Kevin, Lucy, Ballons and Cotton Candy

Thanks to Alicia for this Transcript!

(Doc is on the rooftop, after Lucy has just told him goodbye. He's thinking about what was said and by the looks of him running out the door, he's not letting her have the last word. Meanwhile, Lucy is alone in the park thinking about the same things.)

Guy: Balloons for sale, half price for the little lady since it's so late.

L: Oh no, no thank you, no balloons. It's too late for me. Guess this is my wake-up call. Time to stop dreaming.

Young L: Do I really have to? Give up my dreams?

L: I'm afraid so. You know it is the best thing for you, for us. You know life isn't always balloons and cotton candy all the time and if you think that way, you can really, really get hurt.

Young L: I won't.

L: But you see the world can let you down big time. You know you think everything's going just great and you have the world by the tail and it's all going your way and then everything changes and the people that you love they sometimes just don't love you back and the plans you have to have a great big family they all go up in smoke and you're just left with a horrible empty place in your heart.

Young L: No! Race you to the tree, it's time to play.

L: I'm afraid not. I think it's time that we both go our seperate ways kiddo.

Young L: Are you sure?

L: Ya, you know it's time for a big girl like me to grow up. Maybe big girls aren't supposed to have that happily ever after dream.

(Later at Lucy's house....)

L: This is sort of hard letting your dreams all die. Maybe it's better to just sit in the dark and not have to face reality at all. (She changes her mind and turns on the lights to find the whole room is filled with balloons and cotton candy.) Oh my goodness!

K: I hope you don't mind. Thought I'd bring the carnival to you.

L: What? But why?

K: Because I couldn't stop thinking about what you said. About the little girl who dreamed of a life filled with balloons and cotton candy. And I don't want you to give up that dream.

L: Oh Doc.

K: I never want you to stop reaching for the stars Lucy. Because you make me believe that I can reach too. Lucy it was your strength that kept me going when I was lost, when I didn't want to go on, you were always there, waiting for me to catch up. And you showed me that the world is filled with goodness and surprises and hope. I just want to give back what you give me every single day.

L: I don't know what to say.

K: Just say that you'll never change. I love the little girl in you Lucy, as much as I love you Lucy Coe.

L: Doc you really love me, you really love me, this isn't some sort of unique reverse pshycology of yours huh?

K: You know I love you. Even when I couldn't see it, you could. And I realize now that it's when I'm with you that I really feel alive.

L: Oh doc, are you sure? Are you absolutely positively sure because I couldn't go through losing you again, you know that.

K: I'm right where I wanna be Lucy, with you.

L: Oh Doc!


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