Kevin Meets Tom For The First Time

Entering Luke's...

Mike: Well, Ms. Coe, Doctor, it's a pleasure to see you. Lucy: Hello.

Kevin: Thank you.

Mike: Table or bar?

Lucy: Oh, that's a good question.

Luke: Hey, gang, what's up?

Lucy: Hi.

Kevin: Well, Lucy can't seem to make up her mind.

Luke: Oh-oh, about what?

Lucy: Well, see, Kevin has had a very stressful evening and so I thought what he needed was a very expensive cognac and a delicious cigar. But he can't have those in my apartment, not with little Sigmund, you know, his lungs are very sensitive, not to mention my drapes, so I thought, where is the last bastion of such behavior? Here.

Kevin: Can't you just smell the testosterone in the air?

Luke: You came to the right place. What's the problem?

Mike: Table or bar? The lady can't make up her mind.

Luke: Neither, neither. The lounge. And in the spirit of mending bridges between the good head-shrinker and my humble self, I insist on providing the smoke from my very private stock of Havanas. Choose a couch and I'll pick a ripe one for the doctor.

Mike: This way, please.

Lucy: (Spotting Tom) Ah, oh boy.

Kevin: Lucy, what's wrong? Lucy? What's wrong?

Lucy: Nothing. Everything's... nothing.

Kevin: Lucy?

Lucy: No, something just hit me, out of the blue, that I have to do for the Nurses' Ball, but never fear, tomorrow is another day. (Seated) Thank you.

Mike: What can I get for you?

Kevin: V.S.O.P.

Lucy: Tom Collins.

Kevin: Tom Collins?

Lucy: Oh, no, no, no, thank you. I'll have whatever him's having... he's having.

Mike: Sure, I'll send them right over.

Kevin: Thank you.

Lucy: Thanks. You know, you shouldn't be sitting there.

Kevin: What?

Lucy: Well, you really, I think I should be sitting there. And I think you should be sitting... trade, trade with me.

Kevin: But I like this seat.

Lucy: No, no, no, see, it's much better if you're sitting this way, facing the room, with your back against the wall. I just don't think men should sit with their backs to the room, they should have their backs to the wall, so that no one can sneak up and shoot them in the back.

Kevin: Now that sounds like something you learned from Luke.

Lucy: Wild Bill Hickok.

Kevin: Oh, I didn't know you two were acquainted.

Lucy: Ummm... actually, I've been reading a lot of Westerns lately... cowboy things and, you know, that is a rule that good cowboys live by.

Kevin: Well, that will certainly come in handy in my life. (Luke appears with the Havana.)

Kevin: Hello.

(Handing Kevin the cigar.)

Luke: Rolled on the thighs of virgins.

Kevin: Gracias.

Lucy: You know, I was thinking, I'd like to play some craps, wouldn't you?

Kevin: That's not my game.

Lucy: No, did I say craps? Blackjack. You love Blackjack, I love Blackjack, so tell me, Luke, my buddy, is there something cooking in your back room tonight?

(Luke lights Kevin's cigar...)

Kevin: Singes nice.

Luke: Hmmm-mmm... draw should be smooth. I can get something going for you.

Lucy: Oh, excellent, why don't we go in the back room? It would be much more fun and more private.

Kevin: No thanks. I'm perfectly happy right where I am.

Lucy: Well, I think we would really enjoy it much more, back in that back room, where it is more private. Don't you think?

Kevin: (To Luke, about the cigar) Very nice.

Luke: You're welcome. If you change your mind about the back room, just let me know.

Lucy: Thanks. You know, Doc, aren't you already kind of tired of the noise and all the people? We could just go in the back room and... mmm... elegant surroundings, just be quiet and relaxed in a much more private setting, have more fun that way.

Kevin: Lucy, settle. I thought the whole idea of coming out tonight was for me to relieve my stress.

Lucy: It is.

Kevin: Then why do you keep bouncing off the walls? You're making me crazy.

Lucy: Oh, am I doing that? I'm sorry. OK, then why don't we have just a nice, non-stressful conversation like I promised?

Kevin: That would be a relief.

Lucy: OK, Damian Smith, you know, I cannot believe the gall of that man. He is wheedling his way even more and more into the Nurses' Ball and it's really...

Kevin: Damian Smith?

Lucy: Oops. Sorry. Madame Maia. I had the most interesting conversation with her the other day. She sees into me more than anyone I've ever known...

Kevin: All right, that's it. I surrender. You win.

Lucy: I do?

Kevin: The back room it is, let's go.

Lucy: Oh, thank you. (Kiss) Trust me, this will be much more fun, you're going to enjoy it, come on.

(They stand, Lucy turns and comes face-to-face with Tom Hardy.)

Tom: Hi, Lucy.

Lucy: My, Tom Hardy. Kevin, look, it's Tom, Steve and Audrey's son. Tom, this is Kevin Collins. Kevin... Tom.

Kevin: Oh, I've heard a great deal about you. You're the former Chief of Psychiatry at GH, right?

Tom: And you are currently being considered by the Board.

Lucy: Well, look at us, we have so much in common, but we were just headed to the back room, excuse us.

Kevin: I didn't realize you were back in town.

Tom: I just got back. Lucy, can I say, you're looking quite wonderful.

Lucy: Thank you.

Kevin: So, how long you visiting?

Tom: Oh, I'm not visiting, I'm staying.

Lucy: Does Simone know?

Tom: Of course, she knows. Justus Ward, too.

Lucy: Oh, how awkward.

Tom: Lucy, do tell me...

Lucy: Are you planning to resume your practice here?

Tom: What I'm planning, is to apply for my old position.

Lucy: Oh, oh...

Kevin: Well, I'm sure your father will be happy to hear that.

Tom: He was. However, he still is planning to present your name to the Board with his recommendation, as promised.

Kevin: Steve is a man of his word.

Tom: He's presenting me, as well. Lucy, I'm sorry, I just can't get over how good you look. Of course, you've always had a wonderful sense of style, I remember especially...

Lucy: You know, did you realize, that Kevin is a psychiatrist, too? You're a psychiatrist, he's a psychiatrist, you're psychiatrists together.

Kevin: He knows, Lucy, he knows that. You know, I've heard nothing but the highest praise for your work. I'm sure you'll have a lot of support at the hospital.

Tom: I'm happy to say that's true. So, Lucy, what are you up to these days? Keeping out of trouble?

Lucy: Oh, yes... mostly.

Tom: What a shame. What there was a time we couldn't pay you to keep you out of trouble.

Lucy: Ancient history. I am all grown-up now, aren't I, Doc?

Kevin: Oh, a real adult.

Tom: Do tell.

Lucy: Well, I am President of Deception now. Tom was one of the original investors...

Kevin: Ah...

Lucy: And I also sit on the ELQ Board. Oh, and I am happy to be chairing the Nurses' Ball this year, again, for the second year in a row. I was asked back because everything was going so well, you know, so I have my work cut out for me. And, well, the rest of my life is going quite splendidly. Everything couldn't be more perfect. I mean, I don't know what in the world I'd do without...

Kevin: Kevin.

Lucy: I know that, some other thought just popped in my head. Anyway, we couldn't be more happy and we are so looking forward to the Nurses' Ball. I hope you can come because it's such a wonderful cause to support.

Tom: My mother set me up for a ticket, I'll be there

. Lucy: Fine.

Tom: And I'm hoping you haven't become too respectable, you used to be such fun, do you remember?

Lucy: Of course, I make time for fun. I keep Kevin in stitches, don't I, Doc?

Kevin: I'm hysterical.

Lucy: I've always said, all work and no play... you know.

Tom: I do. It's a pleasure to meet you, you're a lucky man.

Kevin: I tell myself that. So, I guess we'll see you at the Nurses' Ball?

Tom: If not sooner. Lucy, whatever you're doing, keep it up, it's working like gangbusters.

Lucy: OK. Ahh... welcome home.

(Tom heads towards the door.)

Kevin: So that's Tom Hardy.

Lucy: Yes, it is. Except it's kind of a different Tom Hardy. I mean, you know, used to, he was so well-behaved. I always told him if he would just let his hair down a little bit, he's be much more attractive to everybody and that's what I think has happened... Well, not that I cared even in the least, teeny, weensy, little bit... What do you think?

Kevin: I think somebody sneaked up behind me and shot me in the back.

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