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Dearest Brooke
What have you done?

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Brooke Logan Forrester is by far one of the characters that stir up the most emotions on the Bold and The Beautiful and although I am a diehard fan I am not blind to her flaws and her mistakes. And of late they have been rather many...
Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Getting rid of the competition
Hiding Caroline's letter:

I feel that this is one thing Brooke never should have done. It was a stupid thing to do, she should have let Caroline read the letter and let the chips fall where they may. In all fairness Thorne had a big part in this scheme.

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Lousy judgement
Moving into the Forrester mansion against Stephanie's will

This was when she got pregnant with Ridge's child the first time. Even if Ridge wanted her to live with him, she should never have moved in with him into Stephanie's home without her consent. That was insensitive and rude. This is one of the things that Brooke has done that I really don't feel I can justify or excuse. I think she should have respected Stephanie's wishes on this matter. And Ridge especially shouldn't have invited Brooke to live there since he knew how his mother felt about it.

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Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Infidelity
Sleeping with Ridge while married to Eric

This was an obvious mistake. And how Ridge could let himself do this while Brooke was married to his father is beyond me. But they did do this. Not a pretty picture. I know that Brooke at the time was meaning to divorce Eric, but she should have waited. We all know that passion overcame them, but the fact that Ridge later decided to marry Taylor to let his father "have" Brooke kind of made the unfaithfulness even worse. Especially on Ridge's part.

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Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Insensitivity
Marrying Eric knowing her mother was still in love with him
Brooke married Eric knowing that her mother still loved him. That was a mistake IMO. Especially since Brooke was still in love with Ridge. But Eric was very persistent and Brooke vulnerable. So she gave into him. Wrong thing to do.

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Insecurity
Hiding Taylor was alive when she "came back from the dead"
Now this was an obvious blooper. Of course she should have told Ridge. But again Brooke showed an insecurity which made her make the wrong choices. She even acted pretty cruel toward Taylor and offered her a plane ticked back "to wherever she came from".

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Hiding the truth
Hiding the fact that she knew Taylor was pregnant when she married Ridge.

Now this is the worst one yet. I who am a Brooke fan got really upset over this one. As upset as about her moving into Stephanie without her consent. Even more actually. Sure I still feel it wasn't Brooke's place to tell Ridge but she should have done it anyway. Not for Taylor but for her own sake. If Ridge truly loves her he would have stayed with her anyway.

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Using people
Trying to bribe Ridge to marry her by using Grant

Even if Grant was actually in on this scheme I think her actions regarding Grant were questionable to say the least. She shouldn't have used Grant. And she especially shouldn't have tormented the whole Forrester clan the way she did in order to force Ridge into realizing that he still loved her. If that was the case she should have let Ridge come to that realization himself. If he didn't. Well, then she'd be better off without him anyway. 

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Stealing the company
Taking Forrester Creations away from the Forrester's.

This is something frequently brought up as one of Brooke's worst misdeeds, so I am adding it to the page with hesitation. Since I don't at all agree on this one. This may have been morally wrong, but considering the way the Forrester's treated Brooke when it came to the BeLieF formula I will never agree that she did much wrong in doing this. The way the Forrester's acted, rooted on by Stephanie was unforgivable and I feel that Brooke had the right to get back at them.

And alot of fans seem to forget how much Brooke has actually done FOR the company. She created the BeLieF formula which was an incredible breakthrough if you're gonna believe the fuss that went on around it. And also the Men's Line. So this last part I have a hard time seeing as such a bad move on Brooke's part.

Now there are many other things that alot of people feel that Brooke has done wrong, but I simply don't think that the following things are supported by any facts...

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)By any means necessary
Using the children to get Ridge
Well as true as this may be in some fans eyes. It is still only an opinion. I don't feel that she USED the children. Yes, she brought them up many a time as a reason for her and Ridge to get back together. But I honestly think she thought that WAS best for her children.

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Blamed for more than she deserves?
The second paternity test
We don't for a fact KNOW that Brooke had anything to do with the paternity test, and I am sure even many Taylor fans will agree that Brooke doesn't have it in her to kill someone. And only the one who wrote the letter could have done that...

Red_BallB364.gif (916 bytes)Is she really THAT false? new2.gif (973 bytes)
Faking a pregnancy and miscarriage?
We don't know whether Brooke was pregnant or not. Some claim that she got so desperate at tha prospect of losing Ridge that she invented the pregnancy to hold onto him and then had to go through with the entire charade to not lose face.

Others, like myself, claim that whatever mistakes Brooke has made and however manipulative she is. She is not cruel, and making Ridge believe that she was pregnant only to "lose" the baby on their honeymoon would be incredibly cruel. Not to mention painful to herself having lost a baby before. How could she do that and still have a heart?

Now a couple of comments on this page.
I have tried to be impartial, but it is very hard for me to do that. Since I am a big fan of Brooke's and really see her point of view in most occasions. Therefore I feel that the smartest thing to do really would be to have a Taylor fan make this page on a Taylor fansite. If you Taylor fans feel that I am being too lenient on Brooke. Well, I am sorry. I've done my best and this is as far as I can take it. Feel free to tell me more things you feel should be on this page. And then if I find your ideas truthful and that they may have a place in here I might update the page. But remember I am biased. I admit to being biased. Which is probably to obvious considering this site to even try to deny eh? :-)


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