Kevin, Lucy, & a Cheese Danish

It's morning. Kevin walks into Kelly's and looks around. He spots Lucy alone at a table, and his eyes light up. He approaches her table.

Kevin: "Good morning. I assume you're waiting for someone."

Lucy: "Well, maybe I'm waiting for you."

Kevin: "I'll take that as an invitation. I hate to eat alone."

Lucy: "Please."

(Kevin removes his coat and sits down)

Kevin: "Good morning. I'll have a coffee and a croissant."

Ruby: "Cheese danish or bagel."

Kevin: "All right, cheese danish."

Lucy: "Gee, Rube, can I please have one of the same if it's not too much trouble?"

Ruby: "Mmmm."

Lucy: "Thanks."

Kevin: "So - "

Kevin: "You seem to be concentrating pretty hard on something."

Lucy: "I'm planning strategy."

Kevin: "Business?"

Lucy: "Oh, it's partly pleasure..... You strike me as a man who really likes to be in control of his life."

Kevin: "True."

Lucy: "Yeah, well, me too. You know, I was watching this movie the other night on TV, and it was about this woman who was very logical and very sane, and she found herself being controlled by this very obsessive, devious, irritating man."

Kevin: "Interesting."

Lucy: "And somehow she was having all these conversations in her head with the man when he wasn't even around."

Kevin: "Hmmmm... Was she in love with him?"

Lucy: "Oh, no, no, nothing like that."

Kevin: "I see."

Lucy: "In fact, I don't even think that they liked each other very much."

(Ruby walks up, dumps two plates of cheese danish on the table, and shoves the check at Kevin.)

Ruby: "Here."

Kevin: "Thank you." (to Lucy) "Another Port Charles resident who finds it difficult to distinguish between me and my brother."

(Lucy has been staring at Damian and doesn't even notice Kevin)

Lucy: "The whole entire thing started as one stupid joke."

Kevin: "Excuse me?..... Oh, you mean this woman's obsession."

Lucy: "Obsession?"

Kevin: "Mmmm, in the clinical sense. You've described it perfectly."

Lucy: "You mean you think she's crazy?"

Kevin: "Hardly crazy. We all obsess over something at one time or another. In fact, the most intelligent and gifted people are prone to... enthusiasms, we'll call them. As a matter of fact, I myself -"

Lucy: "You know, she can be treated, though, right, it's not like, I mean, she can get over this, right?"

Kevin: "Probably. What was the name of this movie?"

(Lucy is now totally absorbed in watching Damian, and she doesn't answer Kevin)

Kevin: "Lucy, the name of the movie?"

Lucy: "Oh, I'm sorry, the movie. What movie? Oh, I don't know. I just, um, sort of forgot about it. But, you know, what happens, I think, at the end, was that she just walked away from him."

Kevin: "Really? It's usually not quite that simple."

Lucy: "Oh.... Kevin, I'm so sorry. Here I am talking shop with you. You probably don't enjoy doing that over your breakfast. Go ahead, it's all right."

Kevin: "I don't mind at all."

(Kevin smiles at Lucy, and he appears to get her attention at last.)

Kevin: "You know what I think? I think this lady could use a few more distractions in her life."

Lucy: "Oh. So what you're saying is that if you don't have enough in your life, then you could possibly, maybe, get hung up on some- thing or someone."

Kevin: "Exactly."

Lucy: "Ah. Well, you know, I have a feeling there's a lesson here. I mean, I certainly wouldn't want to end up like that woman in the movie."

Kevin: "Oh, I'm sure you live a very full life."

Lucy: "Well, not as full as you might think. But you know what? You, as my witness, right here, I'm going to swear on this cheese danish that from now on I'm going to live my life to the absolute fullest."

Kevin: "Well, I certainly hope I can be a part of that."

Lucy: "Well, you never can tell."

(Lucy picks up the cheese danish and starts to take a bite. Damian draws her attention yet again She catches herself and looks back at Kevin, smiling.)

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