TU Desktop Wallpapers 

Here are a few desktop wallpapers that I have created. Download them for FREE and use them on your desktop! Check back often, as more will be added!

If you are using a PC, Right click the mouse button on the picture and select "Set as Wallpaper". If you are a Mac user, hold down the apple button while you click on the picture and select "Set as Wallpaper".

This is Tulsa Basketball Desktop Wallpaper

The Past, The Present featuring both Nolan Richardson and John Philips (800x600)

ORU Women's Basketball - a tribute to Jerry Finkbeiner (800x600)

Tip-Off (800x600)

Blue Glowing Court (800x600)

Lights/Shadows on Court (800x600)

Team Huddle(800x600)

Tark the Shark!(800x600)

2002 WAC Tournament Wallpaper -without color logo

2002 WAC Tournament Wallpaper - with color logo

Bracket Buster Saturday - TU vs Gonzaga on ESPN

TU vs Hawai'i on ESPN