Page created on December 29:th 1997 |

Brookes pregnancy and
The miscarriage

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Some of us still choose to think that Brooke was indeed pregnant.
Here's what some of Brooke's fans had to say in the matter.

* I believe very strongly she was pregnant. No matter that it was "convenient" because I don't think she has it in her to lie about something like that. First: she has had a miscarriage and knows how it hurts. She wouldn't fake that. She also knows how much Ridge wanted that baby so she wouldn't hurt him by telling otherwise. She also knew that Steph and Taylor would jump on her the minute they found out she had lied, so she wouldn't put herself up for the abuse

* I think she was pregnant. I admit it was a bit sudden but her actions when she had the miscarriage convinced me that she was pregnant. So my vote is YES, she actually was pregnant.

* I believe that she was pregnant too. After having experienced her miscarriage years ago, she would hev to be completely heartless to fake one, and I don't think even the most rabid Taylor fans would go so far as to claim that.

* Many of the list subscribers call Brooke manipulative. I call her persuasive. There is such a fine line between the two. My career field -- Human Resource Management -- requires sincerity, integrity, intelligence, and good people skills. Brooke has all of these, in my opinion. I guess what I'm saying is that I relate to her on a very personal level. Good people skills generally include being clever enough to know how to present information, and how to be successful in requesting what you want. Brooke is honest, and straightforward, sensitive, and IMO always tells her truth.

If you are hearing what she says from a biased point of view, her truth may filter through individuals' mental processes and be interpreted otherwise. I could be a friend to Brooke, and I couldn't feel that way if I didn't believe in her integrity. She could not lie. She wouldn't know how to. Her look of discomfort through some situations is IMJ directly related to being attacked at every turn. In my mind, Taylor has come through on many occasions as the manipulative one, always "stretching" her "psychiatric?" knowledge to suit her own purposes through situations which are flatly none of her business. She could not be a friend to me. She seems to me to be like the best friend who might seduce your husband when you're not looking. I don't trust Taylor, and I would trust Brooke with my life. A little wordy, I know, but that's my opinion.

* She was pregnant. Nobody would fake a miscarriage, especially if you had suffered one previously. Think about it guys.

* TRUE!!, I agree a 100% that Brooke was pregnant. Brooke is a true, down to earth person. Not like Taylor who is such a big baby

* Hi! I definately think Brooke WAS pregnant. The main reason is that Bridget was so saddened when she found out her mother lost "her little bro/or/sister", that I am sure that Brooke would never lie to her daughter about being pregnant if she was not. So my vote is YES, she was pregnant.

* I would really like to believe that Brooke was pregnant as I am a huge Brooke fan. It was really left so unclear though. I suppose on purpose though. But I say yes, she had to have been.

* Hi Carola. I don't think Brooke faked the pregnancy and the miscarriage. She has been through a miscarriage once and I can't imagine she could be so so cruel. And this is coming from a diehard Taylor fan...

* I think she was pregnant. Her emotions when she miscarried were to strong and be fake.

* As to Brooke, you probably know what I think, but for the record:
1/ Yes, I do believe Brooke was pregnant
2/ Because ==> she was feeling sick when nobody was watching. Actually the 'because' here means that is proof, personally I don't think Brooke would fake a pregnancy. But then I don't believe any woman could really be interested in Ridge either :-)

* Definately pregnant, Baby Bell was just his usaul ambiguous self.

* I think she was pregnant. Even if she wasn't, why fake the miscarriage when she did? Why not just try really hard to *get* pregnant ASAP? She would have had at least one more cycle to either fake the miscarriage or get pregnant for real. If it was fake, the timing was off. Besides, why ruin a perfectly romantic honeymoon with a "fake" miscarriage?

* Add my vote to those who think Brooke was pregnant and really suffered a miscarriage. After giving birth and have an earlier miscarriage, this is one thing a woman wouldn't lie about. Although, knowing Baby Bell is such an idiot, who knows how he'll deal with this; but let's not worry about it. It's likely going to be added to his already huge pile of unclosed or unresolved storylines.

* Based on updates and not from watching the show) Brooke was pregnant.  Otherwise they would have showed her in some way acting sneaky.

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And here's why some choose to believe she wasn't...

* Not a chance. She just wanted to keep Taylor away....

* I don't think Brooke was pregnant. I think she faked it and the miscarriage. She said she was pregnant because Taylor was about to tell Ridge about Thomas. She didn't even go to the doctor after her so-called miscarriage. That is why I think she wasn't even pregnant.

* I think she was faking out of desperation.

* I think she wasn't.Brooke has always used lies to keep Ridge!

* I don't know what link the person was refering to when they said it was hinted at that Brooke was never pregnant, but the evidence suggests she wasn't. There's more than just the fact that no doctor was ever involved, not before or after the miscarriage. There's more than just the fact that no one ever saw proof of either the pregnancy or the miscarriage, including Ridge. There's more than just the fact that right before Brooke announced it, she was drinking alcohol. There's more than just the fact that Brooke suddenly decided to announce it when she saw Ridge talking to Taylor. There is also the fact that less than an hour after her "miscarriage", Brooke jumped into the sack with Ridge. We're supposed to believe that a woman cared so little for her unborn child that she purposely ruined it's chances at a decent life by exposing it to the dangers of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (the alcohol was specifically mentioned by Ridge a few seconds later), announcing it to keep the father from learning that he would BE a father in less than a month, who never went to the doctor either to have her pregnancy validated or for a routine check-up, then lost the baby AFTER the marriage she schemed for happened, with virtually no blood and absolutely no pain, couldn't be bothered to go to the doctor, and then jumped right into bed with her "husband". If I'm a Brooke FAN and I see that, it's amazing what anti-Brookies see.

If you have something you'd like to add in the matter. Send me an email with the subjectline Brooke's pregnancy BLF Fansite to

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There is someone on the Bold-L list who calls himself  Sheila's Buddy. The person  behind this illusive nick has poured his heart on the Bold-L list. And had some IMO very good views on the Brooke character as follows below...

Added on December 30th 1997

Once again, I want you to remember one bit of B & B history (that I'm watching right now), because I think this is a very good point in the never ending discussion between Brooke and Taylor fans.

It is very often said, that Brooke uses the child in order to get to Ridge and that she humiliates herself, by throwing herself at him. Well, that may be true, she may have gone too far in more recent (speak US) episodes, but looking back in time (or on my TV screen) there is a whole other story to be told.

I want to take something away before continuing: I for my part take it as a fact that RIDGE is the love of Brooke's life (for whatever reasons most of us cannot understand) and someone like that is hard to forget.

Well back in 1994, Brooke was engaged to James. She had found a new interesting, full-filling, stimulating (sexually as well as intelectually) relationship with him.She really wanted to pursue it. She would have been happy with him. She had gotten as much distance to her former life, that she even told Ridge (for one of the first times, I guess) how much he had hurt her in the years before. How often he had broken her heart and that it is obvious that he never loved her as much as she loved him.

Well, with Taylor supposedly dead and Brooke about to marry James, Ridge panics. He finds out that he just can't live without a couple of women who are very much in love with him and fight for his attention.

So Ridge starts behaving as a major idiot once again (in order not to use a stronger word, that would be so much more appropriate) He rushes after Brooke to Santa Barbara and puzzles her by kissing her, on the same day that she is supposed to marry James. She is completly surprised by his major change of mind (when he just gave her his blessing the week before) and calls the wedding off for this evening.

On the next day, her anger against Ridge continues. How could he do this to her and thus to James? Again he had hurt her and tried to destroy her luck. Unfortunatly, Ridge's plan begins to work, when Brooke remembers some of their best moments together (the audience gets to see some wonderful Brooke and Ridge clips) Still no, she sticks to her commitment to James. She will marry him and she doesn't believe Ridge his love for her. She thinks that he does it out of egoistic reasons like that he doesn't want James being his daughter's step-father etc ...

Ridge sinks to another low and now HE USES THE KIDS TO GET HER. He begs her for the kids sake to stay away from James and return to him. Brooke repells his first proposal. Ridge sinks even lower. He locks James into one of the Forrester offices, after overhearing that James should meet Brooke in the Forrester steam room. Instead of James, Ridge gets there and begins massaging on a naked Brooke (who has her eyes covered and asks if it is James, when Ridge comes in and he murmurs "Mhm"). He starts kissing her and Brooke finally opens her eyes and sees the truth. She is upset and lectures him. She shares this later on with James and doesn't give in to Ridge's next proposals either.

Stephanie comes in to play with Brooke's insecurities, telling her that yes, Ridge doesn't love her indeed and just does it for Bridget's sake. So please Brooke forget about my son and marry James, so that finally you won't be a Forrester anymore! (Another sign for me that Stephanie doesn't act on what's best for her sons, even if she says so, but what's best for her.) I have to admit that Ridge also did something very romantic: He filled Brooke's office with several flower bouqets, each with a card attached, that added up to a beautiful proposal: Something like: If you accept this, you should be in my heart forever! (It was put in a more romantic, poetic way, but I heard it in German and that was some weeks ago)

Well in the end, Ridge of course is successful with all of his tricks and so on and finally after three turned down proposals, Brooke agrees to think about her two options and to give him an answer on the next day. It was good to see how Ridge was finally the one who wasn't sure about Brooke's affection. Ridge showed some insecurities too to his brother Thorne. And it was also good to see, that Brooke didn't rush back into Ridge's arms immediately, but first let it be proven to herself that he really loved her and cared for her. I also hold it for Brooke, that before giving her answer to Ridge, she straightened things out with James. Telling him the truth, that after all this years, she just couldn't resist the offer Ridge was making to her, because that was everything she wished for in the last decade or so. It was also a very good scene, with both Brooke and James on the verge of tears. Very beautifuly done, in my opinon.

All in all, I can say that I was surprised that it was going this way, Brooke showing her backbone. Ridge having to beg for her. Brooke venting her anger against Ridge. And right now I'm really looking forward to the dream wedding in Malibu and the return of the Logan clan.

All in all I would be really happy, if it weren't for those disturbing scenes of Taylor being nurtured back to health by Prince Omar in Marocco. We all know where it will be headed from there on...

That's it, folks. Hope you will consider this! And see once again that Bradley's writing considering Brooke wasn't that bad all the time! So probably he could improve once again!

Sheila's Buddy


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