Immortals #1

By Christopher Rogers

DISCLAIMER:Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Mutant Enemy, Joss Whedon, and the WB. I don't own Highlander either, I don't know who does, but it belongs to them. The storyline is mine. NOTE:This is a crossover, Buffy/Highlander story. None of the characters from either the Highlander series or the movie are in this story, just the concept of immortals. This takes place after Killed by Death.


Part One

8:15 P.M., 4/22/98

Xander came though the library doors with Cordelia close behind him.

"Seriously Xander, I can't believe you would wear that shirt with those shoes," Cordelia was saying.

"Sorry Cordy, I didn't plan on wearing clothes that would be so distasteful, but unlike you, I don't spend day and night worrying about what I'm going to wear," Xander replied, not believing how much his girlfriend could care about what a person would wear.

"It shows," Cordelia said. She couldn't believe how unfashionable her boyfriend was.

"Ah, if it isn't Sunnydale's happy couple," Buffy said sarcastically from where she sat at the library table. "Could you guys tell me one more time how the two of you managed to get together, I still find it hard to believe every time I see the two of you."

"I hate to interrupt this intellectually stimulating conversation," Giles said, as he came out of his office. "But you wanted to tell me about someone you met last night."

"Who?" Cordelia said as she thought back to last night.

"You remember, Bronze, guy watching us, tall, real strange," Xander said as he and Cordelia sat at the table.

< Buffy was right, how did the two of them get together? > Willow thought. < They seem to be fighting all the time, poor Xander, what could have drove him to go out with her. > Then speaking up to answer Giles' question, "Yeah there was this really creepy guy watching us last night as we left the Bronze."

"Giles this guy was really ... " Buffy began but stopped as the library doors swung open.

The whole group stared as they watched the man they saw the previous night enter the library.

Marcus was no less shocked as he saw all five of the kids that he had been watching yesterday, (and amazingly they were in a library). He also realized that they recognized him. < Damn, I got to learn how to blend in better. >

Giles stared at the man who had just entered his library. He probably stood slightly over six feet and was wearing a long black trench coat. He had long dark hair and a full beard. He appeared to be no more then thirty and he looked like he had been born in the wilderness.

"How ... can I help you," Giles said as he observed how strangely everyone had started to act once he had come in.

"Yes," the man said as he finally looked at the librarian. "that is if you are one Rupert Giles." When Giles nodded the man continued. "My name is Marcus Burnett, I called you a few weeks ago about purchasing the diary of Matthew Klin, I believe we agreed upon a price of $10,000 dollars."

"Yes," Giles started not sure what to say. "But unfortunately I do not have the book with me at the moment, it is at my house. I wasn't sure when you would be coming to pick it up, but I can have it here for you tomorrow if you like."

"Of course Mr. Giles, it's my fault that I didn't tell you when I would be here to pick up the book, I'm sorry if I have inconvenienced you. I'll be back tomorrow to get it." Marcus turned and left the room, smiling. Not only would he get the book that he had been searching for the past century, he knew which one was immortal. The tall boy with dark black hair.

Meanwhile, back in the library, Giles was just finished being updated on the encounter that had happened the night before.

"Okay Giles, share. Who and what is that guy? I thought perhaps I could be mistaken last night, but now I'm sure this guy is definitely not human." Buffy said, wondering if she had some new demon to fight.

"And what is the diary of Matthew Klin?" Cordelia asked. "And why would someone pay $10,000 for a musty old book?"

"Buffy I have no idea who this Marcus Burnett fellow is and why you sense that he is abnormal. The man called me a few weeks ago wanting to buy the diary from me. I agreed and he said that he would come here to get it. Other then that I don't have the slightest idea who he is," Giles finished.

"What about the diary?" Oz asked curiously.

"Oh the diary," Giles said. "It was the diary of a man who lived almost hundred years ago, Matthew Klin. No one knows where he came from but he appeared in Paris a hundred years ago. Ranting and raving about the end of the world coming. He spoke of an immortal race of people who would one day rule the earth unless they were destroyed. His diary tells that one of these immortals would win, what he called, the prize. That immortal would rule over the earth for all eternity. His body was found a few days after he appeared in Paris, without a head. After that his diary came into the possession of the Watchers."

"Giles," Buffy began in shock. "You have a book foretelling the end of the world and you are going to sell it."

"Yes, well you see it is believed that Matthew Klin was quite mad and that his diary is nothing more then the ramblings of a madman, so his diary is practically worthless. And the books is not mine, it belongs to the Watchers. It is quite a good deal, we get a fairly large sum of money by selling a worthless book, that we have many copies of. And ... Xander are you all right?" Giles finished, noticing how pale the boy was looking.

Everyone turned away from Giles to look at Xander. He was sitting there, almost as if in a trance, staring at the door. He didn't give any sign that he had even heard Giles.

"Xander," Cordelia said gently shaking him, worry creeping into her voice.

"What?" Xander asked, still looking at the door.

"Xander is something wrong?" Willow asked in concern.

"No, why?" Xander asked, still deep in thought.

"Xander wake up," Buffy said going over and violently shaking her friend. "Something's wrong, we just had a whole conversation without you involved in it."

"I don't know Buff," Xander said as he came out of his trance. "When he came in I started feeling real strange."

"What, when he entered you felt different, tired, sick?" Giles asked interested.

"No, just different," Xander said confused. "It's hard to explain, there was something like a faint pounding in the back of my head, kinda like a headache, but that's not really it. And now that I think about it, it wasn't when he entered the room, I started to feel it a little bit before he came in. Whatever it is, it's gone now."

"Strange," Giles muttered, heading over towards the stacks of books.

"Did anyone else notice that during the conversation that guy kept his eyes on Xander," Oz said.

"And here I was thinking that he thought I was pretty," Cordelia said pouting, she had been sitting next to Xander during the conversation.

Nobody chose to answer Cordelia's comment.

"Why stare at me?" Xander asked, but no one was able to answer his question.

"It is getting awfully late," Giles said coming out of the stacks, carrying a few books with him. "I think everyone better be on their way home, Buffy do try and do a few sweeps of the town tonight. I'm sure this matter can wait until tomorrow. I'll stay here and see what I can find out."

With that everyone picked up their books and quickly left the library. Leaving Giles alone to see what he discover about Marcus Burnett.

* * * * *

Angelus smiled as the whole group left the school together. Perfect they were all there. < She will be easy prey while trying to protect her friends. > he thought. < And after I'm done with her they can die too, looks like I have a rather large meal tonight. >

He wondered though what Marcus was doing in Sunnydale, and more importantly how a thirty year old man looked the same since the last time Angelus had seen him, a little over a hundred years ago. < He can wait, > Angelus thought. < I can deal with him later, I've seen stranger things then someone not aging, first the slayer. >

"Really Xander," Buffy was saying. "You're just supposed to be one of the normal people. You're not suppose to be a..." Buffy paused as she sensed something. "Vampire."

"No Buffy I really don't think I am," Xander said reaching inside his jacket and pulling out the cross he always carried with him.

No one responded to Xander's attempt at humor.

"No, but I am," Angelus said as he stepped out of the darkness.

"Angel," Buffy said as she pulled out a stake. "You bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"Ah, and I thought you loved me," Angelus said taunting her.

"Let's get this over with," Buffy said advancing on Angelus.

"Sure," Angelus said mocking her as he swiftly pulled a gun from his jacket and pointed it at Buffy. "You know what the worst part of killing you is going to be? I'm going to ruin that perfectly good jacket that I gave you."

Buffy was too shocked by Angelus' actions and words to act. Xander wasn't. Moving quicker then any of them thought he could, he ran forward and threw Buffy out of the way, just as Angelus pulled the trigger. As the gun shattered the silence of the night, Xander took a bullet directly in the chest. Everyone, even Angelus, stared in shock as Xander's body crumpled to the ground.

Buffy felt her eyes swelling with tears as she watched on in horror as the life drained out of Xander. She wanted nothing more than to lay on the ground where Xander had thrown her and cry. < I lost him too, > she thought. < Another person has died because I couldn't kill him, no more, it has to end now. >She forced herself to get up and face Angelus. He was coming out of his shock and was leveling the gun at Willow, who was rushing to Xander's side.

As the rage began to build inside of her she jumped forward and kicked the gun out of Angelus' hand, sending it flying across the ground. She then slammed the palm of her hand into his face, knocking him backwards. She then lifted her stake preparing to drive it into his heart.

She paused when she saw the demonic smile upon his face. "You know, I never did like that kid. Looks like he saved your life once again. But it appears that he's not going to be there next time." With that Angelus turned, fleeing into the darkness. He had done enough damage for the night.

Buffy watched as Angelus fled, she knew she wouldn't be able to catch him. < Run away while you can Angel. I'll find you and when I do, I am going to kill you! >

* * * * *

"No," Willow screamed in horror, waking Buffy from her thoughts and causing her to rush to her friends side. "No you can't die," she said as she clutched Xander's trembling body.

"Xander," Buffy said sadly, not willing to accept the fact that he was going to die. "Xander can you hear me?" < My God, there is so much blood. > she thought.

Xander slowly forced his eyes open. He looked around at his friends. He smiled a little, "I ... I love you ..." Xander never finished what he was going to say as the last of his life drained out of him and he slowly closed his eyes.

* * * * *

< Oh no, > Oz thought sadly. < Poor Xander, poor Willow she cared for him so much. > Oz gently put his hand on Willow's shoulder, trying to comfort the woman he loved.

* * * * *

< Please God, this can't be happening. > Cordelia thought as she looked down upon Xander's body in shock. < No, not Xander. Please not him. I was so mean to him, I hurt him so many times, I never told him how much I cared for him. Please Lord, don't let him die. >

* * * * *

< Xander, > Willow thought as ran her hand through his hair. She felt Oz's arm on her shoulder but she didn't care, she started to cry. < I never told him, I never told him, I never told him how much I love him, > was all she thought.

* * * * *

< He saved me, > Buffy thought. < And not for the first time. He saved my life and now he's dead. He saved me so many times. I'm the slayer, Angel wanted to kill me. I should be the one on the ground. I should have been the one to die, not him. I ... I killed him. Please, I can't lose him too. >

"Xander," Buffy murmured as she began to cry.

* * * * *

Willow looked up at Buffy, hatred burning in her eyes. "You, this is your fault. If it wasn't for you Xander would still be alive."

"Willow ... I ... " Buffy began, she didn't get a chance to finish as Willow's fist connected with her face.

"That won't do any good," Cordelia said as she ran forward and grabbed Willow's arm.

"It's not Buffy's fault," Oz whispered holding her other arm. Willow saw that they both had tears pouring from their eyes.

"Yes it is," Willow screamed.

"Buffy are you alright," they heard Giles yell as he came running up to them, carrying the crossbow from the school. He had heard the gunshot, grabbed the crossbow, and ran to investigate.

"Yes poor Buffy, always is Buffy alright," Willow screamed in anger. Buffy ran over and buried her head into Giles jacket.

"It's Xander," Buffy managed to say in between sobs.

Giles looked over and saw the body and all the blood. "Oh no," he said, his own tears beginning to form.

"This is all Buffy's fault," Willow said, continuing girls scream. "If she had done her job and killed that bastard ..." Willow didn't get a chance to finish.

"Willow don't curse," they all looked on in shock to see Xander beginning to stand. "It really doesn't suit you."

* * * * *

"Xander," everyone managed to say in disbelieve.

"Xander," Willow shouted rushing towards him and pulling him into an embrace.

"It's alright," Xander said, holding her. "Will."

"Yes," Willow said not willing to let go.

"I'm getting blood all over your sweater," Xander replied with a small smile.

"What?" Willow said, staring down at her green sweater that was now covered in blood. < Normally this would disgust me, > she thought. She then remembered the sight of Xander's body crumpled upon the ground, then she looked up at him standing. < But a little blood doesn't seem that important right now, > she thought with a smile.

"Does anyone else notice that a few moments ago Xander was dead, yet now he is standing. We've all seen weird stuff but this has got to be a record," Oz said in confusion.

"Well," Xander began, but didn't finish, as he pulled away from Willow and then as Buffy, who literally had to push Cordelia out of the way, grabbed him and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"I thought I lost you," she said quietly, still crying, Xander was the only one who heard her.

"Buffy, I can't breath," Xander said, feeling as if his ribs were going to break.

Buffy loosened her grip but she didn't let go.

"Xander I am very happy that you are alive, but ... just why are you alive. You were dead, you had a very large hole in your chest, and ..." Giles didn't finish as Buffy ripped open Xander's shirt so as to check on his injuries. Everyone gasped as they saw that the wound had completely healed.

"Even vampires don't heal that fast ..." Giles said in confusion.

"I ..." Xander said as he pried himself from Buffy's embrace and went over and hugged Cordelia. "Giles, I really don't know."

"Xander what do you remember. When the bullet ..." Giles stopped as he looked over to see Xander crying.

"Oh, God. It hurt, it hurt so much." He said as the memories of dying, and the pain, came flooding back to him. "It hurt," was all Xander managed to say as he clutched Cordelia tightly to him. Both Willow and Buffy looked on in sadness, they wanted nothing more then to take away the pain Xander was feeling.

"We should still probably be getting home," Oz said, trying to get off the subject. "If we stay here all night one of are parents will be sure to notice we're missing."

"Yes of course Oz," Giles said, angry at himself for having caused Xander so much pain. < Stupid, > he thought. < The boy gets shot and you have to go and ask questions. > "We can handle this in the morning."

With that Giles turned and walked towards the library planning on doing some more research. Everyone else turned and headed for Xander's house, no one wanting to leave him just now.

They walked the whole way in silence, no one knowing what to say. When they got to the house, Xander turned and looked at them all, they could still see the pain in his eyes. When he looked at Buffy though a small smile touched his lips and the pain vanished from his eyes. "I thought you were going to die. No matter what the consequences are, no matter what happens to me, I'm glad I pushed you out of the way." With that Xander kissed Cordelia good night, said goodbye to the rest of them, and then turned and walked into his house, smiling.

* * * * *

No one else was smiling .

The night had been very unusual, even for them. They had seen Angelus kill Xander and then watched as he had miraculously came back to life.

Eventually they all left. Willow was crying and she held onto Oz, Cordelia at times seemed very happy and at times she cried, Buffy just cried.

Later that night Buffy came back and she stood silently outside the Harris' residence. She usually patrolled at this time, but the vampires could wait, a friend of hers had been hurt.

< He cares about me so much. He willingly sacrificed his life for me and he didn't care, he was just glad that I was still alive. He has saved me so many times and what have I ever done for him. I let him get shot. >

< I was so scared that I had lost him. But not again, I won't let anything ever hurt him. >

Buffy turned and walked away from the house, heading home to see if she could get a few hours sleep.

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