BIRDSLINE.gif (1037 bytes)

Rank my site on the geoguide.

The Geoguide has a program where you can rank the site you are visiting. The Geoguide is the graphic at the top of every page. In this guide you can visit my neighbors or similar pages on Geocities. You can also Rank my page, or mail me with the help of this Geoguide. Now what I want you to do is to rank the page and tell me what you think about it. You can also write me with suggestions, comments or ideas that you think fit into this page. I'd love for you guys to get more involved in the progress of this site.

blueball.gif (925 bytes) Write me at:

blueball.gif (925 bytes) OR sign the Guestbook

blueball.gif (925 bytes) OR visit the Message Forum

blueball.gif (925 bytes) OR Rank the site at the top of this page!!

I would love to make this page somewhat more interactive, but I lack the HTML programming skills that are necessary to do so. Do you know of any other ways to obtain more interactivity into this site? Mail me!
If I added a chat... is that something you would be using? I doubt it considering the low activity on the Message Forum, but there is always the chance to do so if there are people interested in a chat.


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