Kevin and Lucy Discuss Mia and Serena

Our story begins at Luke's club, with Lucy in full dither about Madame Maia...

L: "You know, I could have fallen right over. A large, white, male, intelligent duck, that's what she said."

K: "Lucy, I've heard all this."

L: "I know, but I don't think you were really listening, because the more I think about this, the more astonishing it really is. I mean, Madame Maia lives in Chicago, so how could she know anything, anything about Sigmund? And don't even get me started on Serena."

K: "OK, would you like to hear about my day, instead?"

L: "Yeah, sure."

K: "Good, well, it's not like anything out of the ordinary happened. It was, actually, basically, just a normal day..."

L: "You know, what slays me more than anything, is the fact that she pointed out something to me about myself that I didn't even know about myself. Wait a minute, you should have known this about myself because you're the expert on this."

K: "On what?"

L: "Emotional stuff. Ducky substitution. Don't you see? It's like that word you're always using, that you're trying to teach me, that transferring, transference of misplaced or replaced or displaced, whatever, the point is, that what she said I was doing with Sigmund, to and about Serena."

K: "Oh no. I'm getting a headache. Have I ever mentioned to you that I get headaches whenever you self-analyze?"

L: "It only took her one look. One look at me and she saw exactly what I was doing, that I had all this smoldering love just waiting to well up inside me and put on this poor, defenseless little creature. Don't you see what this means?"

K: "Evidently not."

L: "It means she's it. Madame Maia is a bond fide, real-life psychic with a gift. She's got the gift."

K: "All right, since your brain in obviously focussed on this woman, may I play devil's advocate for just a moment?"

L: "OK, go ahead, take your best shot."

K: "Your history with Scott and Serena is pretty much common knowledge around Port Charles, correct?"

L: "Correct."

K: "As is the fact that you are, at the moment, the proud owner of a duck."

L: "Yes, but Madame Maia lives in Chicago."

K: "But that's not a foreign country, Lucy. And besides, someone here could have clued her in."

L: "But why?"

K: "I don't know."

L: "Kevin, you weren't there, you didn't see her face, and you did not feel that electricity when she just touched my arm."

K: "Electricity?"

L: "Oh boy, this is so exciting. I was in the presence of a genuine psychic."

K: "Or a formidable fraud."

L: "I thought you were so open-minded about the collective conscious."

K: "It's unconscious, Lucy, and it's not the same thing as a woman pretending to have psychic abilities for nefarious purposes."

L: "What nefariouses?"

K: "Bilking money out of people springs to mind."

L: "That is not what Madame Maia is doing."

K: "You don't know that she isn't."

L: "OK, I do know that there are psychics with real abilities and that other people respect those abilities and they use them and learn from them... like Nancy Reagan."

K: "Nancy Reagan? Oh, she's the one who said, `just say no.'"

L: "What about those other psychics that use all their power to help people and they predict earthquakes, like in Japan or California?"

K: "You don't need a psychic to predict earthquakes in California and Japan. Seismologists have been doing that for decades."

L: "I just love it when you're so positive and encouraging. Do you think there are any bookstores open this late?"

K: "Wait, you want to go to a bookstore at this hour?"

L: "Well, you're right, it's late, they're probably all closed."

K: "Well, we could hop on down to Manhattan. I'm sure we'd find an all- night bookstore open down there. Maybe Ned and Lois are back from their honeymoon and the Quartermaine jet is available. What literary masterpiece are we searching for, by the way? No, don't tell me, let me guess. `Life: what was, was is and what will be' by that brilliant authoress, Madame Maia Montebello. See, I was listening. I just hope I don't end up longing for the life that once was."

L: "You're an old poop."

K: "Lucy, what is it, really? Why this sudden, all-consuming interest in a woman who may or may not be a psychic?"

L: "I don't care what you say. And you can make fun of me and you can call me crazy, but I am going to arrange a private consultation with her."

K: "Why?"

L: "Because she's the only person in the whole entire world that can tell me anything about my little girl."

K: "So, this is about Serena."

L: "You think I'm being foolish, don't you?"

K: "No, not foolish. A little too raw and vulnerable, maybe. That's exactly the kind of thing that not-so-nice people try to take advantage of."

L: "I love you for caring so much about me. But I really think I'm smart enough and aware enough to know if Madame Maia is a fake, especially up close and personal."

K: "What if she is?"

L: "What if she isn't? What if she is real and what if she can tell me something about Serena? You have no idea how much I have hungered for just a little bit of information about her. If she's safe. If she's happy."

K: "But that's precisely what alarms me, Lucy. When it comes to Serena, you are the walking wounded. And I'm not judging that. I can't presume to know how a mother feels when her child is taken away from her. But naked longing and a need to believe is like a gift from Heaven to a charlatan. That's exactly what they look for and I just don't want that to happen to you."

L: "Have a little faith, Doc."

K: "Do I really have to remind you what happened the last time you said that to me."

L: "OK, then fine, don't have any faith. Just don't try and stop me, though. Because if she is real and she can provide any, any connection, even a tenuous one, with Serena, then I want to take that chance, because she is my child. She is my only child."

K: "One last, gentle reminder."

L: "What?"

K: "She's Scott's child."

L: "I carried her. I gave birth to her. She is mine, too."

K: "Come on, I am taking you home with me tonight."

(Later, at the Lighthouse, Kevin and Lucy lie entwined in each other's arms amidst a tangle of sheets. Lucy purrs...)

"How is it, you always know exactly the way to touch me?"

K: "Maybe because what you need at any given moment is right out there to see. This is why this Madame Maia thing bothers me, Lucy, but I won't try and talk you out of seeing her."

L: "Thank you."

K: "For your sake, I even hope she's real. Just promise me something."

L: "OK, if I can."

K: "Be careful. Wear armour. Protect your heart. You're carrying around very combustible material in there. If anyone tried to use that to their advantage or tried and hurt you, I think I'd tear their head off."

L: "I promise."

K: "I love you very much."

L: "I love you more."

(Kiss! And out!)

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