Gregory's Office: Maria told Meg that she was willing to take Benjy and move out. Caitlin walked in while the pair were arguing. She said that she couldn't stop thinking of Trey as her son, which helped Meg and Maria focus on the really important person here -- Benjy. When Gregory got a phone call alerting him that Olivia had been taken in for questioning, he told Ben that he wasn't surprised. Even though Gregory explained the problems he'd been having with Olivia, Ben didn't believe that she was capable of murder.

Maria and Meg reminisced about the friendship they had formed the previous summer and both resolved to do whatever they could to make their current situation work. Ben walked in while they were hugging, and they told him that they'd come to an understanding: They both realized that they had to provide a safe, loving home for Benjy. When Gregory told Caitlin that the police had taken Olivia in for questioning about Francesca's murder, she realized that Olivia might never get Trey back. Gregory told Caitlin that he had one more card to play that would ensure their winning custody of Trey. When Maria saw Ben kissing Meg, she admitted to herself that she loved him more now than she ever did before.

Madame Carmen's Shop: Carmen didn't have any more information beyond her prediction that Annie would fly to the future on the wings of a bird. Annie told her that she was desperate to know if she had a future and prompted Carmen to read further. The next cards caused Carmen to warn that Annie was in serious trouble and that she needed to be careful. When Carmen left the room, Annie pondered the information that Carmen had given her, and wished that the cards could talk. Well, sure enough, they did -- with Gregory and Cole's voices! The next two cards she turned over were the Truth card and the Executioner. Annie needed to talk to someone, and the third card, the Queen of Pentacles, gave her the answer she sought -- Bette.

Olivia's House: Amy and Brad reported to Sean and Emily that their mothers had been taken down to the station. Sean and Emily immediately headed there. Amy and Brad followed, so that Amy could defend herself when Sean found out that she had lied. Meanwhile, back at the house, Cole arrived with Trey's teddy bear. When no one came to the door, he broke in, left the teddy bear, and departed. Annie saw him leaving the house and wondered what he had been up to. When Annie wondered if Bette's turkey was the bird in Carmen's prediction, she saw the gun hidden inside it.

Sunset Beach Police Department: Ricardo was questioning Olivia and Bette when Les came to their rescue. Les told Ricardo that he didn't have enough evidence to hold Olivia and Bette, because there were other suspects who looked just as guilty. Ricardo released them, but warned them that they weren't free to leave town. While Ricardo was present, Brad told them that he had started eating the turkey.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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