THE PARTY: Bette noticed a picture of Amy in the house. The host revealed that he is Amy's father, and commented on how sweet and charming his daughter is. Bette had to stifle a laugh!

Gregory accused Cole of having an affair with Francesca Vargas! He declared that finding Cole at the party has given him more than enough ammunition to break up Cole's marriage to Caitlin. Cole called Caitlin and handed the phone to Gregory, saying that if he was going to tell Caitlin about Cole attending the party with Francesca, why should he wait? Gregory couldn't bring himself to do it. Instead, he said that he wanted to tell Caitlin that he misses her. Caitlin stated that her trip to San Diego was planned to be a family trip, and that she could not even think of leaving until Cole gets there. Cole hoped to get there the next day.

AJ asked Bette to drive Olivia home so he could talk to Cole. AJ walked in on Gregory saying "I beat your father, I'll beat you." Gregory told AJ that Cole was having an affair with Francesca, but AJ refused to believe it.

RICARDO'S APARTMENT: Casey came to ask Ricardo for help with their Melinda problem. Despite Casey's insistence that he and Sara were just friends, Ricardo thought that there was more going on than that. Casey finally admitted that the only reason that nothing more was going on was because he didn't think she was ready for more, considering all she has been through.

SURF CENTRAL: When she came into his room, Antonio said that he would talk to her about what's bothering him -- downstairs. Antonio got dressed and joined Gabi downstairs. Meanwhile, Francesca took one of the pictures of the statue, left the others on Antonio's desk, and climbed out the window.

When Antonio tried not to tell Gabi about his dreams, she insisted that dreams are your mind's way of telling you something important, and that he can't run away from them forever. While Gabi was trying to convince Antonio to tell her what his dreams are about, Ricardo came to deliver some documents to Casey. Antonio went back up to bed, and Ricardo gave Gabi another goodnight kiss. Antonio prayed for strength.

ST. JOSEPH'S: Francesca opened her evening bag and discovered that it's Bette's bag -- and Bette had hers! Just as she was about to leave to switch the bags back, Cole confronted her about the presence of AJ, Gregory and Olivia at the party. Francesca informed him that she brought home the wrong bag, so he decided that he'd switch the bags back. He asked what she could have been thinking that had her so distracted, and stormed off. She looked at a picture of them together and admitted that she was thinking about him. Later, AJ asked Francesca about the nature of her relationship with Cole.

OLIVIA'S HOUSE: Bette tried to get Olivia to talk about what was bothering her, but she refused. Olivia asked Bette for some aspirin, and Bette said that there's some aspirin in her evening bag. As Olivia was in the process of opening the bag, she was interrupted by Caitlin calling to tell her how much she and Trey miss her.

CUMMINGS HOUSE: Bob told Sara that he has come to save her from Melinda's false accusations. He said that the key was to continue denying that they had ever been intimate. When she rebuffed his advances, he said that he knows that this is about her involvement with Casey. Sara explained that the photos with Casey were faked and Bob was relieved. Sara insisted that what she and Bob had was over. He insisted that it wasn't, and kissed her. Just then, Casey walked in. Fortunately, Casey stayed long enough to overhear Sara ask Bob to stop kissing her. He defended Sara from Bob's advances by punching him!

Bob left, and Casey comforted Sara. Sara thought that it'd actually be easier to get past her history with Bob with him in town. Casey announced that maybe they can beat Melinda at her own game.

OLIVIA'S HOUSE: Cole sneaked in to switch the evening bags, and Olivia caught him -- with the emeralds in her hands.

Source: Soap Opera Digest

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