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Emily is at Jason's Penthouse. She's stopped by mainly to visit her godson, also grab some advice from her one family member that really understood her.

"Jason, I just don't know..." Emily sighs and plops down on the sofa next to him. "I'm really glad that Lucky asked me out, but he says that we're just hanging out as 'friends'.

Jason looks up from his paperwork at Emily. "Well, isn't that what you> two are...'friends'?"

Emily looks uneasy. "Well, yeah...we are, but..."

"But what?" Jason asks.

Emily goes on. "That's not what I really want, Jason."

Jason looks at Emily, perplexed. "Well, what do you want?"

"What I really want?" Emily thinks for a second before answering."What I really want is for Lucky to see me as more than his little 'best friend'. Do you get it?"

Jason, looking more perplexed than ever. "Then why don't you tell him> that?"

Emily looks at Jason with disbelief. "It's not that simple, Jason. You don't just run up to your best friend and say, 'you know, I would really love to be more than just 'friends' with you...I won't do that, Jason, I can't. I'm sure that would be simple for you..."

"That's not true," Jason interrupts. "I mean, I still don't know how to explain to Robin that I love her more than anything but I can't give up everything for her. " Jason looks distant for a second, then comes back to the moment at hand. "Emily, if you can't tell him, then maybe you should...show him".

Emily looks at him, now it's her turn to be perplexed. " Show him? What do you mean?"

"Show him," Jason says. "You know, get his attention...you women are good at that."

Emily ponders. "Well, how? Valentine's Day is only three days away"

"Don't worry, you'll think of something." Jason tells her. "You women are good at thinking, too."

Emily flashbacks to the conversation she had with Lois last summer. Sitting on the sofa in the Library at the Quartermaine mansion, Emily remembers asking Lois advice on how to get a guy to notice you. Lois tells her, "To get a guy to notice you, all you have to do is wear a simple white dress..."

Emily smiles as a plan comes to mind. She jumps up. Oooh, Jason!

Jason jumps up too. "What's wrong?"

Emily grabs her coat and bookbag. "Nothing... I have to go shopping. Thanks Jason, you were a great help. I knew you would be." She kisses him goodbye and rushes out the door.

Jason stands there, confused. "What did I do?" he grins and goes back to his work.

Chapter 3

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