Love Always, Angel isn't just a fan club. It's so much more than that. It was started by 2 Angel lusters for Angel lusters. It's designed to help all of us get to know each other better by using one common factor, Angel. It includes many benefits. Some are:

  1. Getting to know other people just like yourselves.

  2. Recieve a newsletter with updates on the show, David, and members. Spoilers, page updates, and a poll.

  3. Join the Love Always, Angel mailing list.

  4. Being able to take part in the weekly poll.

  5. Add you fan fiction to our site.

  6. Take part in our weekly chats on ICQ.

  7. A special section for you site to link from along with other members.

  8. Join our special webring for your site.

Join Love Always, Angel

*Just fill out the form and soon you'll get an email from either Jen or myself!! If you don't have an email address most of the member benefits will be of no use to you. I would recommend getting one at Hotmail*

Your name:
Your Nickname:
Your email:
Your ICQ UIN Number:
Your Buffy Webpage:
Which member (if any) recommended the club:

I am asking, no, BEGGING that you guys don't hit that submit button more than once... Jen and I have enough new members to add without having to deal w/ duplicates. Thanks