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This is where I'd like you to send the ideas you have. The place where we tell each other what we would like to have happen in the show. It doesn't have to be very likely. It doesn't have to be within the possible range (even if that seems to be a loose boundary anyway... ) The mailaddress is as usual and put the subject 'Wishes Brooke Logan Site' in the heading, Thankyou!!!

Fans Wishes for B&B's progress...

I wish that Brooke will move on with her life wihout Ridge. She is a bright woman and I think she can be successful in business when she puts her mind to it. I would like to see live a happy life and raise her children on her own. I also want to see Ridge live a miserable life with Taylor. He found out that Taylor slept with James and he hates her.

Hanizah                                                                 Added on April 27

Stephanie is absolutely one of the worst characters I have seen in a soap opera. Her "holier-than-Brooke" attitude is ridiculous. Everyone seems to have forgotten HOW Stephanie got her precious family...she (who is she to call anyone a slut)slept with someonelse's boyfriend in college (one night stand), got preganant, and forced the guy (Eric) to marry her although he loved someone else (Beth). This is as despicable as anything she has ever accussed Brooke of doing. Stephanie acting as though she is from a more advantageous and blue-blooded background than Brooke is ridiculous. Stephanie's meddling and attitude is tacky and horribly low-class. We never see her family or how she grew up, but I  bet it wasnt any better than Brooke's upbringing. Brooke has a prestigious degree, is obviously very intelligent, has perfectly nice, if poor, parents, has wonderful family relationships with her brother and sisters, and merely fell in love with a man who had more material advantages growing up and she did. That is not a crime. I wish Ridge would turn to his mother during one of her "Brooke-bashings" and say, "Mother, shut up. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. We all know how you got Dad in the first place. I love Brooke, I choose Brooke. I didnt choose you, I was born to you. I know you love me and I appreciate what a good mother you have been, but Brooke is the woman I love and therefore she comes before you, always. Either accept that, treat her with love and respect, or get the hell out of my life."

Then I wish he would go to see Taylor and explain to her that although he cares about her and Thomas very much, and will be a very good father to Thomas, he loves Brooke, always has, and will not end his marriage to her. He has realized that leaving Brooke out of an obligation to Thomas would be wrong. He loves Brooke with all of his heart and will be a better example to his son if he shows Thomas what a loving and fulfilling marriage is. Thomas will benefit from that more than he would benefit from having a father physically present in his home 24-7, a father who's heart belongs somewhere else. Taylor would plead and cry but Ridge would kindly and firmly point out to her that it was always Brooke whom he loved and loves, and he always went to her, Taylor, on the rebound from Brooke or out of a sense of duty to someone else (his Dad first, and now, Thomas). He will give her monetary and  parenting support, but that is all. Actually, if Bradley Bell would become a bit more realistic, this would happen. It is the most logical conclusion drawn from all the previous storylines. Thanks for letting me vent!!

SLC, Washington, DC.                                         Added on April 27

Please let Brooke and Ridge stay together, raise the family in a normal way and let whinny Taylor get on with her life. Can you believe her? Stephanie is the most medalsome person and should be off the show. Let ole Taylor go back for Eric...seems fair enough. Why is Brooke always the victim? Onlyathought!

Carolyn Smoot                                                     Added on April 27

I will always want Brooke & Ridge together forever; but due to recent events, if that is not possible, I would like to see Brooke with Jonny Carerra...he is HOT!!!! Second runner up is Thorne. I would also like the truth to come out about James & Taylor making love at Big Bear and that Stephanie learns that her precious Taylor had a "thing" for Eric!

Sheryl M. Jeffries                                                Added on April 21:st 1998

I wish...I wish Stephanie would understand that Thorne is an important a human being as Ridge, and that Taylor hurt him deeply.

I wish Taylor would finally be revealed to all as who she is, much like BRooke is revealed as a flawed human being, and quit being considered a saint. Ironically, the aura of saintliness that surrounds her is a testament to the success of hypocrisy, hiding her true motives and meanness to thers, under the guise of :doing what is best" or even professional (please!)cosncience (like when she advised Eric to stay in the apartment with Brooke and ruined her chances of being with Ridge) or just plain selfishness (like when she accepted Ridge's rebound fashion show proposal and went with it). Funny thing is, I used to like Taylor fine, but the more I get to watch her and her fake-sainthood being built with Stephanie's help, the more I dislike her..

As for Brooke, I wish she could make Ridge suffer by just being happy and successful - unlike other posters to your board I do not think that what she does is ever too demaning, or rather, it is but it is because she is human and when you have loved a man for so long always getting so close to her "prize" you kind of go crazy, you don't want to give up. Unlike Taylor, she IS human, whereas Saint Taylor is, as many people have noticed, a false construct of holiness and hypocrisy - the fact that so many people have picked up on it, independently referring to her as Saint or Tiresome is evidence do't you think? Again, thanks for the excellent page and board and talk to you and the others again soon.

Mariaelena                                                    Added on April 17:th 1998

I wish that Ridge would find out EVERYTHING that Brooke did to try to keep him away from Taylor and from finding out about his baby. I want him to know that Brooke actively worked to keep the truth from him and was prepared to live the rest of her life witholding the truth from him. Then he can know what kind of person Brooke REALLY is.  

Peach                                                Added on April 6:th 1998

The only thing i wish for is that Brooke tells Ridges that she thinks that the baby Taylor is carrying is his. He talks to Taylor and she confirms it. He outlashes at her for keeping the secret for a long time. He also tells her that he is suing for full custody of the child. He tells his mother is overjoyed at first that it is Ridge's baby, but is angry that he and Taylor aren't getting married. He also tells her that Brooke told him the news.

After a good night's sleep, Stephaine is enraged that her beloved Taylor keep the news to herself and was playing Thorne against Ridge her 2 sons. She goes to Taylor and tells her that she is Pissed off at her for Playing the brothers against each other. Taylor tries to explain but it is too late for i .She calls Brooke and tells her that she forgives her and gives her blessing to a Brooke and Ridge wedding.

Ridget719                                             Added on January 3:rd 1998

I wish Ridge finds out that Taylor slept with James that night at Big Bear and is livid over the fact that Taylor has kept it a secret for so long. I also hopes he finds out his mother wrote that bogus letter to Brooke supposedly from Eric saying he was freeing up Brooke so she could be with Ridge. I hope Stephanie finds out that Taylor nearly embarked on a relationship with Eric and was only stopped because she saw Stephanie in Eric's bed. I think I have more chance of winning the lottery but it's nice to dream :)

Joanne, Melbourne Australia                    Added on December 20:th 1997

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