---Raine's Journal---
---personal Entry #277---

Sorting through all the information I just received seems like such a huge task right about now. Finding out the source of Layne's pain and hatred, finding out her hatred for Dunn is as strong or even stronger than mine. I didn't know it was possible. As I type the knife that killed her sister is sitting next to my computer, a weapon like one I have used many times in training, but this one fiving off a miserable, deadly mood. In all my experience with weapons I have never been affected like this. It's like it has a mind of it's own, a soul or something that reaches out and touches you with its cold fingers and won't let you go.
I feel so childish now, instead os being the bigger person and asking why she lied to me, I blew up like a bomb and turned her in to the enemy. That attitude would have gotten me killed in the field. I know now what I have to do.
---End of Entry #277---
---Layne's Journal---
---Personal Entry #18403---

Words.....they can condemn, isolate and imprison the very essence of our spirit, or they can simply set us free. I am unsure, after what I have told Raine, how I fit ino that statement. I feel some of the crushing weight of my past, that I have carried for so many years, has been lifted. But I still feel the emptiness that has been with me since the events of that day, five years ago. I sit her wondering what Raine's reaction to the truth about my past is. Does she understand, at least in some way, what motivated me to lie to her? I know I have no right to ask for her forgiveness, but I do want it. She is the only true friend I have ever had, more of a sister than Moira ever was. As I siter here, I can't help but notice the irony of this whole situation. Dunn has yet again stole what I hold most dear, five years ago, he took my life.
Today he stole my sister.
Not of blood, but of my heart.
I can only hope I haven't lost her forever.....
---End of Entry #18403---

Raine grabbed her black leather jacket from her bed and threw it on over her black long sleeved shirt and black pants. She walked out of her room closing the door behind her. Walking through the Section she made her way to Layne's office, Layne was busy typing on her computer, Raine stopped briefly observing. he pushed away her doubts and entered the office, Layne glanced up briefly then returned to her computer.

"What?" she asked, her tone mechanical, cold.

"Coffee." Raine replied.

"I am busy, raine."

"Please." Raine looked away her voice cracked and tears formed in her eyes. Layne sighed, hesitating before turning off her computer and grabbed her coat.

Sitting down in the small cafe the waitresses bustled around taking orders, the noice somforted the two operatives.

"I never drank coffee till I met you. Did you know that?" Raine asked as she stirred the hot beverage. Layne watched her coffee. "I'm sorry." Raine took a breath. "i overreacted, although I learned that if something surprises you, think it over before you react. If not, you can get killed."

"Always looking for a hidden meaning." Layne commented.

"Please don't be mad Layne. I don't want to lose your friendship, your the only one I've got." Raine replied, she wiped away a tear and Layne smiled, her eyes filling with tears.

"Don't worry, I was never mad at you. I was mad with myself. Now drink your coffee." Layne's accent clipped jer words as she watched Raine drink her coffee.

---Raine's Journal---
---Personal Entry#278---

I talked with her. We talked for awhile, we got everything out in the open and I think we're closer. It was hard for me to admit to my mistake of over-reacting. Why is it that humans are quick to point the blame on others but when it comes to themselves they hesitate? Human nature I suppose. I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and that I can live freely again. As free as I can within Section. Tjere are no secrets between us, but I have bigger problems. How will I handle a mission with Dunn? The man who killed my family, the man who I want dead as much as Layne does...
---End of Entry #278---

Raine sat at the briefing table along with Layne and the two other Operatives Raine had never met nor seen before. Shasta walked in with the mission profile and started to go over it.

"The location of the trade is La Tropica in Toronto, canada. Dunn is our connection to the provider, Markman. Dunn will exchange the money for the disks then head to the exit point. Raine your on location damage control. Make sure Dunn and the disks get to the van, keep the body count to a minimum. Layne your in control." Shasta looked at Raine and Layne carefully, a silent warning in her eyes.

Turning to theother two operatives, "Derrick and Alex, you'll be in play as bouncers. Your backup to make sure our people make it out of there. You have a small team, Layne seeing as your in Team Leader go over sequences, exit points et cetera. Your flight leaves in 1 hour. Be ready." Shasta finished with a nod and walked out of the room. Layne pushed her feelings aside and got to the business at hand.

Techno music blared from the speakers and the sparkling lights created the dark and exciting atmosphere. Girls in short dresses and guys in expensive clothes danced to their heart's content on the main dance floor. Three levels with no windows gave the club an underground effect. Raine stood at the top floor, standing by the rail with a glass that looked like Vodka, smelled like vodka but was merely water was poised in her hand. Her long dark brown hair was curled slightly and the tendrils fell around her face delicately. her focused brown eyes scanned the floor methodically, she shifted her weight to her other foot and cursed heels for the hundreth time. She had to admit though, they looked good with her black dress, cut just above her knees, instead of straps the dress clipped behind her neck. The dress was low cut in the back which was the only irritating part of the dress. Even though it was comfortable it drew many eyes and every now and then she had to show an excited that she was ther to be looked at but not touched.

"Raine. report." Layne's voice was soft compared to the pounding music.

"Nothing. Still on 3rd floor. No Dunn nor Markman." Raine replied.

"Move position. Full scan." Layne ordered. Raine sighed and plastered a fake smile on her face as she started to walk towards the stairs. raine amde her way through the club slowly she found herself at the bar when she Markman.

"Informant spotted. Make contact with him or Dunn?" Raine asked, she sipped her vodka-look-a-like water. Raine could hear Layne thinking, planning. She waited.

"Initiate contact. Keep busy until Dunn arrives." Layne's order was clear. Raine let out a sigh of relief. At least she didn't have to play nice with Dunn. Raine headed for Markman.

"Wanna dance?" Raine turned quickly to see a man about 21, short blonde hair, crystal clear blue eyes, charming smile. Raine smiled, warmthand comfort  emanated him.

"Sure." Raine dancedwith him making eye contact with Markman. Markman watcheda the girl in black danced, she was looking at him and Markman found himself unable to pull away from her gaze.

Forgetting why he was there he stood up and walked toward the object of his trance-like gaze. Raine felt herself stiffen slightly as Markman moved toward her.

"Mind if I cut in?" Markman asked as he smoothly slid in between Raine and the blonde. Annoyed the blonde stormed toward the bar. Raine gave a slight smile as Markman slid his arms around her waist and they danced.

"Raine. Derrick reports that Dunn just entered the club. Be prepared." Layne's warning drifted in to Raine's ear as she shifted to the left to have a clear view of the bar. Markman shifted her again and her back was to Dunn. Suddenly Markman dropped his hands lifted Raine's hand and kissed her hand and disappeared in to the crowd.

"Informant no longer in sight." Raine reprted as she turned towards the bar and saw Dunn heading for the door.

"Dunn's leaving. Domething's wrong. He's gone to the wrong exit point. I'm following." raine replied hurriedly as she followed Dunn pulling out her Beretta 92F as she quickened her pace. Raine ignored Layne's abort command.

Raine followed Dunn in to an alley beside the club, her ears still rang from the loud music and she forced herself to listen as she hid behind a stack of crates. She heard Dunn's voice.

"You have the disks?" Dunn asked impatiently.

"Money first." Markman replied. Dunn paused before putting the briefcase on a crate he popped it open to reveal stacks of bills.

"Here four disks. Schematics, security blueprints, everything."

Markman handed over a small box. Dunn opened his coat and pulled out a gun.
"What!-" Markman was cut off by a bullet, Raine heard the silenced bullet and the slump of a body. She looked around the corner and saw Dunn shutting the briefcase and look around. Raine took a deep breath and pulled her gun on Dunn.

"Well, well. If it isn't you again." Dunn replied coolly, Raine kept her gun steady and looked at Dunn without emotion. "What was your name again? Hmm.......can't quite remember."

"Trying to steal Section's money are you? Bet you didn't plan on me getting in your way." Raine challenged coldly.

"Trying? No I already have."

"Give me the disks. and the money or you end up like your associate. Dog Food." Dunn laughed and looked at Raine with his jet black eyes, Raine watched as they boiled like oil, just as she remembered them.

"Who will Section Two believe? You? Your a recruit. Nothing but a walking bodybag. A drone to be used and then disposed of at the Section's will." Dunn smiled, "I'm a valuable asset."

"Your acceptable collateral." raine replied she waited for Dunn's reaction, he began to laugh again. Then he stopped, noticing something behind Raine. His eyes grew wide.

"You..." Out of the corner of Raine's eye she saw a gleam of metal whiz by her head. She watched as a knife imbedded itself in his throat. Dunn's body slumped backward against a bulding and slid to the ground. Raine turned around and looked around, her gun aiming at the figure half hidden by the shadows.

"Don't shoot." Layne said softly as she stepped from the shadows and in to the streelight. Raine lowered her gun and felt herself start to shake. Layne put her arm around her trainee and pulled her away from the dead bodies..
"Alex, notify housekeeping." Layne said quietly in to her com-unit as she led Raine towards the mission van.
Layne unlocked the door and let Raine walk in first. Raine walked around the apartment and observed its characteristics. A large room with wooden floors, a plush maroon carpet with a black sofa and two matching chairs. A wooden coffee table in front of the sofa, the sofa faced the wall away from the door and towards a large TV screen and entertainment center. French doorsto the right led to a kitchen and a flight of stairs near the door led to a second level. A loft type bedroom, a black and white carpet on the floor, with a black futon bed. A railing allowed the bedroom to look like a balcony. At the top of the stairs an arch leading to a bathroom, double doors led to a small balcony overlooking the harbour. Raine walked back downstairs and stood in the middles of the room then looked at Layne.

"Pop quiz. If you pass the evaluation you live, if you fail you die." Layne commented, trying not to smile. Raine walked over and looked at the blank wall that screamed to be decorated.

"Let's see, I am going to take a stab in the dark answer. I live."
Layne gave a small smile. "Evaluation passed. Scores high. Profile entered in to main computer." Layne paused, losing her smile, then added. "There are a few things you need to know about the apartment."

"What's that?" Raine asked.

"Trash is picked up on Tuesday, recyclables are picked up on Friday." Layne began to smile again."And NO, Metallica before 8am or after 9pm. All of your neighbours are Section 2 Operatives andwill have no problem with cancelling you if we are deprived of any sleep because of that racket you refer to as music. OK?"

"OK." Raine smiled in return and linked her amr through Layne's.

"Dinner on me." Raine said and they left the apartment.
---Raine's Journal---
---Personal Entry #280---

I've passed my evaluation and my two years of training within Section Two is over. I have grown up a lot in the past two years and yet I feel so young. I don't know whether I should be scared, happy, or relieved. More will be expected of me now, and I will be held up to the standards as everyone else. The scary part is i have no idea what lays ahead of me. The Section is a dark place but I feel as if my soul is dark too. I wonder if with all my training my soul has vanished. I doubt I'll ever find out because already I am being sent on a mission. Things are going quickly and Layne says to have trust in myself. I don't know how I will get through the obstacles without Layne by my side. But I guess this is part of the growing up. I'm scared and uncertain but I am an Operative and for now I must focus on the mission.....
---End of Entry #280---

Written by, Codename Raine & Codename : Layne