In this world exists three highly talented singers. They became a highly influential part of my life in the 80’s. So much so, that I was near suicide when I heard about the break-up. How could they do this to me? My life became meaningless, empty and a complete waste of time… (or was it like that before?) Since that day my life has never been the same and I cannot forget just how much those 3 meant to me. But enough about Bananarama...


Disclaimer: Given that I am simply a computer illiterate girl with far too much time on her hands, some of the following information has been badly plagiarised from articles, homepages and word of mouth. If I have been wrongly informed I do apologise and would appreciate being told. If I can be sued for replicating any publications etc etc all that stuff at the beginning of books and videos etc I am afraid due to my ailing health I will unable to leave my estate in Spain.

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