Kevin, Lucy and The Body Slide

(Our scene opens in Lucy's Room. This is the first time we have ever seen Dr. Kevin in Lucy's canopied bed. Kevin is snuggled all warm in her bed... However, he is rudely awakened by the sound of Lucy sliding on the body slider. He stirs...)

K: "Lucy?"

L: "Go back to sleep. I'm working off my anxiety?"

K: "What is that?"

L: "Body sliding. It's a great stress reliever and right now, tonight, I am very, very stressed out about my dear friend, Luke."

K: "How do you expect me to believe you when you say there's nothing to worry about and then I wake up in the middle of the night to find you sliding back and forth on a strap of plastic because you're so anxiety-ridden you can't sleep?"

L: "Do you really, actually expect me to answer that?"

K: "If you can."

L: "... I can't help, I can't keep an eye on him. Maybe he needs me. What if he wants me to dazzle the enemy with my words and my pretzel logic? ... My whole life is tied up in this silly, ridiculous scheme. ... My neck starts to tense up and then it works slowly down my spine and pretty soon my toes are all scrunched up and I can't work it off and this is what I have to do or I'll come completely unhinged. I think this is very, very psychologically astute of me, don't you think?

(Poor Dr. Kevin looks like he has a headache and lies back down.)

K: "Oh, remarkably so. I applaud your ability to recognize a control issue. Now please, I ask you again, stop that sliding."

L: "OK, I will, if you have a perfectly wonderful alternative for me."

(When we next see our heroes, Lucy is sitting on the edge of the bed and Kevin kneels on the bed behind her, giving her a neck message. As Kevin massages Lucy's neck, she laments...)

L: "Ouch... It's not helping, it's not helping, Doc. I'm sorry, it's not helping."

K: "Never say never."

L: "That's what I'm trying to tell you. That's why I went for that body slide thing. You know, it's really the only way to work out kinks and, you know, it does provide a complete and nice aerobic work-out at the same time."

K: "Oh, I can do that."

(Kevin gently moves aside her hair and kisses the back of her neck, the side of her neck and just about gets to her face, when Lucy takes complete and total leave of her senses and jumps out of bed.)

L: "It's no use, I can't. I'm sorry, it's no use."

K: "You're pushing me away?"

L: "No, wait a minute, don't get your ego involved here, it's not you, it's me. I am just so tense and wired up, I can't possibly sit still."

K: "Actually, I was working on something more prone than that."

L: "Oh, no, that would be even worse."

K: "Oh, Lucy, this is becoming more intolerable by the day. I mean, you are so distracted by and worried about another man that you won't even let me touch you and worse still, you won't tell me why. What kind of relationship is this, anyway? And would someone please tell me why I've become a willing participant?"

L: "Because you love me. And because you believe me when I tell you that it's all going to be over soon and because you believe that we'll get life back to normal again."

K: "But just what is that, Lucy? And even if we do find our way, eventually to a place we call `normal,' how long do we actually expect to exist there? Because I warn you, a steady diet of high drama is not something that appeals to me as a way of life."

L: "Well, then, why are you with me?"

K: "Funny you should ask. I'm asking myself the same question."

L: "That was a rhetorical question. Oh, Kevin, you're not seriously thinking of giving up on me again, are you?"

K: "Lucy, I don't know what I'm thinking, my mind is reeling now, thanks to you."

L: "Well, I can straighten it out for you, come on back to bed."

K: "No, no, now I'm too wired."

L: "Wow, this is perfect, this is great. We are finally, finally in synch. And Doc, Doc, you are in luck, because I know exactly what you need."

(When next we see them, Kevin's on the slider and Lucy's coaching...)

L: "Rhythm..."

K: "Lucy, I feel like an idiot."

L: "Well, you'll get over that part when you realize how happy you are that you relieved all this tension. Slide..."

K: "All I want is a little sanity in my life, is that too much to ask?"

L: "Don't stop, back and forth, back and forth, fluid, think Bonnie Blair. Get short, down, knees down. Keep going. Do not stop, you'll lose that aerobic thing happening."

(The Phone of Doom again! It's Luke. When Lucy finally hangs up, Kevin does a lovely flying leap off the slide and onto the bed.)

(When next we see the duo, Lucy's dressed and Kevin's back in bed, his knees propped up. Lucy asks...)

L: "How's your back?"

K: "Broken, I think."

L: "Oh, pooh, you'll survive and, you know what, you're going to get really good at that body slide thing, if you just practice, practice, practice."

K: "Not if I have anything to say about it. I can't imagine the state of mind that allowed me to let you talk me into attempting that ludicrous pastime. And where are you going?"

L: "I have to meet Luke."

K: "Lucy, what is going on?"

L: "It will all be revealed to you, very, very soon. And, by the way, don't wait up for me. I might be late."

K: "Lucy..."

(Lucy picks up Sigmund and hands him to Kevin.) L: "Sigmund, you stay right here, you keep daddy company until I get back. Ta to both of you."

(Lucy's blowing kisses as she leaves. Kevin stares at the duck.)

K: "Yeah, yeah, I know, don't tell me... quack."

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