The Iron Vulture

The Iron Vulture

You have entered the Iron Vulture, the ship that belongs to my fantastic-type self. This is Don Karnage here, speaking to you with my voice.

It is about time that this webpage that deals with someone as fantastic as myself is updated. I will try to update it more often, but this pirate makes no promises.

If you're wondering why I'm 9005, it's because Tale Spin first aired in May (05) of 1990. That, and no one else had moved in yet.

YES, IT'S (being) SET UP (as your eyes are seeing this)!

Karnage wav files. (over 40 of em! All my creation)

Karnage pics. (over 30 of these. Most gathered from other sites. But a few actually are mine.

My personal fan fictions. I'll be doing one every 2 months, and each will be about Tale Spin, each will feature Karnage, and no new characters, only old ones!

WHEN will this happen? As soon as I get a chance to do them. ;-) Look back here at the end of April, and see what's changed!

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