Season One, Episode Nineteen - Darkness Falls

1x19 - Darkness Falls

     "Manly Men" . . . Mulder moved to the projection screen in the darkened basement that was their office. "Take a good look, Scully." He walked over and sat down on the edge of a desk, looking at her.

      "What am I looking at? she replied, only the slightest bit of interest in her voice.

      "Thirty loggers working a clear-cutting contract in Washington state." He looked towards her once more where she sat across the room on a bar-type stool. "Rugged manly men in the full bloom of their manhood."

Looking Back

     She passed over his comment with little fanfare, and instead clarified her earlier question. "Right, but what am I looking for?" Her gaze was locked on the screen and consequently Mulder was in her direct line of vision.

     He smiled, turning his attention from the projector screen to his partner and then back again, "anything strange, unexplainable, unlikely. " He paused, "a boyfriend?"

     At that, she allowed herself a small smile and a short puff of laughter.

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