The Shipper Haven

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Mulder and Scully Drawing


Taken from "Other Worlds," an article in the TV Week Guide of the Arizona Republic. Written by Kate O'Hare, Tribune Media Services: "Cyberspace Anomalies" Love is in the air at Bisky and Verbal's Shipper's Haven (, a lively tribute to the unspoken love between Mulder and Scully of The X-Files, with lots of fanfiction and even "The Temple Of St.Vincent," a shrine devoted to "X" scribe Vince Gilligan, writer of "Small Potatoes," the episode that featured a near-kiss between Scully and Mulder (actually, it was writer Darin Morgan, playing a guy who morphed into Mulder, but why nitpick)."


For discussion of eps past and present, and of course the 'ship.

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Manipulated "Bee-Free" pic by FramePhantom; Mulder and Scully pencil sketch by Verbal. EMAIL VERBAL if you want permission to use the sketch on your page.


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