Written by: Kelly
Now and Forever

Chapter One

Liz woke up startled until she realized it was just a dream.  A very good one
at though.  She was dancing with Lucky under the stars.  She could feel his
arms around her, his breath as it flowed past her neck, and could even hear
his heart beat.  It was wonderful…until she woke up.  She glanced at the
calendar on her wall as she thought of the dreadful day ahead of her.  It was
April 20, 2002.  "Today marks three years without my precious Lucky," she
said aloud to no one except herself.

The telephone, lying next to her clock, which read 8:09, rang abruptly.
Elizabeth knew exactly who it was and answered the phone in a hurry with,
"Hello Hon!"

The deep voice on the other end answered "Good morning, Liz."

"It's not a very good morning, Nikolas," she muttered.

"I'm sorry Liz.  This is a hard day for all of us," he said apologetically.

"I know Nik….  But if you don't mind, I want to jump in the shower.  I have a
couple things to do before we meet for lunch."

"I understand Liz.  I'll see you at 12:15."

"Until then.  Bye."

"Bye Liz," Nikolas said to no one as Elizabeth had already hung up.  He had
just one more telephone call to make this morning.  He rapidly dialed the
numbers and anxiously held the telephone to his ear.  The voice on the other
end answered, "Stefan Cassadine."

"Hello father," Nikolas said.  He had begun calling him father just recently
since he had gotten over the shock of Stefan being his real father.

"Nikolas.  It's good to hear from you."

"Well, today marks three years since the fire with Lucky.  It is a hard day
for Liz.  If I can help her through this day, everything will be perfect for
next week," Nikolas stated.

"I'm sure everything will work out fine.  I have not spoken with him today,
but I am sure the plan is still working perfectly.  Then a while after the
wedding the next part of the plan will happen."

"Well I just wanted to say thank you.  Thank you for standing by me.  Thank
you for helping me with Liz.  And thank you for starting the whole thing."

"Nikolas, you know I want to see you happy and will do anything to make you
happy," Stefan reassured Nikolas.

"You've been great.  Call me later with any news," Nikolas said as he hung up
the telephone, "This just has to work, it just has to work."
Elizabeth slowly stretched her way out of bed.  She gazed into the picture of
Lucky standing on her desk.  She picked it up and gazed into it as she wiped
her finger along his cheek.  A single tear rolled down her own cheek.  She
didn't wipe it away.  She merely said, "I love you Lucky, Now and Forever."

After she showered and got ready, she made her way by foot to the flower shop
where she purchased one dozen red tulips.  Red for her love for Lucky and
tulips because they only bloomed in springtime, right around now and always
reminded her of Lucky.  She carried them in her arms as she strolled to the
cemetery.  She knew exactly where to go and quickened her pace until she was
sprinting to Lucky's grave.  She was the only one in the entire cemetery.
She kneeled down facing the grave and placed the flowers down.  She felt a
huge lump in her throat and could tell from the water in the eyes that she
was about to burst into tears.  She cried for a few minutes and when she
finally stopped her fingers were gliding over the lettering of the tombstone.
 She read:

Lucas Lorenzo Spencer Jr.


Son, Brother, and Friend

May 11, 1982 - April 20,1999

"I love you Lucky, Now and Forever," were the only words to leave Elizabeth's
mouth.  She stood up, wiped the tears from her eyes, and slowly exited the

Chapter Two

Elizabeth headed towards Luke's.  She knew she would find Luke in his office.
 For all she knew, he slept there.  Knowing Luke was feeling as badly as she
was, Liz couldn't wait to get there.  When she arrived, she used her own key
to get in and locked the door behind her.  The club didn't open until around
two or three.  She found her way back to Luke's office and knocked on the
door.  Elizabeth was a little startled when she heard, "Liz, come on in."

She entered and smiled when her eyes met Luke's, though she didn't have much
to smile about.  All she said was "Hi Luke."

"It's nice to see you Liz, how are you feeling?"

"Not so hot.  How about you?"

"Absolutely terrible," Luke answered honestly.

"I can't believe it's been three years," Liz stated.

"Three very long and dreadful years," Luke added.

"Very true."

"So you have already been haven't you?"  Luke asked referring to the cemetery.

"Just came from there."

"Well I'm heading over soon.  How is Nikolas?"

"I only talked to him for a few minutes this morning, we're meeting for
lunch.  But he really doesn't understand how I'm feeling like you and Laura

"Liz, do you really love him?  I mean enough to marry him in a week?"

"Well honestly Luke, I'll never love anyone as much as Lucky, but he's gone
and I have to move on.  And Nik has been great.  He has helped me through
everything.  And I love him."

"Well I'm happy for you if you are truly happy."

"Are you planning to see Laura today?"  Liz asked, hoping for a positive
response, the two had not spoken much in the past three years, but both
remained single.

"Oh who knows," Luke replied.

Elizabeth knew it was time for her to leave Luke to himself.  So she said,
"Luke, I will call you later.  I know you have things to do."

Luke answered, "Bye Liz.  Talk to you later."

Liz let her self out as she always did and glanced at her watch, which read
10:37.  She had time to visit Laura and Lulu before meeting Nik for lunch.
She made her way across Port Charles slowly as she pasted her time by
thinking of the time that Lucky sang "My Girl" to her before they ate ribs,
cheese fries, and Mountain Dew.  Carried away in her dreamlike thoughts, she
almost walked past Laura's house.  She jogged up the driveway and rang the
bell.  Lulu ran to the door, opened it, and threw her arms around Liz's legs
as she shrieked with glee at her favorite visitor.  "Hi Lulu," Liz happily
states as she walked into the house holding Lulu's hand.  Laura was watching
from inside and walked over to hug Liz immediately.

Laura said, "It's wonderful to see you Liz.  Lulu, why don't you run up
stairs and get the picture you drew for Liz."  She was buying time alone with

Lulu darted up the steps to grab the picture.  Liz asked, "How are you today?"

Laura answered, "As good as I can be."

Liz tried to smile, but could only manage a half smile.  Her eyes watered
although she promised herself that she wouldn't cry in front of Laura, it
would only make Laura cry.  "When are you and Lulu heading over to the

"Probably after lunch, Lulu has a picture she wants to put on the grave."

Almost in cue, Lulu bombarded down the stairs with a picture in each hand.
She placed the both on Liz's lap.  The one for Elizabeth was of Liz and
Nikolas holding hands.  "Very cute," Elizabeth thought to herself as she
switched to the next picture.  Her mouth dropped open as she stared at the
next one.  It was of Lulu's entire family, Laura, Luke, Lulu, Lucky, Liz, and
Nikolas.  Liz felt honored to be drawn as part of the family, but that wasn't
what upset her.  Every person in the picture was drawn as they look now,
their current age, except for Lucky who still looked the same as three years
ago.  "It's just not fair," Liz thought.  She mumbled, "Excuse me," aloud,
then made her way to the bathroom.  She could not fight the tears anymore.

Laura understood and walked over to Liz and said, "It made me cry too.  I
just miss him so much."

Liz replied, "Me too.  Me too.  I'm meeting Nik soon, but are we still having
dinner here together?"

"Of course," Laura laughingly replied.

"Well maybe you should invite Luke.  He's pretty lonely today."

"Maybe I will.  I'll see you at seven Liz."

"Bye Laura.  Bye Lulu," Elizabeth said as she walked to the front door.  She
could not be with Laura and Lulu much, though she loved them so much.  It was
too hard sometimes.  Liz realized she left her picture behind and would get
it later.  She promised herself to stop back by the cemetery to pick up
Lulu's picture for Lucky, to save it from the rain.  She glanced at her
watch, which read 12:05.  She quickened her pace.  She did not like to be
late, it worried Nikolas.  As she headed to Kelly's, she wondered why she had
chosen to meet Nik there.  Kelly's always brought back so many happy memories
of Lucky that made her somewhat sad sometimes.  She walked through the door
and immediately spotted Nikolas who was sitting at their regular table.  His
back was to her, so she kissed him on the cheek to surprise him before she
sat down.

Chapter Three

Back at Luke's, Luke was drowning himself in liquor; he drank frequently
since the fire.  He heard a knock coming from the front door.  He almost
ignored it, but for some reason felt, it was important.  He strutted to the
door, unlocked the wooden door, opened it, and stood face to face with his
hero, his cowboy, who now stood one inch taller than Luke did.  Luke
breathed, "Lucky is that you?"

"Yes dad.  Hurry and let me in so I can explain," Lucky said as he turned and
waved to the car that dropped him off.

Luke stepped aside, closed, and locked the door.  He stared at Lucky in awe;
afraid it was a dream.  Lucky practically read his thoughts and reassured
Luke by saying, "It's me dad, in the flesh."

Luke hugged Lucky so tightly, afraid to loose him.  Lucky said, "I have so
much to explain, dad.  But I want mom and Elizabeth to hear everything.  Can
you get them here?"

"Of course, cowboy.  I'm on it right now," he said as he pulled out his cell
phone and called Laura.
"I'll have the chili and a Mountain Dew, please," Elizabeth told the server
before she walked away.

"Well Liz, I know you don't want to hear this today, but I made a meeting
with Courtney to discuss the final wedding plans tomorrow at 12:00 at the
Port Charles Hotel.  Can you make it?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Great, I'm really excited and I can't believe that in on week, we'll be

The ringing of a telephone interrupted Liz's reply.  Both checked their cell
phones and Liz stated, "It's me Nik.  Hello!"

"Hi Liz.  It's Luke.  I need to see you right away.  Can you come to Luke's
right now?"

"Well sure.  I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Okay, let yourself in.  We'll be in the office," Luke said rapidly before he
hung up.

Liz looked worried as she told Nikolas, "Luke said he needed to see me
immediately.  It sounded important.  So I'll call you later."  She dashed out
of the restaurant before he could even reply.
"Well, they are both on there way," Luke said as he heard a knock from the
front door, "That's probably Laura.  I'll let her in and you wait here to
surprise her."

Luke went to let Laura in with a huge smile on his face.  He knew Laura would
be just as happy, and Liz would be twice as happy.  "Laura, I have a surprise
for you in my office.  Did you leave Lulu with Leslie?"

As they walked into the office, Laura said, "Yes, you told me not to…Oh my
god.  Lucky is that you?"

"In the flesh, mom," Lucky stated as he hugged Laura in extreme excitement.
"I wonder what Luke was so frantic to see me about?"  Liz wondered as she
looked through her purse for her keys.  Just then, she was grabbed from
behind.  An unfamiliar hand slipped over her mouth.  She dropped her purse in
fear and the contents sprawled across the entrance to Luke's.  She was
dragged to a van as she thought, "Please not this again.  Please."

Chapter Four

Nikolas sat in Kelly's astonished; he could not fathom what Luke needed Liz
for.  His mind was running through the possibilities as his own cell phone
rang.  "Hello."

"Nikolas, I have bad news," Stefan stated.

"Well tell me," Nikolas requested urgently.

"Faison has just informed me that Lucky has escaped."

"God, what is keeping Elizabeth?"  Lucky asked.

"Who knows.  Maybe she didn't leave lunch with Nikolas as soon as Luke
called," Laura stated.

"Well I'm calling her cell phone.  I'm dying to hear this story," Luke said
as he dialed Liz's number, "No answer," He said with a hint of fear.

"I'll call Nik.  Maybe her battery went dead," Laura stated in an attempt to
be reasonable.

"I'll check out front," Luke said and rushed out the office door.

"Mom, she's ok right."

"I hope so hon. I mean of course.  I bet she is still at lunch with Nikolas,"
she said as she dialed the number.  "Hi Nik…is Liz with you… She's not…well
she must be on her way…ok you do that.  See you soon…Bye Nik.  Liz isn't
there, Lucky.  Nik is on his way, he's going to…"

"LAURA, LUCKY, get out here.  No, I'm on my way," Luke shouted, "I found
Liz's purse outside with everything in it throw all over.

"Oh no, he has her.  He has too.  I thought I would be rid of him," Lucky
cried out as his head dropped into his hands.

"Who has her, cowboy?"  Luke asked bewildered.

"Caesar Faison."

"No, he's dead.  He died with Robert and Anna," Laura stated.

"Just like I died in the fire?  His death was a hoax too," Lucky began to

"Well don't worry, everything will be alright soon.  Just tell me everything
you know about Faison," Luke answered calmly.

Before he had a chance to start, there was a knock at the front door.  "Oh
that's Nikolas," Laura said, "He is probably so worried about Liz."

"Send him off.  Tell him Liz is fine and have him leave.  We don't need him
here right now.  Besides, I frankly don't like him much and Lucky probably
doesn't want him here now either," Luke told Laura.

Laura left to go tell Nikolas the lies Luke asked her to say.  She trusted
Luke's judgment, but added that Liz would be spending the day with her and
Luke and would probably call him the next day.

Chapter Five

While Laura was gone, Lucky couldn't help but ask, "Well dad, how is she, I
mean how were these past three years for Liz?"

"Well son, they were tough.  She went through a lot of pain, but Nikolas
helped her through most of it.  He was there through everything.  And they
were quite happy, not as happy as she would have been with you, but happy.
They are actually planning to get married in a week, but who knows now."

"I've been back for less than an hour and have already caused so much
trouble," Lucky said in disappointment.

"You have not caused any trouble.  Everything will work out, Lucky.  Just
start explaining," Laura reassured him as she entered the office.
As Nikolas walked away from the bar, he knew Lucky was inside and figured Liz
was too.  "Well I must have lost her by now, even though neither of them have
a clue that I am partially behind this fiasco.  Liz will never part with him
now.  They will never leave each other's eyes," Nikolas thought.  His cell
phone rang, another call from Stefan.

"Nikolas, you are going to be upset about what I am going to tell you.
Faison has Liz.  He is going to use her to get what he wants from the

"No, not her.  I wanted Liz kept out of this.  Not her," Nikolas screamed.
"Ok, here goes.  Three years ago was the fire, but it wasn't my body.  Faison
had even switched my dental records.  He was so careful, no one even expected
the fire to be foul play.  I was disappointed both of you believed it, but I
couldn't blame you, since though Faison was so damn smart.  He kept me in a
room and monitored my every move.  He brought me food and even showed me
tapes of Liz and you two, you know to show me you were safe.  I had a
computer, but no way of communicating with anyone.  The three years dragged
by and there was a guard that would bring me food while Faison was away.  He
was sometimes gone for weeks at a time.  Well I started to become friends
with the guard.  I would tell him stories about Elizabeth and my past.  I
guess he started to sympathize with me because one day he gave me a plane
ticket for Port Charles from Greece that he had paid for, and a fake
passport.  So here I am.  He knows I escaped by now and he has Elizabeth…"
Lucky began to cry after he finished explaining.

Laura wrapped her arms around Lucky trying to calm him down.  "Everything
will work out hon. I just know it."

Chapter Six

Elizabeth wondered who these evil men were, why they had her, and where they
were taking her.

The passenger began to speak; his unique accent made Elizabeth shiver.  "Well
Elizabeth, you are probably wondering why I have you, but you will learn soon
enough," he said as he picked up his cell phone and dialed.

"Hello!"  Luke answered frantically.

"Well Luke, you may have your Lucky, but it doesn't seem like the name fits
him today does it?"

"Faison, what do you want for us?  Why do you torture us like this?"  Luke

" I want the diamond.  If you give it to me, I will release Elizabeth into
your sons arms."

"Anything.  Just tell me where and when."

"Meet me in an hour at Deadman's Cliff.  Come without the police and bring
the diamond," Faison said just before he hung up.  He turned to Liz and said,
"Well it's your lucky day."
"Dad, we need to kill him, or he will haunt us and torture us for the rest of
our lives," Lucky pleaded.

"Lucky, not today, it's not a good time.  He'll have guards and will kill all
four of us.  Later we will have Sonny arrange something," Luke explained.

"Well let's go get the love of my life."

"Wait just one more thing and then we'll go," Luke said.
"Nikolas, calm down.  Faison knows how you feel about Liz and will not hurt
her.  He is just using her to get the diamond from Luke.  Then he plans to
shoot Lucky, release Liz, and make his exit, vanish off the face of the
Earth," Stefan explained.

"Then I will help Liz grieve once more and then we'll marry.  She will never
realize I am partially behind everything."

"Your relationship with Liz will be back to normal before the wedding,"
Stefan reassured Nikolas.

Chapter Seven

"Are we there yet Dad?"  Lucky asked for the fifth time.

"No, Lucky, almost," Luke patiently replied.

"Well I can't wait to see Elizabeth and to hold her in my arms and never let
go," Lucky proclaimed.

"Oh, look there's already a car here," Laura shouted as they pulled in.
From inside the car, Liz recognized Luke's cadillac and wondered what he was
doing here.  But she figured he was there to save her.  "Well sweet
Elizabeth, it's showtime," Faison said with a devilish grin across his face.
The driver walked over to Liz's door and let her out while keeping a close
hold on her to keep her from escaping before Faison got the diamond.  Liz
could see three figures in the car.  When they got out she recognized Luke,
Laura, and "Lucky," she gasped.

"Elizabeth, I love you and I have so much to explain."

"SHUT UP!!!  Luke give me the diamond and Elizabeth will be released," Faison

Luke walked forward and held out the diamond.  The second Faison grasped it,
Elizabeth was released.  The guard pulled out a gun and fired at Lucky twice.
 Lucky's hand reached toward his chest as he fell backward.  Liz rushed over
with tears running down her face.  She held Lucky in her arms and said, "I
love you Lucky, Now and Forever."

Chapter Eight

Faison and the guard ran to their car and drove off before giving Luke the
time to retaliate.

As soon as the car was away, Luke announced, "Ok Lucky, he's gone."

Lucky sat up and hugged Elizabeth while he said, "I love you too Elizabeth."

"But how, they shot you twice?"  Liz questioned.

"I'm wearing a bullet proof vest.  It was my dad's brilliant idea."

"Well I knew it wouldn't be over yet.  And it still isn't over," Luke said as
he pulled out his cell phone and dialed.  "Hello Mac.  You need to find and
arrest Caesar Faison on grounds of kidnapping.  He is alive and has had Lucky
all this time," Luke informed Mac.  He continued to tell him over useful
information like Faison's car and license plate number.

Liz and Lucky finished their welcome back hug.  Liz said, "I think you have
quite a bit of explaining to do."

"So do you," Lucky retaliated as he pointed at the engagement ring on her

Liz pulled her ring off and shoved it in her pocket.  "Well since I now know
you, the love of my life, are alive, I won't marry Nikolas.  I never really
loved him.  He was just your replacement.  I missed you so much and he was
there for me just like you were after the rape.  There were so many times I
felt like he was trying to be you.  But all that matters now is that you are
back.  I love you, not Nikolas.  I want to be with you Now and Forever."

"I love you too.  I want to spend the rest of our lives together and longer
if possible," Lucky reassured Liz.

"Lucky, Liz, we have to get back to Port Charles now.  Lucky can explain when
we get there.  But we aren't going to tell anyone Lucky is alive until Faison
is captured.  No one.  So Liz, you are going to have to lie to Nikolas, even
he can't know Lucky is alive," Luke explained.

"Sure, anything you say Luke.  As long as Lucky doesn't leave my sight for
the rest of our lives," Liz said as they entered the car.  Liz began to
wonder how she was going to cancel a wedding in one week with shear lies.
She asked, "So how should I cancel the wedding?  What should I say to

"Well we have to act normal, no one can know Lucky is alive.  So maybe you
will have to go along with it," Luke explained.

"No.  I can't marry Nikolas with the love of my life back in my life.  I
don't even want him out of my sight," Elizabeth pleaded.

"Why don't you explain to him that you are sick with the flu.  That will keep
him away from you for at least a few days.  Hopefully by then Faison will be
captured and then the truth will be told," Lucky suggested.

"Good idea.  But where will we stay for those few days?"  Elizabeth wondered
Laura piped in, "You are always welcome at my house…except that would involve
telling Leslie and Lulu and Nikolas who will most likely visit.  So I think
your best bet is Liz's apartment."

We can put a guard outside to keep an eye on things and Sonny lives right
upstairs," Luke added.

"So take us there.  I have so much to explain to Elizabeth."

"Sure thing.  But you two have to promise not to let anyone know Lucky is
alive.  No one," Luke said.

Chapter Nine

Nikolas sat nervously on the couch, drumming his fingers on his leg, waiting
to hear from Stefan.  "What is taking so long?  He must have…" Nikolas was
interrupted by the ringing telephone.  He frantically answered, "Hello.

"Nikolas, you will be pleased to hear the plan went well.  Faison has told me
that everything went as planned," Stefan explained.

"Well then I have to call Liz now," Nikolas pleaded.

"Good luck.  Even though I'm sure you don't need it."

"Bye," Nikolas said as he hung up the receiver.  He thought, "Should I call
Liz at her house or her cell phone?"
"Well that is the grand tour, Lucky," Elizabeth said as they walked back into
the living room.

"I have so much to explain.  Let's sit over there and talk," he said pointing
to the couch.  They walked over to the couch and sat next to each other with
Lucky's arms around Liz.  "So it all started with the fire…" Lucky said until
he was interrupted by the ringing telephone.

"I'll just be a minute," Liz said as she walked over to the telephone.

"Hi Liz," Nikolas replied.

"Oh, Hi Nik."

"Well, how are you feeling?  Do you want me to go over so we can talk?"
Nikolas asked.

"No, not now.  I want to be alone," Liz pleaded. "I'll call you later," she
mumbled as she hung up the telephone.  She eagerly walked back over to the
couch and sat down in Lucky's arms and said, "Go on."

Lucky proceeded to tell her the same story he told Luke and Laura.  After he
was done he said, "Tell me all about your three years."

"Ok.  Well to tell you the truth, I blamed myself for your death the minute I
found out it was started by those candles.  I just couldn't cope.  I spent
three months speaking to no one and hardly leaving the house except for work
and school.  At first Emily tried to cheer me up, but then her and Juan
became an item.  She lost time for me.  And she basically gave up on me.  But
stubborn Nikolas did not give up.  He made me realize that I had to move on,
that you wanted me to.  He was always really nice, and we started spending
time together.  He broke things off with Katherine and we started seeing each
other.  Finally about one year after your death, we kissed.  But it wasn't
like kissing you, it was just sort of blah.  I figured you were my soulmate
and Nikolas was second best.  So that is why I am supposed to marry him in
one week.  But one more thing, we never made love.  We were waiting until we
were married.  Boy am I glad we did that.  Now just like I always wanted, you
can be my first," Liz said, taking a deep breath when she finished.

"You have been through so much.  But I have to say that I'm really glad you
and Nikolas never…I want to be your first and for you to be my first.  That
fire was not your fault.  I feel rotten that you would ever even think that."

"It's not your fault.  It's Faison's fault.  I hope they catch him and kill
him," Liz said.

"Me too."

"Can we just stay like this for the rest of eternity?"  Liz asked referring
to the fact they were in each other's arms.

Lucky replied, "I hope so.  I love you Elizabeth."

"I love you too, Lucky, Now and Forever."

Chapter Ten

At the PCPD, a frustrated Mac says, "Absolutely nothing.  We can't find
anything on this son of a bitch."

"Calm down.  We'll catch this bastard," Taggart reassured Mac.

"I need to talk to Lucky about where exactly this high tech facility he was
kept at is.  Then we'll look there."

"Luke said he would be at Elizabeth Webber's apartment.  I know the number,"
Taggart calmly stated.  He and Liz had become friends since Lucky's death.
She sometimes called him to talk to him about it.  Taggart picked up the
phone dialed and handed the receiver to Mac.

"Hi Liz.  It's Mac, can I speak to Lucky…Hi Lucky, I need you to tell me
exactly where Faison was keeping you…In Greece…Ok thanks, I'll call you with
any news," Mac said as he hung up the receiver.
"I don't understand why Liz is keeping this from me.  I want to be there for
her.  I helped her through Lucky's death once and can do it again.  Maybe
I'll call her just once more," Nikolas thought.  He reached for the phone
lying next to him and dialed Liz's apartment number.  He heard Elizabeth's
voice answer.  "Hi Liz," he replied.

"Hi Nikolas," she replied without enthusiasm.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk."

"About what, Nikolas?"

"Well it must be hard to loosing Lucky for the second time."

"What do you mean for the second time?"  Liz questioned with suspicion.

"Well just when you had him back you lost…I mean it must feel as though you
loose him every year," Nikolas said attempting to cover himself.

Elizabeth knew exactly what he really meant and was beginning to loose her
trust in Nikolas.  To get rid of him she said, "Yeah, but today I want to be
alone.  I think I may take a nap."

"Ok.  Call me when you feel like talking," Nikolas said as he hung up the
phone.  He thought, "Why is she keeping this from me?  I know if she is
napping, I'll go over and then she will wake up in my arms.  Then I'll have
her back and she'll be ready to talk."  He grabbed his coat and rushed out
the door.
Elizabeth hung up the receiver and said to Lucky, "Nikolas knows.  I don't
know how, but he knows.  Except he thinks you died a second time.  I don't
understand it."

"Me neither.  Maybe Stefan is linked to Faison.  And Nikolas too.  We have to
get my dad over here and explain this to him," Lucky pleaded.

Liz grabbed the phone and dialed Luke's cell phone number.  She told him they
needed to speak to him right away, but Luke said he could be there in an
hour, he was down at the police station answering questions.

"I'm tired.  If my dad isn't going to be here for an hour, let's go take a

The couple walked hand and hand to Liz's bedroom.
"Luckily I have a key to Liz's apartment.  That way I won't have to wake her.
 I want to be a surprise for when she wakes up," Nikolas thought as her
entered the elevator in Liz's building.  When he got to her level, he stepped
out of the elevator, unlocked the door to Liz's apartment, and walked towards
her bedroom.

 Next Chapters