What is Keeping?
Keeping is for fun. It's a way of showing our love for the show and our favourite characters. It's not a status thing. It's just plain old fashioned recreation. Keeping allows all us fans a forum to display our fevered addiction in an ordely fashion. When you are the Keeper of something, for all intense purposes, you have claimed the right to watch over that specific item of situation.

Being a Keeper of something gives you the right to add that item/situation to the signature line of your messages. Why? Because you can and it's a badge of Pride. You can always tell a veteran list member by the size of their signature.

Keeping is done for no other reason than the giddy joy it fills you with. Don't just Keep for Keepings sake. Keep only when You find something worth Keeping.

Taken from the Archangel Gabriel's Keeping tips.