ðHgeocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/1126/NENB/NENB-03.htmlgeocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/1126/NENB/NENB-03.htmlelayedx‰mÔJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿȾÃGOKtext/html@TjGÿÿÿÿb‰.HFri, 29 Jan 1999 20:31:37 GMTg Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *‰mÔJG

It's Friday - the day before Valentine's Day. Emily and Sarah are in the mall, engaging in their all-favorite pastime - shopping. Sarah, who is depressed because she and Nikolas won't be spending Valentine's Day together, decides to be a sport and help Emily out with her date with Lucky.

"It is NOT a date", Emily says defiantly. "We're just friends and we're spending Valentine's Day together because both of us are so pathetically lonely that we're trying to help each other out, you know...to keep each other company, that's ALL!"

Sarah smirks at Emily, watching her pitiful attempt at being upset. "I'm sorry, Emily, it slipped. But an outing with two people who like each other a lot and for which one of those said persons goes out shopping for the past three hours for a certain "one dress"...I'm sorry, but I call that a DATE!" They both look at each other and burst out laughing.

Emily says, "Sarah, you can see right through me, I hope I'm not that transparent around everyone else, especially Lucky".

Sarah looks at Emily, confused. "But why wouldn't you want Lucky to know you're interested? I thought since you two were so close, it wouldn't be that hard to admit?"

"That's just it", Emily says, "it's even harder to admit that, after all this time, I feel different about him."

"You're really crazy about him, aren't you?" Sarah asks with a grin.

"Gosh, am I that obvious?" Emily asks, horrified.

Sarah reassures her. "Look, there's nothing wrong with falling for your best friend. It happens all the time. Look, Em, don't feel so weird about it. Just be yourself and I know it will all work out. Remember, Lucky already likes you as a person and a best friend. It wouldn't be hard for him to fall for you..."

"Oh, I don't know if that'll happen, Sarah" Emily says with a bit of concern. "I was wondering a little earlier, you know...Lucky asked me out since last week, but when we're around any of our friends, he never mentions it. Do you think..."Emily lets her thoughts trail off.

"Think what, Em?" Sarah asks.

Emily continues. "...Do you think that Lucky is, well...embarrassed to let anyone know that he's taking me out for Valentine's Day? I mean, maybe he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea and think we're a couple or anything..."

Sarah interrupts her. "Emily, you're really fantasizing here. What makes you think Lucky would do something like that? Everyone sees you two together all the time. What's the big deal now?"

"The big deal now is that he asked me out!" Emily says. "I mean, it's different when it's your "best friend" who's an ex-alki and drug user, friends', I...I don't know..."

Sarah shakes her head, "No, I don't think so Emily. I know Lucky...YOU know Lucky. He would never do anything like that, he's not that shallow."

"I hope not", Emily says, worried.

"Look, Em...don't worry so much, the last thing you need to do is

Emily a little more relaxed. "Sarah, I'm so glad you decided to come shopping with me, I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know what possessed me to wait 'til the last minute."

Sarah smiles. "Sure it's fine with me, it's not like I have any preparations for tomorrow."

Emily sees Sarah's sorrowful expression. "I'm so sorry, Sarah, I wish there was something I could do."

Sarah, trying to not spoil the mood, replies, "Oh, that's okay, you've already tried to help as much as you could. Hey, this dress is pretty..." Emily notices Sarah's feeble attempt at changing the subject, but decides not to push the issue.

Just then, Emily turns to see the perfect dress, she walks over and picks it up. It is a simple white angora dress, with long soft sleeves and fitted bodice, which flows out into a beautiful full-length skirt.

Sarah comes over as Emily is holding the dress up to herself. "Oh, Em...that's gorgeous!"

Emily runs to the nearest mirror to get a better look. Lois' words echo in her head again, "A simple white dress..."

"Yeah," Emily smiles to herself, "this is perfect!"


Lizzy stands outside of Wyndemere. She braces herself for what she is about to do. She takes a deep breath and rings the bell.

Stefan and Katherine are in the sitting room, watching Nikolas as he sits playing chess alone, brooding.

"I wish I could help him, he looks so alone." Katherine states, turning to Stefan. "Is there anything that can be done? He's been like this for way too long."

Stefan replies. "Katherine, I understand your concern, but Nikolas refuses to seek any help. But you are right, it can't be good - physically or emotionally - for him to be so bottled up." Stefan turns as Lizzy storms into the room, followed by a frazzled Mrs. Landsbury.

"I'm sorry, Sir", Mrs. Landsbury says, "but she just barged in past me, I tried to stop her..."

Stefan cuts her off, "That's quite alright, Mrs. Landsbury, I'll handle this from here on".

Mrs. Landsbury casts Lizzy one last look and turns to leave. Lizzy sees the look of reproach on Stefan's face and decides to make this quick.

Lizzy starts in on Stefan. "Look, I'm not here to start any trouble, I just want to talk to Nikolas for two minutes." Lizzy turns to Nikolas. "Hey, Nikki what's up?"

Nikolas smiles in response, but before Lizzy could go on, Stefan cuts in.

"Nikky? Are you referring to Nikolas? It would be most appreciated if you would address Nikolas by his "full" name..."

Lizzy, looking at Stefan , replies. "I always call him Nikky, he's never said anything about it. And if I'm not mistaken, he didn't protest just now either."

Katherine, figuring she should break up this little mishap, walks over to Stefan, putting her hand on his arm. "Stefan, that's what the kids call him at school, it's just an endearing term..."

"Emily Quartermaine does not call him Nikky!" Stefan cuts Katherine off.

Excuse me, Lizzy cuts in, "but I'm not Emily, okay?" Nor would I want to be. She says to herself. She turns back to Nikolas. "Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." She turns to look at Stefan and Katherine.

"Is there a possibility that 'Nikolas' and I could have some privacy? I mean, if it's not too much trouble?

Stefan makes no move to leave. Katherine looks at Lizzy and speaks for the both of them. "I think we should ask Nikolas if he wants us to leave..."

Lizzy cuts Katherine off. "Look, whatever, I can say what I have to say regardless." She turns back to Nikolas. "Listen, Nikky..." she looks at Stefan and decides to correct herself. "...I mean, Ni-ko-las, I know you've been through hell and back in the last few months and I can really understand your position, but I think what you're doing to Sarah is not right". Nikolas stands, with anger in his eyes, Lizzy speaks before he can throw her out. "Just let me explain, okay?" He sits. "Thank you," Lizzy says. "I didn't mean to come off like that, I just know that you and Sarah, as sick as you two make me, you two love each other and I think this treatment of Sarah has to stop!"

Stefan, deciding that "he's" heard enough, walks over to Lizzy. "How dare you come into my home and berate my nephew? I do not think it is your place..."

Lizzy angrily interrupts. "...and I don't think it's any of your business!" Stefan looks appalled at her boldness. Lizzy decides she'd better continue if she's going to make her point. "Look, all of you, I just wanted to let Nikolas know that Sarah is sitting at home pinning away for him while he's sitting here not knowing whether he wants to even get therapy or not." Nikolas shoots her a glanre, Lizzy doesn't back down. "Well, you can't expect to get better on your own, and you're definitely not going to get better being cooped up in here! Look, Nikolas, just do me this favor, okay? If you still love Sarah, then please be man enough to let her know. If not, then let her go. But you can't leave her waiting in the wings like this, it's not fair! Do you know what Sarah is going to be doing for Valentine's Day tomorrow? She's going to be home, instead of going out and enjoying herself".

Lizzy stops, giving the guilt a chance to sink into Nikolas. As she sees it's working, she continues. "Oh, and that's not it! Do you know how many guys have asked Sarah out for Valentine's Day?" Nikolas looks worried, Lizzy knows she has him where she wants him now. "Yeah, that's right., Mr. Loverboy. You've been 'Missing in Action' so all the other guys feel they have a shot at her. But you know what? She turned them all down!. Why, you ask? Because she still has this silly notion that you, even though you have a strange way of showing it, may still be in love with her...and she still loves you, for some odd reason. So listen, you'd better figure out what it is you want, don't leave her out on a limb like this Nikolas, it's not right."

Seeing the sorrow in his eyes, she's wondering if she went too far. Walking over closer to him so that Katherine and Stefan cannot hear her, she whispers to him. "Nikolas, don't think I came over here to hurt you. I didn't. I know it may seem unbelievable to hear me saying this but, I can't take seeing Sarah hurt any more. I know I can't stand her, but she's still my sister and I care about her. And believe it or not, I care about you. Don't ruin the best thing you've ever had," she eyes the chess game he was playing, she jumps the knight with the king . Marveling at her move, Nikolas looks up at her, she hands him the knight chess piece. "It's time to make your move, Nikolas." With that, Lizzy turns and, walking up to Stefan, she announces, "NOW I'm leaving!" Lizzy turns and walks out of Wyndemere without so much as a backward glance.

Nikolas stands to leave, Stefan blocks him off. "Nikolas, apparently Ms. Webber's visit has upset you. Understand that you don't have to listen to anything she has said, you are very aware and capable of making your own decisions..."

"STOP!" Nikolas screams. Not wanting to trust his speech any further, he storms out of the room and upstairs.

Katherine comes over to Stefan to console him. "He'll be alright, Stefan. Trust him, he'll make the right decision...his OWN decision."


Emily and Sarah are leaving the fifteenth store they've been to, weighed down with bags.

"Hey, you wanna stop and get something to eat before we leave?" Emily asks.

"Oh please, yes..." Sarah replies, as she places her hand over her forehead in distress, "I think I'm dying of starvation! "I've never seen someone go in for one dress and end up with ten shopping bags."

"Well, you know, when you say you're shopping for a dress, you know you need..."

"Fifty million other things to go with it!" Sarah chides in Just then Sarah spots Lucky near the stairs with a few of his friends.

"Oh Emily, Sarah quips, "do you remember you said you wanted to know if Lucky was trying to hide your date from his friends?"

Emily replies, "Yeah, so?"

"Well, I think you'll have a chance to find out right now" Sarah says as she points out Lucky. "And don't say we're not going that way, the food courts are downstairs, come on!"

"Sarah no," Emily whispers, "I don't want to put him on the spot. He's with "the guys", he's not going to mention anything now for sure!"

"Well, we'll just have to see, won't we?" Sarah says as she pulls Emily by the arm. "Come on!"

Emily follows Sarah reluctantly, making a mental note to remember to kill Sarah as soon as they get downstairs. They approach Lucky and his friends.

"Hey," Sarah says "What's up, Lucky? Hey guys"

They all exchange greetings. Lucky eyes Emily. "Hey, Em," he says, grinning nervously, "How's it goin'?"

Emily looks at Lucky and, for the first time, she notices just how incredibly gorgeous he is. She makes her observation, taking in his deep blue eyes, his cute little nose, his full beautiful lips that curled upward ever so slightly when he smiled at her...

"Em..." Lucky squints his eyes at her, puzzled, jokingly, "hey, are ya with us?"

"He's so gorgeous..." Emily, then coming out of her trance, replies. "Oh, hey Lucky, what's up?"

Sarah, noticing that Emily is verbally useless, takes over the conversation. "So, what are you guys up to, just hanging around?"

"Yeah, we were just hanging out." Lucky replies. "I was actually just on my way to my Dad's club. What are you guys here for, or need I ask?" He eyes the bags suspiciously. "Whatcha got in there?" He attempts to peek in the bags.

Emily snatches the bags back, almost brutally. "No!" she shrieks. When she realizes the looks on everyone's faces, including Sarah's, she decides she'd better bring it down a notch. Attempting to laugh it off, Emily replies, "Never search a woman's bag, you'll never know what you'll find."

Lucky looks at her, wondering what the strangeness is about, then shrugging it off, he backs away with his hands raised in defeat. "Okay, have it your way."

Sarah, realizing she has to come to the rescue again, pounces in the conversation. "Hey, Em, we'd better get going..."

Emily, embarrassed beyond belief, wished she could just run into a wall head first. She replies, "Yeah, we should go..." Emily stands there, as if waiting for something. When Lucky makes no further attempt at conversation, Emily, feigning cheer, smiles and says, "Well, bye guys!" She turns to Lucky, trying to read his mind but failing miserably, " See ya, Lucky!"

As Emily and Sarah are walking away, Lucky calls out, "Hey, Em?"

Emily turns around, "Yeah?"

Lucky, not wanting to look like a punk in front of his friends but deciding this was worth it, calls out, "Do you remember what time I'm picking you up tomorrow...you know, for our...you know, get-together?"

'I guess he's refusing to call it a date, too...' Emily thinks to herself. She calls out with a smile, "7:30pm Sharp! I didn't forget."

Lucky smiles back, showing a little more tenderness than intended. "Don't keep me waiting..."

Emily, noticing, responds, almost in a whisper. "I'll be ready." She turns, following Sarah down the stairs.

Sarah turns to Emily when they're out of Lucky's sight. "It may just be my imagination, but Lucky is just as spaced out as you over this date - oh, excuse me - I mean "non-date"!

' I sure hope so...' Emily smiles as she thinks to herself.

Lucky stands there, in a haze with a half-grin spread across his face, wondering when did Emily suddenly get so pretty. Lucky turns back to his friends, puzzled by their stares. "What?"


Dara is back in from shopping. She's picked up a dress from Wyndam's. 'This is really going outside of my budget' Dara thought to herself as she slipped the red dress from the department store shopping bag. She smiled as the soft velvet draped itself over her soft curves.

She never thought she would have this opportunity again. Justus was always so distant, so unsure of what he wanted. Well, in the past few weeks he's been showing just what he wanted. The thought of a real relationship made Dara jittery inside...the thought of a real relationship with Justus made Dara down right giggly. 'You're acting like a school girl' she scolded herself.

"Oh, so what?" She said out loud. Realizing she was talking out loud to herself made her laugh. As she continued to admire the dress, the phone rings.

She picks up the phone cheerily, "Hello?"

"Hi there!" Justus calls back. "Whatcha doing?"

Dara smiles into the telephone. "I was just about to try on my new dress..."

"Ummm..." Justus teases. "Would you like some help?"

Dara laughs. "No, I've been dressing myself for years, I think I can handle it."

"Oh, well...", Justus sighs. "I was just trying to be helpful, and nosey."

"Well, you'll just have to wait until tomorrow night." Dara flirts.

"Oh," Justus replies. "You mean, you went shopping for our date tomorrow night? I'm flattered."

"Well, actually...I'm really looking forward to it, Justus." Dara had, in the past, tried to hide her true feelings for Justus, but since getting another chance at a relationship, she figured why not let him know how she really felt.

Justus, not believing that the stars are shining in his favor, whispers in the phone, "So am I, Dara. I'm counting the hours..."

The sound of Justus' voice sent chills down her spine. "I'll be waiting..." she says.

"7:00pm tomorrow night." Justus replies. " Bye, Dara..."

"Bye, Justus." Dara says, and hangs up. She looks at her dress again. "Yes, tomorrow night..."


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