Emily is rummaging through her locker between classes. Lucky is hanging around again, following Emily like a lost puppy. He's been hanging around a lot more lately, and Emily can't understand where the sudden attachment is coming from. She figures he's lonely, with his family being in Switzerland and all. He stands around now, nervously, looking like he's bothered by something. Emily decides to take the bait.

"Lucky, is there something bothering you?"

Lucky, as if that were the most insane question ever asked, replies. "Me? Why would there be anything bothering me? Nah, I'm cool."

"Okay,'ve been acting, like, really weird, lately". Emily gets her stuff from her locker and shuts it with a bang. "See ya later." she tells him. She walks off to her next class, but notices that Lucky is still beside her.

Lucky brings up the subject that's been on everyone's conversation list.

"So, Emily...Lucky asks, non-chalant, "...what 'ya doing for 'Valentine's Day?'"

"Absolutely nothing!" Emily replies, a little irritated. "I just wish this so-called 'holiday' wasn't so grossly overrated. I mean, everyone makes you feel like dirt if you are alone on Valentine's Day." She eyes him, then, curiosity peaked. She asks. " What are you going to be doing?"

"Me?" Lucky asks. "Well, nothing really. Just...nothing."

Emily looks at him with pity. "We're really pathetic, aren't we?"

Lucky nods in agreement. "Hey, can't argue there." Then, as if out of the clear blue, he says, "Hey, I've got an idea."

Emily stops and turns to him, "About what?"

"About 'Valentine's Day'", Lucky goes on, "I mean, it's just a suggestion, you don't have to go along with it if you don't want to..."

Emily, looks at her watch. "Well, could you tell me before my class starts?" She motions for him to move along. "Come on, spit it out. What's this idea?"

"Well, I was thinking...why don't we go out for Valentine's Day?" Lucky says, non-committally. He waits for Emily to say something, when she just stands there staring at him, he goes on. "I mean, why should the two of us sit home on a Saturday night and do nothing, when we can just go hang out? You know, two friends hangin' out on the town..." He can't tell whether Emily is buying this or not, "hey, it's better than>sittin' home, right? get a chance to get away from your family..."

Emily's face brightens. "Hey, you've got a point there." She suddenly starts feeling butterflies in her stomach and doesn't know why. "Sure, why not? I'm game, it'll be fun. You're my lifesaver, Lucky."

"Hey, that's what friends are for, right?" Lucky retorts.

Emily replies, "Yeah, right...what friends are for." Emily, for some reason, feels a slight hurt deep in her gut at the mention of 'friends'. 'What's wrong with me,' Emily wonders to herself. The bell rings, bringing her back to reality. "Okay, gotta, we'll talk about it later?"

"I'll walk home with you, after school...if that's okay?" Lucky offered.

Emily smiles, uneasily. "Okay, meet me by my locker. Bye, Lucky." Emily turns and goes to her next class.

Lucky stands there, not knowing what he just did, but wondering why it was causing a big grin to spread across his face. He walks down the> hall to his next class.

Chapter 2

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