Season Four, Episode Six - Sanguinarium

4x6 - Sanguinarium

     "You Jest, Scully" . . . "What was that prescription that Dr. Lloyd was taking?" Mulder asked as he reached down for a pharmaceutical reference book lying on his motel bed. He handed the book to Scully as she questioned, "the sleeping pills?"

     "No," he immediately responded. "The stomach antacid." Gesturing to the book, he commanded, "read me what it's made from." Settling down upon the bed, he gazed up at his partner as she rifled through the reference book.

     "An anti-spasmodic whose active ingredients," she read aloud as Mulder leaned back slightly on the bed, "include Belladonna, Alkaloid --"

     " -- Belladonna," Mulder interrupted. "It's also known as witch's berry. That's an herb used in hexing rituals."

     "Mulder, do you know how many pharmaceuticals listed in the P.D.R. contain Belladonna?" Scully asked, slight frustration in her voice. Witches, she thought in disbelief, he was blaming the murders on witchcraft.

     "Yeah, just one," he offered automatically as he held up his index finger, eager to show off that he'd done his homework, "the one that Dr. Lloyd was taking."

     Scully closed the reference book and responded dryly, "well, if it's that simple, why don't you put out an APB for someone riding a broom and wearing a tall, black hat."

     Mulder scrunched up his face and nodded, his eyes closed. "You jest, Scully," he commented as his eyes opened and once more met her gaze.

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