C.O. OF TF-Trinity Admiral Zahna Roi

commands a force primarily made up of Miranda and Excelsior class starships, Task Force Trinity is set to patrol the borders of the the Triangle area of space in squadrons of 5 ships at a time..

Task force Trinity also has designated an unknown amount of its vessels to act as carriers for the new fighters produced by Victory Mobile Shipyards called Sidewinders.

Sidewinder Fighter Craft (Designed by Bob)

Arm Patch worn by Task Force members..Patch Design by Lyn (Admiral Roi)

With the added strength of these new fighters, Strike group Trinity is a viable and diverse fleet able to deploy a signafigant force throughot the Triangle area, even in areas where the federation is prohibited by treaty to deploy larger vessels..




TF-1 = Tempests

TF-2 = Mustangs

TF-3 = Spitfires

 TF-4 = Aces

TF-5 = Foxes


TF-6 = Tigers

 TF-7 = Strikers

 TF-8 = Maulers

 TF-9 = Bandits

 TF-10= Hellcats

Task Force Trinity Vessels:




Strike Cruisers:



Patrol Ships:

Experimental ships:

Political Information:


Above picture depicts the area that the task force patrols, colored areas indicate areas of influence.. See chart below for political breakdown.


Areas of influence highlighted outside of the Triangle area of space indicates activity that somehow involves the Triangle.. Meaning that the highlighted area in the Romulan Empire shows how many systems are dedicated by the Romulan government to provide tactical support for any endeavor inside the Triangle.. The Romulans have devoted the most resources to the triangle in hopes of stopping the spread of Vulcan teachings, which are imported into Romulan space from the Triangle area... The area showing Orion Syndicate activity is accurate in depicting the trade and traffic of illegal goods, purchased at pirate ports inside the Triangle and then sold in the Federation, Romulan and Klingon territories near the free space of the Triangle, which they retreat to when pursued.