Khan's Place in the Universe

December 1, 2003

So I finally decided to poke my head back around the webpage as I realized people are still visiting! Thanks, everyone :-) I haven't updated in a while, and I doubt I will. I'm afraid after ST: Voy ended, my Trek addiction has waned. Enterprise just didn't capture my attention the way ST: TNG, ST:DS9 and ST:VOY did.

Comments are still always welcome at my new e-mail address If you ask nicely, maybe I'll even get inspired to write something else...:-)

July 19, 2001

I can hardly believe it myself, but yes, I do have a new work of fiction to post. It's called In Fire and Ice and is not as much a story as a vignette, but I hope you enjoy. Synopsis: How the universe ends, from Tom's perspective. All feedback welcome at

I've also updated the My Works section, new look, new layout, and all links have been updated. Some of the stories have been re-edited also. So take a look.


July 14, 2001

Howdy folks! Yes, it is, Khan, updating. Ah, the beauty of makes web site managing a whole lot easier! Now, there's going to be a whole lot of dust busting going around in my corner of the world -- I've got lots of links to add, remove, update and try not to keel over in shock at this part..but yes, I am working on The Enterprising Wedding, part two. I missed my millennium deadline, but I promise, by the next millennium, for sure, absolutely ;-) (Yes, the check is in the mail, why do you ask? <g> ) Should you have fogotten what story I'm referred to, then please feel free to refresh your memories.

So check back real never know what you're going to find. As always, feel free to e-mail me any comments or questions you may have.








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