Hgeocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/1126/NENB/NENB-04.htmlgeocities.com/TelevisionCity/Stage/1126/NENB/NENB-04.htmlelayedxmJ*OKtext/html0j*b.HTue, 16 Feb 1999 17:20:21 GMTh Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *mJ*

Stefan paces the room, as Katherine sits, staring at his brooding face.

Stefan breaks the silence. "How dare she come into this home and verbally abuse Nikolas in that way?"

Katherine sighs, stands and walks over to him. "Stefan, you really must back off as far as Nikolas' friends are concerned. She really had his best interest at heart...his and Sarah's..."

"I couldn't care less about Sarah Webber's interests!" Stephan retorted. "And may I also add, I do not like the way you seem to go against every wish I have for my nephew. It's as though you feel you are his legal guardian and not I." Stefan walks away from her and sits at the chess board.

Katherine gives Stefan a glaring look. "It's not that I'm trying to take over Nikolas' life...you're doing that quite well on your own. All I'm trying to do is give him some space while trying to convince him of what's best for him through his ordeal. But if you want to be territorial about him, then I will keep my remarks to a minimum!"

Stefan doesn't look up from the chess game that he has started with himself. "Katherine, I will not sit here and play 'Let's be parents' with you over Nikolas. He is my responsibility, not yours...he is my nephew, not yours...and most of all, he is my business...not yours."

With that, Stephan moves his final chess piece across the board. "Check mate." He says mostly to himself, no longer acknowledging Katherine's presence. Katherine, not liking the tone he was using with her, walks over to Stefan. She blocks Stefan's view of the chessboard.

"You listen to me, Stefan," she says as she moves in close to his face, her voice threateningly low, "if you ever throw in my face again the fact that Nikolas is not my business, I'll..."

"You'll what, Katherine?" Stefan interrupts her. "What exactly will you do...leave? Is that the biggest threat you can give me?" Stefan stands and he, in turn, stands over Katherine, dangerously close. "If that's the best you can do for a threat, you must improve your material." With that, Stefan walks away, going over to the bar for his evening port.

Katherine stands there, infuriated by his suggestive tone. She follows him over to the bar. "So what you're saying is, that if I want to leave, then I can leave? Just like that...and you wouldn't try to stop me?" She waits for his answer.

Stefan turns to her, port in hand, giving her the condescending smirk he is so well known for. He looks around the room, outstretching his hands. "Do you see anyone trying to stop you? Do you really assess your presence here that vital?" Stefan turns from her, taking a sip of the warm liquid.

Katherine was not liking where this conversation...well, argument, was going. "So you're telling me that my 'presence' here is not wanted? Is that what you're telling me, Stefan? After you practically begged me to move into the guesthouse? After I sold my penthouse and..."

"I never begged you," Stefan interrupts. "I need not beg for company, Katherine. Or do you forget who I am?" Stefan walks over to her. "You may stay, you may leave...it's up to you. At this point, I've grown quite indifferent with the entire matter." On that, Stefan turns and leaves the room, without another word.

Katherine stands there, watching his retreating back. She tries not to let her emotions get the best of her, she won't let him get the best of her. 'He doesn't mean what he's saying, he's just upset over Nikolas' she told herself.

But did she herself believe that?


Lucky walks into Luke's. He spots Mike behind the bar.

"Hey Mike, I thought you split this joint?" Lucky says as he hops up on one of the barstools.

"Well, you know I have to make an appearance every now and then." Mike says. "Besides, what would you guys do without me? Your Dad asked me to stop by and make sure everything was on the up and up, you know, with Jason having the baby and all. Luke thought the inventory might slip up a little." Mike eyes the doorway as Jason walks in. "Well, speak of the devil."

Jason walks over to Mike, smiling. "I see Luke doesn't trust that I have everything under control. I do remember that today is inventory day...but it's okay, I know he means well." Jason turns to Lucky. "Hey, Lucky."

Lucky turns to shake Jason's hand. "Hey, Jason...oh, my Dad wanted me to drop these off to you. These papers came in the mail." He hands Jason the forms. "So how's the baby?"

"The baby's great!" Jason said. "He's had Emily around a lot lately. I tell you, she loves being a godmother..." Jason notices the quirky look that crosses Lucky's face at the mention of Emily. "Speaking of Emily, I need to talk to you."

Lucky looks a little nervous. "Talk? About what?" Jason gives the eye to Mike, Lucky stops him. "No, hey, I don't mind...Mike is cool."

Jason shrugs. "Okay, well, I know that you two have this....date tomorrow, and..."

Lucky cuts him off. "It's not a date, we're just...hanging out...as friends." He tries to cover his uneasiness.

Jason notices and grins. "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I don't usually stick my nose anyone's business, especially Emily's, and I probably shouldn't be telling you any of this, but I kinda have an idea about what she wants and doesn't want so...if you wanted to know what you should do for tomorrow I was gonna help you out." He begins to walk away towards the office. "But if you say it's not really a date, then I guess it's no big deal..."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Lucky jumps off the stool and stops him. "I didn't say I didn't want any suggestions, man. I mean, what could it hurt, huh?" Jason looks over Lucky's head and gives Mike the eye, the look on Lucky's face wiping the smirk off Jason's.

"Look, are you going to help me out or what?" Lucky says, apparently annoyed.

Jason feigns seriousness. "Okay...," he runs off the list, "...number one, she doesn't want to be treated like a princess, so just treat her like a lady. Number two, she doesn't want ritz and glamour, so just show her some fun. And third and most of all..." Jason looks Lucky in the eye, "...she's my little sister and make sure you remember that."

Lucky takes in the information. "What do you mean by that?"

Jason leans in closer to him, in a whisper. "Let me put it this way, Lucky...don't go trying to live up to your name...get my drift?

Lucky, catching the implication, replies. "Why would anyone jump to that kind of conclusion. Emily and I are just friends, she's...we're just kids..."

"Look, I know all that." Jason cuts in. "But I'm a guy, I know how guys are, and I know how they think. Just thought I'd put that bug in your ear..."

Lucky smirks, "I'll be sure to remember...thanks."

With that Jason gives Mike the eye once more and grinning, walks off to the back. "You two 'friends' have a good time!" he calls out to Lucky.

"Thanks, we will." Lucky responds. He turns to Mike. "Just as soon as I figure out what we're gonna do." He sits back down on the barstool, confused.

Mike, not wanting to butt in, but not knowing how to do anything else, decides to offer his assistance. "You mean to tell me that you don't even know what you guys are gonna do yet?"

Lucky runs his hands through his hair, irritated. "That's just it, Mike. I have no idea what to do. I have plenty of money, so that's not the problem. I already know that Emily doesn't want all the Quartermaine stuff - the fancy restaurants and all that. But I'm not sure what to do."

Mike, not being able to stand it any longer, offers his advice. "Can I give you some advice?"

Lucky leans into the bar, listening. "Shoot, Mike."

Mike reaches under the bar and grabs a beer mug. He fills it with "root" beer and hands it to Lucky. "What you need to do, son, is the 'unusual'." Lucky gives him a confused look, Mike continues. "Don't do the same 'ordinary date' that everyone else is going to be doing on Valentine's Day, do the unexpected! You see, dames...I mean, 'young ladies' go for that 'surprise element', you know what I mean?"

Lucky seems to be grasping the idea. "Yeah, I see what you mean...be original, right?"

"Now you've got it!" Mike is proud of himself for being able to bridge an age gap. "I know you fellas of today don't know anything about how to wine and dine a lady, but when you do the romantic thing for a woman, I'm telling you, she'll be putty in your hands."

Lucky grins. "Seems like you're talking from experience, Mike."

Mike grins. "Yeah, well...I'm planning a little 'delight' for myself tomorrow..."

"But Mike," Lucky cuts him off, "who said anything about romantic? We're just friends..."

Mike chides in, "Oh, I'm sorry....I forgot. My mistake." Mike gives him an all-knowing look. "Anyway, think about the things that she likes, remember...it's not about you, it's about making her happy."

Lucky suddenly gets a 'light-bulb's on' expression on his face. He jumps down off the stool and heads for the door. "Thanks, Mike. You're a genius!!" Lucky leaves.

Mike smiles as he continues his bookkeeping. "Yeah, I am, aren't I?"


Nikolas in his bedroom, stands in front of his full length mirror. He's staring at his reflection as he mouths the words "I love you" over and over. Then, as he tries to concentrate, he attempts to say them audibly.

"I...I....", he struggles to concentrate, with tears streaming down his face, "...luu...love, I luuv...." In despair, he slams his fist into the mirror, shattering it.

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