I warmly welcome you to my home!
PS: Sign my guestbook!

*~*~*FINALLY updated 01/21/2000*~*~*

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*opens the door* Welcome, welcome, welcome. Whatever it is that brings you here, I hope you enjoy your stay. However brief or extensive it may be. Thanks for stopping by! Now, please come inside. The weather out there is simply dreadful. *ushers you in* This is merely the foyer. You must follow me. We'll sit awhile before you explore my home. *leads you toward the sitting room* Please, sit. Make yourself at home.

*sits* I know this doesn't look like much, but it's my home away from home. A retreat if you will. There are many rooms for you to explore so feel free to move about. I'm always adding to it or taking things away from it so visiting often might be in your best interest. Please remember to clean up after yourself when you're through here or at least leave the rooms as tidy as they were when you entered them. It's the only rule I have and I'll remind you of it no matter where you choose to go. That much I can guarantee. :)  I don't mind cleaning up after my guests, but I'd prefer it if you helped out a little.

Any use of pictures, of links or of shows was not done to infringe on any existing copyrights, etc. These programs are the property of the creators, distributors, etc. I've created this page with love and care and am not using the page or the programs found within for financial gain. I'm merely a fan so please don't sue me! I had to get that out of the way while I was at it.

Here's what you can find in my manor. Not much, but it's a start! :) I'm working on new rooms as you read this. If you have any suggestions, comments or whatever, email me. I don't bite. Unless you want me to. ;)

bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The Info Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The How to Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)Poltergeist: the Legacy Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)Stargate SG-1 Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The X-Files Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)Young Hercules Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)My room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The Funny Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The Portal to Other Places bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The Appreciation Room bllt02.jpg (765 bytes)The Dungeon

If you have something you want to add to the funny room, please feel free to it email me. I'll post it as long as it's in good taste! Also check out my fanfiction library. I'm working on some stories to add over there. Some are mine, others belong to different authors. I can't say when they'll be done and posted though so keep an eye out and bookmark the Milwaukee Legacy House. :) By the way, I'm more than willing to archive your fanfic in my library. If you're interested, email me for information!

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page as a Starting Point Hot Site.

people have visited my manor since it opened in 12/17/97. (Give or take a few) Amazing, isn't it?

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As a side note, you can click here to see the Web page of one of my friends, Jeremy! He has other sites and eventually I'll put a link up for each of his sites here! *g* That's if I don't have to do too much cleaning over here.

Click here to go there to adopt an Immortal or mortal from Highlander: the Series!

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This is my dust bunny! I named her Jackson! (Don't ask!) Use the above graphic/link to get your own dust bunny or something else from them!

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Special Note: The images on these pages (most of them, anyway) belong to other people (particularly the official sites for the shows mentioned above).  I'm just borrowing the pictures. I hope it doesn't cause a ruckus! *smiles* Just like the shows themselves, I claim no ownership on the pictures. They're just here (borrowed) to spice up an otherwise dull web page! Thanks!!

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