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Welcome to David & Gillian's site!

Firstly, I'd like to congratulate Gillian Anderson on her winning of the Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.

Gillian Anderson received the Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series Emmy award for her work as FBI Agent Dana Scully in the ultimate hit, The X-Files. She beat other actresses nominated who include Christine Lahti from Chicago Hope and Julianna Margulies from E.R. and proved once and for all that The X-Files has become a bonafide mainstream hit. "I need to thank my family, my Mum and my Dad, and I have a younger brother and sister, Aaron and Zoe, who are so wonderfully normal about this whole celebrity thing. I'm still their big sis. I want to shake them and say, 'Don't you know who I am?' " -Gillian Anderson, after winning the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. As Agent Scully of The X-Files, she has somehow managed to become a sex symbol in spite of being in shapeless skirt suits and trenchcoats in most episodes. She has become much more than the skeptical foil to spooky Mulder. With the character cancer-stricken now, she can really get to show off her acting. Nominated for the second time in this category, this is her first win.

This is a web site specially for David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. Most websites are of either David or Gillian but none concentrates on both of the X-Files actors. Well, this shall be the first to start. This web site shall contain reports/interviews of David and Gillian. Also, there are photo galleries which I call the Main Vault. There are also profile stories of Mulder and Scully for those who want to know their history. I have recently created a webring called David & Gillian Webring. It is still in the midst of preparation. Those with web sites that contain David and Gillian may take a look at my webring page here. I am Jasmine Wong from Singapore. I am 17 this year and an enthusiast for the X-Files. I am also interested in Evangelion and already own a homepage for this favourite Japanese comic cartoon, EVANGELION. If you are also a fellow fan of this comic, do go there. I also enjoy watching American sitcoms like Friends, The Nanny, Ellen and Weird Scie- nce. I just finished doing a review for the single EXTREMIS by Hal which features Gilli- an Anderson herself doing a voice-over. Do read the review if you want to know more. This site is still under construction. Please bookmark this page as there will be more exciting things to come. You can email me for comments and I would appreciate it if you sign my guestbook. At the mean time, you can check out these newly constructed pages... **I will put in some interviews pretty soon of GA and maybe also DD! Guess what guys?? I won the Critical Mass Award for my web site! Cheers for me!
CM award
I also won another award (sort of an award) as an achievement for achieving the 100 number in my hit counter! So here it is!

The 100 Club Award

And now these are my latest awards that I have collected. I think I better start a page for these torphies!
Awarded by Rayzor's 
HomePage!!! Rayzor's HomePage
Golden Horizon Award
**Okay guys! You know what?! I finally got my photo scanned. Just for those who have been urging me to put my photo up, this is how I look like. I have just added a report on the movie of The X-Files. You'll be shocked to realise how tight they have enclosed the plot of the movie. Check this page out for more info on the newly-made movie. Report on The X-Files Movie
I also added a recent interview of Gillian Anderson from the October issue of US magazine. Check it out too! You'll be shocked by some stuffs that were answered by Gillian herself! Interview from October issue of US magazine
In this section, you get to read the profiles of Mulder and Scully in story form. It is quite a brief profile. I will soon be doing a real profile of Mulder and Scully in detail. For now, enjoy the brief profile story. Of course, David and Gillian's profile will also be added soon. Brief Profile Story of Fox Mulder
Brief Profile Story of Dana Scully
In this section, it is as you know, the photo gallery. There are photos of David, Gillian and a section on David & Gillian. The Main Vault is the place where the photos are kept. They are divided into the three sections of David, Gillian and David & Gillian. You can go to the Main Vault to have your choice of selection for photos. Main Vault:Photo Gallery of GA and DD
In this section, there is a newly added review of the single-EXTREMIS, which features Gillian Anderson's voice-over. It is a review that I have written after listening to that single. Check it out before you buy it! Review of EXTREMIS by Hal, featuring Gillian Anderson
I just started this brand new webring called The David & Gillian Webring. It's a thing I started as with this web site. I think we should have equality between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. If we support X-Files, we should support both of the stars equally. Hence I built this web site with an equal concentration on both David and Gillian. Ever since the thing about Gillian getting a lower pay than David, I really think we should support both stars equally. Those who are interested in joining this "equality" webring, check this new page out! David & Gillian Webring
This webring is still under construction. There will soon be a logo for it. Guestbook Do kindly leave a few words or more behind in my exclusive guestbook. I would love it if there were a few (good....kidding) comments for me to read so I can keep up the good work! Just spend a few minutes of online time...won't take long! And view my guestbook if you feel like! ***Sign my WaCkY Guestbook! Now view my WaCkY Guestbook***

Contact Please feel free to mail me....anytime....for comments or whatever!

JaSmiNe AtHenA WonG
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Jasmine Wong.

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©Jasmine Wong 1997 All rights reserved. **ManY GraTeFul THANX tO GeocItieS foR GivInG Me ThiS sPace to buIlD tHis UltImaTe SitE. Do gO 2 GeoCitIes To maKe YouR OWN PAge FoR FREE!!! CliCk HeRe...........but BOOKMARK ThiS paGe 1st! ............................ Updated on 10/11/97