and Sami's going to be proven innocent... So, let's... play!" he said, grabbing a handful of snow, beginning to pack it into a snowball. Marlena was fast, but not that fast and he got her in the front of her new coat with a mushy one. "John.... Oh... you... look at this!" she exclaimed, caught totally off guard somehow.

"Ah, Doc... did I get that fancy new coat of yours all messy? What a crying shame...." he said smiling and putting his hands on his face in a gesture mocking her... all the while preparing to turn and run.

She advanced slowly, ready to get him back... having grabbed a good fistful of the white stuff while he was busy laughing at her reaction... hers was packed tight by this time... and she was ready to throw it at him. When he was caught up in watching her seductive expression, thinking about the evening he had planned, she nailed him full in the face and then took off running.

"Oh man... that was a good one... Woah that's cold... " he sputtered, quickly wiping away the offending substance and starting to run after her. She'd been working out and had gotten farther than he thought in that short period of time. John found himself getting winded trying to catch up with her, a fact which made her giggle and tease him... "Getting tired huh... age catching up with you, honey?" she said, still running away from him.

"Ooh, you're going to pay for that one, Doctor Evans... or need I remind you which of us is the senior partner in this deal?"

"Oh.. John... Ooh!" she shrieked.. that was something they almost never talked about.. "You're going to get it now buster!" she said, stopping in her tracks... just what he wanted... Gotcha!" he exclaimed gleefully, hitting her gently in the face with the snow. "A little beauty treatment madam... I hear the cold snow does wonders for those annoying fine lines, Doc... at least that's what my dermatologist told me," he joked.

"Oh... Oh... that's so cold.. and you are SO mean to me.. " she said, shivering as some of the frigid liquid made it's way down into her shirt.

"I could kiss you and make you warm all over," he said with passion, glancing over at the mistletoe hanging so forlornly in the shelterhouse nearby.

"Ooh, the possibilties excite me...." she said moving closer, pressing her body against his, knowing he'd been wanting her all day long.

"They do, don't they... Ooh, baby... so you wanna go home and get.. all cozy with me?" he said with an exaggerated wink, more than ready to get out of his wet clothes and climb into bed with her. John couldn't resist temptation any longer and impulsively captured her mouth in a fiery kiss, his tongue making rapid needy movements inside her mouth, elicting a moan of pleasure from both of them.

Walkin' with you in the winter's snow

Kissin' underneath the mistletoe.........

"Oh... yes, honey... let's go home and crawl up under the covers together... " She said it just loud enough to be heard by most of a small gathering of people who were standing to wait for the horse drawn sleigh to arrive at the stop nearby. As John and Marlena passed by arm in arm, they received several warm smiles. It was the time of year to be seen through a lover's eyes and people enjoyed seeing couples in love.

People smiling everywhere we go

It's Christmas Eve and they can see we're in love.....

John was thinking about something he'd been observing and he wondered if it were just his imagination or if it were really happening as he thought. "Doc... have you noticed... how people seem to be smiling at us all the time?"

"Yes, I have... it's because we're obviously so much in love... they see it and smile at us. Isn't it fun?" she said, tightening her grip around his waist, feeling giddy with their renewed sense of playfulness, a quality that had been sorely lacking in their relationship until the past couple of days.

Ooh, you make the season bright

With the lights reflected in your eyes.......

"Yea... it's great, Doc! I love you SO much pretty lady!" he said as he stopped his forward progress while at the same time gazing intently into her dancing eyes. She was so incredibly gorgeous in every way to him and he wondered why he'd lost sight of what was most important, for even a day or two. "Marlena, I couldn't be happier than I am right now... being here with you, playing and laughing.. Gosh, we've needed to get away like this for so long," he exlaimed elatedly, picking her up and twirling them both around in a circle.

"You'll get no argument from me there," she agreed with a joyful smile when he set her down, grabbing his face for another kiss. "I love you so much and I feel so happy, so... free!" she said, just as suddenly dropping to the ground to make a snow angel. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd done that.

All my dreams are comin' true tonight

It's Christmas Eve and I can see we're in love.......

John stood there and watched the woman he loved with all his heart, mind, body and soul playing in the snow with childlike excitement and it was truly a sight for sore eyes to see. In fact, it brought a couple of tears to his eyes... tears of joy and regret all mixed up together. 'Oh, Doc... I'm sorry... I'm so sorry that I ever let anything become more important to me than you and making you happy... I won't let it happen again, I promise,' he was saying to himself as he watched her making the perfect snow angel. When she was finished, he reached out a hand to pull her up and she allowed it, at first; then she caught him off guard and yanked him toward her, causing him to lose his balance and fall, landing right on top of her, which was precisely where she wanted him. "I got you good," she said, looking longingly into his surprised blue eyes.

Landing with a groan, he said, "Oh.. Doc... if you wanted to kiss didn't have to force me into it... I'll kiss you any time, honey!" he said and then he proved it, his tongue slipping quickly inside the warm moist confines of her mouth, his body swiftly becoming aroused from being on top of her. "Mmm... Doc," he moaned.

"John... I just wanted to....get.. you.. back," she said, unexpectedly grabbing two handfuls of snow, getting him right in the face... then scampering to her feet and running toward the shelter house....

It took awhile to recover from the kiss, not to mention having the wind knocked out of him, and she was nearly back to the Jeep before he even got his feet underneath him to give chase. "Oh.. that was very sneaky... you're going to pay for that one, Doc... you just wait...." he called after her, not completely teasing this time... she was at least one up on him.

"I'm waiting allright... you've lost a step or two honey... come on the cocoa's getting cold already!" she was yelling from across the way. All he could do was shake his head and smile admiringly at her. She definitely had the upper hand...and the truth be told, John Black liked it that way, for it meant she was truly happy; she was beaming with joy actually and that was how he wanted it to stay.

We'll stay up late tonight, decorate the tree

Just look into my eyes, and I will tell you truthfully

That I don't need no Santa Claus

To hear my Christmas wish

I got you in my arms

And what could be a better gift

Than to spend my very favorite time of year

With the one I really love so near, Oh yeeeaahhh.....

When he caught up with her, he was too winded to mess with more snow. John was feeling the cold and wanted some of that hot chocolate, gladly taking the cup she offerred him, sharing a hug and a warm smile for the fun day they'd spent together. It was what they desperately needed, to get away from everything: their worries for Sami, the issue of John's past and their disagreements about Greta. As they wrapped their arms around each other to ward off the chill, they noticed a younger couple looking on, as if to say, 'We hope we can stay as much in love at your age, as you seem to be.' They held each other a little tighter and smiled back as if to answer, "You will, if you're meant to be together and you work at it.'

Walkin' with you in the winter's snow

Kissin' underneath mistletoe

People smiling everywhere we go

It's Christmas Eve and they can see we're in love........

As they were driving toward home, Marlena reached over and touched his leg, then gave his hand a little squeeze. He looked at her and smiled, thinking once again how truly blessed he was to have her in his life after all that had come to pass through the years. "I love you, Doc... did you have fun today?"

She sighed with a sense of peaceful relaxation, "I love you too.. and yes, I had lots of fun... that was the most wonderful time I've had in ages, John... thank you for spending the day with me. It was just what we both needed."

"Yes, it was... And now... I want to go home and engage in some... acitivity of the bedroom variety."

"I think that might be arranged... the kids won't be back for another hour and a half... or so..." she said, watching his eyes which lit up in response to her answer.

"Good, just enough time.... then I'll be ready to spend some time playing with them. I promised Brady we'd go sledding this afternoon, or maybe build a snowman."

This was the longest stretch of time he'd had his thoughts focused completely on her and their children in weeks and it felt wondrous.. "Oh, John... this is how I want it to be... you and I having some time alone and then being with the children, giving them our full attention... Honey... I really appreciate the effort you've been making lately. It means a lot to me."

"Doc.. it may have taken me awhile but I finally figured out that I was damaging our relationship.. and I told you that I wouldn't let my priorities slip out of place again. I was becoming a little... obsessed with uncovering my past. I'll admit that, but I won't let it happen again. I'm going to work hard to keep things in perspective and balance the way I spend my time and energy. Okay?" he said, a hint of frustration sneaking into his voice for having to go over it yet again.

"John, honey... please don't get defensive with me.. I just want you to know that I've noticed the effort you've been making lately and how much I've enjoyed the extra time we've had to share together. It's been wonderful."

With an apologetic sigh, he said, "I'm sorry... guess I'm still a little touchy about it. I'm glad you noticed and that you've been enjoying our time together... so have I."

"The kids have too... Brady said something about it the other day..."

"He did?" John said, constantly surprised by the insights of his small children.

"Yes, he said he was glad you were home more often because he was missing you and Belle agreed with him. She said it feels happier around the house now..."

He was shaking his head marvelling at their sensitivity, "Man... they're amazing aren't they? They don't miss a thing, do they?"

"No they don't... they're so observant and so sensitive to emotional issues, John." She was so proud of them too... they were so bright, so inquistive and it was nice to see her fiance calling attention to the way she saw them.

He smiled, having read her thoughts... "They're terrific kids, Doc... and we made em.' That's pretty darn incredible, isn't it?" he asked, thinking back to days gone by; time passes quickly.....

She sighed with happiness... saying, "Yes, it truly is, John... and so is our love when you think about it. It was almost thirteen years ago that we met and here we are together... after everything we've both been through. Sometimes, that amazes me too."

They were just pulling up into the parking lot at the condo complex when John was begining his reply. He shut off the engine and turned toward her, staring into her loving eyes, saying as his right hand moved to caress her left cheek, his left lightly threading her hair, "Not me... because you are the most beautiful, compassionate, loving, forgiving woman in the entire universe. I know there have been times when I didn't deserve your loyalty.... but I'm glad you never gave up on me or our love, Doc... It's because of you that we found our way back together... and I promise you I won't lose sight of that fact, not ever again." There were tears in her glimmering hazel eyes when he finished and he tenderly held her face between his hands, bringing her mouth toward his, giving her a kiss of infinite tenderness, exemplifying all of the love he held inside his heart for her, a kiss that left her breathless and needing him so....

Ooh, you make the season bright

With the lights reflected in your eyes

All my dreams are coming true tonight

It's Christmas Eve and I can see we're in love.......

"Oh, John... I love you... so very much... and I know that I have hurt you too... but we're together now and we'll never be apart again."

"Right... not for a second... and.. that's a fact, my pretty angel lady," he said convincingly, as a hand went to her face again... his knuckles brushing her cheek before he turned to climb out of the Jeep. "And, this is going to be the best Christmas ever, Doc!"

And bells are ringing when I hear you say

We'll do it all again on Christmas Day

I can't wait.......

Their minds back on the present, John said... "Uh, Doc... I know we don't have a lot of time, but I.. didn't have my way with you yet... what do you say we take our celebration upstairs... maybe the kids will be a little late.."

"Oh, I didn't tell you... they're off schedule by a half hour or so..."

"They are?" he said, a little too enthusiastically. He didn't want her to think he didn't want to spend time with them. However, he was only partially successful in hiding his glee about the prospects of making love with her before they arrived, "Oh.. I mean... shucks.... guess that old snowman is going to have to wait until tomorrow... but, there's no sense sitting around here moping while we wait for them... now is there?" he teased, feiging disappointment.

She only laughed at him... "Right, John... who are you kidding... moping..." she was muttering as she headed toward the stairs at a very slow pace, leaving him standing there not quite sure of her desire to do the same. John just stood there, nonplussed... "Well, aren't you going to join me... it could be a little boring all by myself."

"Well, I thought you'd never ask.... I'll race you," he said with a sweet youthful grin on his face.

"Sure, if your legs don't give out on you," she answered hastily, racing toward the stairs to get a good start on making it to the bedroom before he did. She'd been teasing him unmercifully and she had the sense that payback time was soon to arrive... hopefully in the master bedroom, if she were lucky...

"You better be ready when I catch you... because... I... need you, baby... I love you madly and I need you badly," he said in a throaty growl that suddenly sounded even more appealing than usual.

"You better prove it to me honey," was all she had the opportunity to say before he scooped her up and laid her on the comforter, his mouth capturing hers in a stirring kiss meant to start the fires burning. The smoldering embers of their passion were ignited and hands moved to unfasten robes as swiftly as possible. "Oh, Doc... I want you... so much... it's been all I could do to wait this long today.."

"I know... " she said teasing him with her tongue, running it around the edges of his mouth, making him wait for a deeper kiss.

"You know?" he asked innocently and then it smacked him in the face... "Oh, of course you know... silly me... You know I'll always want you, any time, anywhere..." he replied, making a trail of moist kisses down the length of her nearly naked body. "I love you sexy lady... I love you and I need you, more now than ever before."

"Oooh... I love it when you talk like that... and I will.. always want to be with you...any time... any..where you want me... my love... so... have your way, now. Take me to heaven honey... or lose me forever," she said, partially imitating a line from one of his favorite movies. He laughed... and said, "Brace yourself, Alice... I'm gonna take you to the moon!" he said, imitating a favorite from a different entertainment medium to which she responded with a sweet giggle in anticipation of the pleasure that journey would bring for both of them, enjoying every moment they shared on this special day...

Walkin' with you in the winter's snow

Kissin' underneath the mistletoe

People smiling everywhere we go

It's Christmas Eve and they can see we're in love

Ooh, you make the season bright

With the lights reflected in your eyes

All my dreams are coming true tonight

It's Christmas Eve and I can see we're in love..........